
"Sun Tzu said: In the operations of war, where there are in the field a thousand swift chariots, as many heavy chariots, and a hundred thousand mail-clad soldiers, with provisions enough to carry them a thousand LI, the expenditure at home and at the front, including entertainment of guests, small items such as glue and paint, and sums spent on chariots and armor, will reach the total of a thousand ounces of silver per day. Such is the cost of raising an army of 100,000 men.

When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men's weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be damped. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your strength.

Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.

Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.

Thus, though we have heard of stupid haste in war, cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.

There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.

It is only one who is thoroughly acquainted with the evils of war that can thoroughly understand the profitable way of carrying it on...."

From the Art of War

Sup, ANC

Still angry at the US for doing exactly what we said we'd do? Art of War also has ton's of stuff about not letting the enemy pick your ground for battle and don't advance if there is no benefit.

These are the things old men who are far away from the field of battle talk about. The mud will be melting in about a month. Armies have been swallowed up in mud in past times. That kind of thing.

Flame throwers. Flaaaame throwers. There is no military purpose for using them. Still. the people of Ukraine remain.

I understand why you are angry at us.
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you can get the captions to auto translate very good actual info instead of pictures of women with kalashnikovs. Seems like entire eastern Ukrainian army about to get enveloped/cauldroned
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Sup, ANC

Still angry at the US for doing exactly what we said we'd do? Art of War also has ton's of stuff about not letting the enemy pick your ground for battle and don't advance if there is no benefit.

These are the things old men who are far away from the field of battle talk about. The mud will be melting in about a month. Armies have been swallowed up in mud in past times. That kind of thing.

Flame throwers. Flaaaame throwers. There is no military purpose for using them. Still. the people of Ukraine remain.

I understand why you are angry at us.
You must confuse me with someone? I wouldn't be a member of a mostly US forum if I were angry at you.
I apologize, I can jump to wrong conclusions. Some of your posts stung and I interpreted incorrectly. That's on me.
When I make statements that jar, it has more to do with autism than intention. After years most people would agree that I am conflict-averse and gentle.

I understand more every day about this conflict and it is not looking good. The optics are open for manipulation by both sides.
When I make statements that jar, it has more to do with autism than intention. After years most people would agree that I am conflict-averse and gentle.

I understand more every day about this conflict and it is not looking good. The optics are open for manipulation by both sides.
Yes, that's the case in every war, Thankfully in some cases morality & humanity unite the world and make a mockery of the other side.
When I make statements that jar, it has more to do with autism than intention. After years most people would agree that I am conflict-averse and gentle.

I understand more every day about this conflict and it is not looking good. The optics are open for manipulation by both sides.
That's why its so important to look at both sides propaganda (because that's what it is) throw in some "neutral" news agencies and form own picture of what is happening. Truth is usually somewhere in the middle.
That's why its so important to look at both sides propaganda (because that's what it is) throw in some "neutral" news agencies and form own picture of what is happening. Truth is usually somewhere in the middle.
What exactly is your “own picture”? This post seems to portray the “bad people on both sides” scenario. Can you clarify please, I don’t want to jump to “your a dick” prematurely.
Pravda Brewery, based in Lviv, Ukraine, has suspended its beer brewing operations and is now making Molotov cocktails for residents to use against invading Russian forces. The labels on the bottles say “Putin is a dickhead.”

They may all die but their not doing it on their knees, Ukrainians seem to enjoy telling the shirtless midget to fuck off.


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What exactly is your “own picture”? This post seems to portray the “bad people on both sides” scenario. Can you clarify please, I don’t want to jump to “your a dick” prematurely.
My own picture is that the Russians have had 100% air superiority 3 days now but haven't bombed the infrastructure and are busy surrounding major cities and the entirety of the Donbass forces.

The risk when you have the same guy in charge for so long is one day is going to wake up a little crazy... But I doubt grandpa had much sleep these last 4 days. P{robably half his inner circle is starting to figure out this ends with a single bullet.
Pravda Brewery, based in Lviv, Ukraine, has suspended its beer brewing operations and is now making Molotov cocktails for residents to use against invading Russian forces. The labels on the bottles say “Putin is a dickhead.”

They may all die but their not doing it on their knees, Ukrainians seem to enjoy telling the shirtless midget to fuck off.
This is a war of national liberation and in war attitude is very important, they will use the weapons we provide and die with them in their hands. It won't be like Afghanistan at all, the Russians won't be left with much except rubble, if we can keep them supplied, even in western Ukraine.

Wars have unintended consequences and I feel this one will be full of them and none will be good for Vlad. All the former soviet republics and Stans must be in a Panic after Vlad revealed his Soviet nightmare.
My own picture is that the Russians have had 100% air superiority 3 days now but haven't bombed the infrastructure and are busy surrounding major cities and the entirety of the Donbass forces.
Stingers stop tactical air support and helicopter envelopments, high level bombing is their only option and they don't have many smart bombs, or bombers.