
US Says Russia Was Responsible for Cyberattack Against Ukrainian Banks
Russian military intelligence was behind the recent spate of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that briefly knocked Ukrainian banking and government websites offline, a senior U.S. official said Friday.

Deputy National Security Advisor Anne Neuberger told journalists at the White House that Washington was seeking to hold Russia to account for its aggressive moves in cyberspace.

"Russia likes to move in the shadows and counts on a long process of attribution," Neuberger said. "In light of that, we're moving quickly to attribute the DDoS attacks. We believe the Russian government is responsible for widespread attacks on Ukrainian banks this week."
Neuberger said that Americans have data showing that infrastructure connected with Russia's military agency, generally known as the GRU, "was seen transmitting high volumes of communication to Ukraine-based IP addresses and domains.”

Russia has denied any role.

peanut gallery

Welfare Trailer Trash
The only way that we could know Russia is hacking and doing cyber attacks,is because we are spying on them and doing major hacking and cyber attacks against them.

Edifying the Needful
While the Canadian & US governments do the same to those people who don't agree with them. Want proof? Turdeau is illegally seizing bank accounts of the freedom convoy...

And the US knows it was connected to the Russian military infrastructure because?...That's right, the US is spying on the Russian military.

Unless there is proof...........Donald Trump won the election. See the logic, there?

Oh the price we will pay for Hunter getting paid by Russia and Ukraine. Yet to hear from his Chinese employers.

Biden you telling lies again, c'mon dementia, time for a new nappy.

Steven Wilson
It came from a senior US Official.
Another words... the CIA Propaganda Machine.

Can you get much dumber?
US Says Russia Was Responsible for Cyberattack Against Ukrainian Banks
Russian military intelligence was behind the recent spate of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks that briefly knocked Ukrainian banking and government websites offline, a senior U.S. official said Friday.

Deputy National Security Advisor Anne Neuberger told journalists at the White House that Washington was seeking to hold Russia to account for its aggressive moves in cyberspace.

"Russia likes to move in the shadows and counts on a long process of attribution," Neuberger said. "In light of that, we're moving quickly to attribute the DDoS attacks. We believe the Russian government is responsible for widespread attacks on Ukrainian banks this week."
Neuberger said that Americans have data showing that infrastructure connected with Russia's military agency, generally known as the GRU, "was seen transmitting high volumes of communication to Ukraine-based IP addresses and domains.”

Russia has denied any role.

peanut gallery

Welfare Trailer Trash
The only way that we could know Russia is hacking and doing cyber attacks,is because we are spying on them and doing major hacking and cyber attacks against them.

Edifying the Needful
While the Canadian & US governments do the same to those people who don't agree with them. Want proof? Turdeau is illegally seizing bank accounts of the freedom convoy...

And the US knows it was connected to the Russian military infrastructure because?...That's right, the US is spying on the Russian military.

Unless there is proof...........Donald Trump won the election. See the logic, there?

Oh the price we will pay for Hunter getting paid by Russia and Ukraine. Yet to hear from his Chinese employers.

Biden you telling lies again, c'mon dementia, time for a new nappy.

Steven Wilson
It came from a senior US Official.
Another words... the CIA Propaganda Machine.

Can you get much dumber?
wonder how many of them are the same troll farmer...be funny if there were threads where they're just trolling each other on hundreds of devices....
The shirtless midget isn't going to use nukes over ukraine, no one wins with nukes.
But then, is this really over Ukraine? And you can’t declare someone as insane/crazy and at the same time expect that person to let something like rationality get in the way. So many potential motivations for Putin are suggested, many seem plausible but none reasonable or smart. Seems more emotionally fueled or plain madness. His idea of what it means to ‘win’ might not be quite what we consider a win. And just as with Nazi Germany, people tend to assume a dictatorship is strictly ran and the leader has ultimate control down to every button that can be pushed, but in reality it’s a shitshow where any chain of command is unstable. Wouldn’t be the first time some Russian dumb & dumber touch buttons they shouldn’t.

Putin sure is feeling safe behind his nukes. Meddling in US and other elections, cyber attacks on wealthy and powerful nations, attacking neighbors, messing with the global economy while we try to recover from an ongoing pandemic… Just doesn’t seem like a strategy that will benefit Russia or Putin. Just pisses people off yet that doesn’t seem to be a concern of Putin.
But then, is this really over Ukraine? And you can’t declare someone as insane/crazy and at the same time expect that person to let something like rationality get in the way. So many potential motivations for Putin are suggested, many seem plausible but none reasonable or smart. Seems more emotionally fueled or plain madness. His idea of what it means to ‘win’ might not be quite what we consider a win. And just as with Nazi Germany, people tend to assume a dictatorship is strictly ran and the leader has ultimate control down to every button that can be pushed, but in reality it’s a shitshow where any chain of command is unstable. Wouldn’t be the first time some Russian dumb & dumber touch buttons they shouldn’t.

Putin sure is feeling safe behind his nukes. Meddling in US and other elections, cyber attacks on wealthy and powerful nations, attacking neighbors, messing with the global economy while we try to recover from an ongoing pandemic… Just doesn’t seem like a strategy that will benefit Russia or Putin. Just pisses people off yet that doesn’t seem to be a concern of Putin.
When things threaten your trillion dollar empire, crazy or not, you figure it out
But then, is this really over Ukraine? And you can’t declare someone as insane/crazy and at the same time expect that person to let something like rationality get in the way. So many potential motivations for Putin are suggested, many seem plausible but none reasonable or smart. Seems more emotionally fueled or plain madness. His idea of what it means to ‘win’ might not be quite what we consider a win. And just as with Nazi Germany, people tend to assume a dictatorship is strictly ran and the leader has ultimate control down to every button that can be pushed, but in reality it’s a shitshow where any chain of command is unstable. Wouldn’t be the first time some Russian dumb & dumber touch buttons they shouldn’t.

Putin sure is feeling safe behind his nukes. Meddling in US and other elections, cyber attacks on wealthy and powerful nations, attacking neighbors, messing with the global economy while we try to recover from an ongoing pandemic… Just doesn’t seem like a strategy that will benefit Russia or Putin. Just pisses people off yet that doesn’t seem to be a concern of Putin.

Let's assume Putin is a genius. How about this:

Nah, sorry, can't go there.
When things threaten your trillion dollar empire, crazy or not, you figure it out
Some Russian troll was knocking about in this forum stirring up shit and telling us how stupid we all are. I took some interest in trolling back and talked about Putin's dirty money taken out of Russia to the detriment of the people of Russia. Of course, he snarked all over that. After I wildly exaggerated the size of Putin's illegal money empire by about $2.5 trillion, the troll laughed at me and said it's "only $200 Billion". :lol:

I can't make this shit up.
When things threaten your trillion dollar empire, crazy or not, you figure it out
Putin doing it for the money is one of those motivations that seem both very plausible and dumb (of him) at the same time. The wealth/dollars is just a means to have power. So that merely shifts the problem, power to do what? To gain more money/power? There has to be an ultimate reason or explanation for this extremely irresponsible and risky behavior. Probably something very simple. Maybe he was a vertically challenged fat kid with man boobs who got called a midget a lot and he’s overcompensating now. Or maybe something stranger than fiction, he think he’s the reincarnation of Catherine the Great (added Belarus, Crimea, Ukraine and a few other areas to the Russian Empire). Either way, seems like he himself is the greatest threat to whatever he values most.
Putin doing it for the money is one of those motivations that seem both very plausible and dumb (of him) at the same time. The wealth/dollars is just a means to have power. So that merely shifts the problem, power to do what? To gain more money/power? There has to be an ultimate reason or explanation for this extremely irresponsible and risky behavior. Probably something very simple. Maybe he was a vertically challenged fat kid with man boobs who got called a midget a lot and he’s overcompensating now. Or maybe something stranger than fiction, he think he’s the reincarnation of Catherine the Great (added Belarus, Crimea, Ukraine and a few other areas to the Russian Empire). Either way, seems like he himself is the greatest threat to whatever he values most.
there's a legend that Catherine died while attempting to have sex with a horse....perhaps pootin' could try that?

seems like he himself is the greatest threat to whatever he values most.
just like trump...
Text based rambling, thats all my post here is, I won't even bother spellchecking :)

I've been listening to CCP and Russian state medias for years, via the media in their own countries (sometimes, part of my job).

The message the CCP gave out; that they are allied with Russia (East) and not the US (West). That should raise alarm bells.
The fact the CCP stated they will 'remove the US from Asia' (probably, starting with the Solomon Islands).
How they are going to do that, is the trick:.
The CCP and somewhat Russia (in 2022) will attempt to show the world that Communism/dictatorship/their leadership is superior to democracy/US etc. They plan to do this by showing the disharmony in the US (and elsewhere) over the years.
the CCP (and Russia) funded many 'groups' ..idiots; on both the Left+Right of politics, that caused 'issues' in the US.
CCP+Russia, have done this for years. Look into that.
Worse, they (and other enemy countries) have been recording every digital image online, from the troubles in the US and elsewhere (over the years).
And, now use that imagery to support things like segregation, population culling, banning feminism etc. As do, all their allies.
They have that imagery, stored in their media vaults, for thousands of years to come.
Just imagine, the effects on future society the media imagery will have (the first time inhibitory this is truly possible).

The internet after-all, is actually a primitive form of time travel (those of us in the High Tech sector, know this too well).

Did I mention, the US told/taught the CCP a lot about its security systems (including procedures used by fbi+cia etc).
Happened when the US showed the CCP how to 'spy' on Russia. That, was a great play! Not.
This, happened a time back (before all this kicked off).

Why are they getting feisty now?
Russia has 'rebuilt' itself and Putin wants as much of Soviet Russia back as possible.
The CCP (China) want to whole Silk Road back and the world rule they once had . You know the rule, the one they had before Imperial Britain took it away from them ..all that time back (the deeper truths, of the original Opium wars).
Did I mention the CCP already stated the Opium trade again? Its called the 'fentanyl epidemic' now.

And all that Russian rebuilding, thanks to EU corruption (corrupt member countries, funnelled Billions of Western public money into Russia to rebuild it). One of the more 'secret' reasons, the UK left.
Then, the EU countries (including the UK) became dependant on Russian gas (compounding the problem).
Putin, is probably the richest man in the world about now.

As for the CCP, they have taken the entire industrial complex of the West.
Bought much of the machinary and shipped it to China. And, they know how to make the rest.
Thats what you need, if you are going to start a war. Industrial infrastructure to build weapons!!
They also have the largest standing armies (albeit, inexperienced)
Their infiltration of the West; via land investment, corruption of political figures, news networks, the famous, and even the public.
All that, gives them confidence

The final dirty secret:
The fact that all the allied countries with Russia and China ..were allied with Nazis Germany in WW2.
And, remained allied with Nazis Germany after WW2 (to this day, in fact). These countries are even in, South America too.
They all have national socialist ideologies, from ..can you guess yet?
China, believes the Han people are a superior to all others. They cull minorities in concentration camps, they openly state they wish to 'create a super/master race' (via genetics) . I could go on, but I hope you understand by now.

Then, theres whats going down in the Middle East;
the weapons our enemies are giving to Iran (and others).
And the fact the US has dropped its guard, so Iran is alarming.
Thats going to be fun, for Israel ..and many others.

There are many other facts to this game of 'Go' we find ourselves playing (thats the real game we are playing here).
The parallels with the lead up to WW2, are stark.

But, this coming potential war, will not be 'nuclear' (only at its end, might that happen).
It will be (as I was taught, serving) Biological primarily. The public truly has no idea what weapons are out there. The public has an exceptional limited view of it (and this work/secrecy has been going on since WW2!)

All the heads knew (going back to the Cold War) ..WW3 was going to start with Biological attacks.
The public, were always 'seeded' with the nuclear view (a 'mushroom cloud' will appear in their minds eye when WW3 is mentioned).
That, was just to maintain 'fear'. The truth, is something else entirely.

Did I mention countries, in deep secret, have been building 'extinction level event' bases (around the world). These horrible things are meant to replace the old nuclear bases. The best of them, are placed in locations where animal life survived certain extinction events.
Many countries were up to it, over the decades. I think, its given some of them undue confidence, to start the next big one.
But, we'll see.

As my 90 year old dad always says (I come from a long line of professional, military people) -
"Kay Sera Sera! ..get on with your life. Don't worry about it son, I guarantee; you can't change anything and ..won't even feel a thing when it happens"

Horrible ramble, I know. But, there is stuff to 'unpack' in there. Just have to keep details, vague :)
We have a lot of drones and anti radiation missiles (ARM). Send a few squads of drones in followed by F-22s with ARMs about 20 or 30 miles behind. Bye Bye radar, meet the A-10 once again for the first time
That's pretty much how the game goes,you send drones which are way more disposable than a piloted aircraft,try to get a fix on radar locations and blind the system destroying the radars,the game is more complex than that but that is the basic goal. But as I've said before Putin KNOWS he would suffer defeat in a all out conventional war w/the West,he has admitted this,then he brags about his new ICBM's etc.,when he is close to checkmate he will simply order buttons pressed and kick over the chessboard,that is why just thinking about actual battle w/Russia is CRAZY,which is why Biden emphasizes that 1. no US forces in Ukraine and 2.no rescue missions for US citizens that don't leave Ukraine, he knows that a US/NATO vs. Russia confrontation will result in mushroom clouds.
Text based rambling, thats all my post here is, I won't even bother spellchecking :)

I've been listening to CCP and Russian state medias for years, via the media in their own countries (sometimes, part of my job).

The message the CCP gave out; that they are allied with Russia (East) and not the US (West). That should raise alarm bells.
The fact the CCP stated they will 'remove the US from Asia' (probably, starting with the Solomon Islands).
How they are going to do that, is the trick:.
The CCP and somewhat Russia (in 2022) will attempt to show the world that Communism/dictatorship/their leadership is superior to democracy/US etc. They plan to do this by showing the disharmony in the US (and elsewhere) over the years.
the CCP (and Russia) funded many 'groups' ..idiots; on both the Left+Right of politics, that caused 'issues' in the US.
CCP+Russia, have done this for years. Look into that.
Worse, they (and other enemy countries) have been recording every digital image online, from the troubles in the US and elsewhere (over the years).
And, now use that imagery to support things like segregation, population culling, banning feminism etc. As do, all their allies.
They have that imagery, stored in their media vaults, for thousands of years to come.
Just imagine, the effects on future society the media imagery will have (the first time inhibitory this is truly possible).

The internet after-all, is actually a primitive form of time travel (those of us in the High Tech sector, know this too well).

Did I mention, the US told/taught the CCP a lot about its security systems (including procedures used by fbi+cia etc).
Happened when the US showed the CCP how to 'spy' on Russia. That, was a great play! Not.
This, happened a time back (before all this kicked off).

Why are they getting feisty now?
Russia has 'rebuilt' itself and Putin wants as much of Soviet Russia back as possible.
The CCP (China) want to whole Silk Road back and the world rule they once had . You know the rule, the one they had before Imperial Britain took it away from them ..all that time back (the deeper truths, of the original Opium wars).
Did I mention the CCP already stated the Opium trade again? Its called the 'fentanyl epidemic' now.

And all that Russian rebuilding, thanks to EU corruption (corrupt member countries, funnelled Billions of Western public money into Russia to rebuild it). One of the more 'secret' reasons, the UK left.
Then, the EU countries (including the UK) became dependant on Russian gas (compounding the problem).
Putin, is probably the richest man in the world about now.

As for the CCP, they have taken the entire industrial complex of the West.
Bought much of the machinary and shipped it to China. And, they know how to make the rest.
Thats what you need, if you are going to start a war. Industrial infrastructure to build weapons!!
They also have the largest standing armies (albeit, inexperienced)
Their infiltration of the West; via land investment, corruption of political figures, news networks, the famous, and even the public.
All that, gives them confidence

The final dirty secret:
The fact that all the allied countries with Russia and China ..were allied with Nazis Germany in WW2.
And, remained allied with Nazis Germany after WW2 (to this day, in fact). These countries are even in, South America too.
They all have national socialist ideologies, from ..can you guess yet?
China, believes the Han people are a superior to all others. They cull minorities in concentration camps, they openly state they wish to 'create a super/master race' (via genetics) . I could go on, but I hope you understand by now.

Then, theres whats going down in the Middle East;
the weapons our enemies are giving to Iran (and others).
And the fact the US has dropped its guard, so Iran is alarming.
Thats going to be fun, for Israel ..and many others.

There are many other facts to this game of 'Go' we find ourselves playing (thats the real game we are playing here).
The parallels with the lead up to WW2, are stark.

But, this coming potential war, will not be 'nuclear' (only at its end, might that happen).
It will be (as I was taught, serving) Biological primarily. The public truly has no idea what weapons are out there. The public has an exceptional limited view of it (and this work/secrecy has been going on since WW2!)

All the heads knew (going back to the Cold War) ..WW3 was going to start with Biological attacks.
The public, were always 'seeded' with the nuclear view (a 'mushroom cloud' will appear in their minds eye when WW3 is mentioned).
That, was just to maintain 'fear'. The truth, is something else entirely.

Did I mention countries, in deep secret, have been building 'extinction level event' bases (around the world). These horrible things are meant to replace the old nuclear bases. The best of them, are placed in locations where animal life survived certain extinction events.
Many countries were up to it, over the decades. I think, its given some of them undue confidence, to start the next big one.
But, we'll see.

As my 90 year old dad always says (I come from a long line of professional, military people) -
"Kay Sera Sera! ..get on with your life. Don't worry about it son, I guarantee; you can't change anything and ..won't even feel a thing when it happens"

Horrible ramble, I know. But, there is stuff to 'unpack' in there. Just have to keep details, vague :)
Fuck them both, Dictators are going to do what dictators are going to do unfortunately.

I don't find it a coincidence that both of these countries are the ones Snowden smuggled the NSA files to after he stole them.

China fucked themselves with the 'one child policy', and Russia got caught out when they fucked up by picking Trump (because he couldn't keep his mouth shut and exposed them utterly), and are screwed when the world moves away from burning shit for fuel. So it makes sense that they are doing one last gasp to try to stay relevant before the wheels fall off.

btw, is that how you came across the Convoy stuff to make a thread about it? I was curious about that.
So be it, it's on Vlad's head alone and might end up costing him it. Joe and the national security community have a hard on for Vlad and his buddies and IMHO are horney to kick start cold war 2 and to kick Vlad in the teeth. If they go into Ukraine it might just be a partial invasion, just to see what he can get away with.

I would look for Vlad and oligarch assets such as money in bank accounts in the west to disappear over the next few weeks. Other action might be to seize Russian owned real-estate in America and other Russian owned assets that could even include Trumps golf courses FFS! Vlad and his buddies have probably stashed a trillion dollars worth of wealth in the west in the past decade or so. It would be the end of the nordstream2 and all other pipeline projects, Russia being kicked out of the world banking system. I figure we should cut every internet cable going into Russia that we can, it might not cut them off, but it will slow connections to the outside world to a crawl. The average Russian makes $400/mth and they will be lucky to have a job in a few months, much less make $100/mth.
Man,that would cause some PAIN,I believe the Russian response would be some serious cyber pushback(boom boom out go the lights),a pragmatic solution is for Biden to call Pres. Xi and tell him to lean on his buddy a little about this lunacy Russia is contemplating,China doesn't need the economic clusterFK that could be unleashed if this thing blows up. The ramifications of all this punch and counterpunch stuff is going to be PAIN for all involved.
Text based rambling, thats all my post here is, I won't even bother spellchecking :)

I've been listening to CCP and Russian state medias for years, via the media in their own countries (sometimes, part of my job).

The message the CCP gave out; that they are allied with Russia (East) and not the US (West). That should raise alarm bells.
The fact the CCP stated they will 'remove the US from Asia' (probably, starting with the Solomon Islands).
How they are going to do that, is the trick:.
The CCP and somewhat Russia (in 2022) will attempt to show the world that Communism/dictatorship/their leadership is superior to democracy/US etc. They plan to do this by showing the disharmony in the US (and elsewhere) over the years.
the CCP (and Russia) funded many 'groups' ..idiots; on both the Left+Right of politics, that caused 'issues' in the US.
CCP+Russia, have done this for years. Look into that.
Worse, they (and other enemy countries) have been recording every digital image online, from the troubles in the US and elsewhere (over the years).
And, now use that imagery to support things like segregation, population culling, banning feminism etc. As do, all their allies.
They have that imagery, stored in their media vaults, for thousands of years to come.
Just imagine, the effects on future society the media imagery will have (the first time inhibitory this is truly possible).

The internet after-all, is actually a primitive form of time travel (those of us in the High Tech sector, know this too well).

Did I mention, the US told/taught the CCP a lot about its security systems (including procedures used by fbi+cia etc).
Happened when the US showed the CCP how to 'spy' on Russia. That, was a great play! Not.
This, happened a time back (before all this kicked off).

Why are they getting feisty now?
Russia has 'rebuilt' itself and Putin wants as much of Soviet Russia back as possible.
The CCP (China) want to whole Silk Road back and the world rule they once had . You know the rule, the one they had before Imperial Britain took it away from them ..all that time back (the deeper truths, of the original Opium wars).
Did I mention the CCP already stated the Opium trade again? Its called the 'fentanyl epidemic' now.

And all that Russian rebuilding, thanks to EU corruption (corrupt member countries, funnelled Billions of Western public money into Russia to rebuild it). One of the more 'secret' reasons, the UK left.
Then, the EU countries (including the UK) became dependant on Russian gas (compounding the problem).
Putin, is probably the richest man in the world about now.

As for the CCP, they have taken the entire industrial complex of the West.
Bought much of the machinary and shipped it to China. And, they know how to make the rest.
Thats what you need, if you are going to start a war. Industrial infrastructure to build weapons!!
They also have the largest standing armies (albeit, inexperienced)
Their infiltration of the West; via land investment, corruption of political figures, news networks, the famous, and even the public.
All that, gives them confidence

The final dirty secret:
The fact that all the allied countries with Russia and China ..were allied with Nazis Germany in WW2.
And, remained allied with Nazis Germany after WW2 (to this day, in fact). These countries are even in, South America too.
They all have national socialist ideologies, from ..can you guess yet?
China, believes the Han people are a superior to all others. They cull minorities in concentration camps, they openly state they wish to 'create a super/master race' (via genetics) . I could go on, but I hope you understand by now.

Then, theres whats going down in the Middle East;
the weapons our enemies are giving to Iran (and others).
And the fact the US has dropped its guard, so Iran is alarming.
Thats going to be fun, for Israel ..and many others.

There are many other facts to this game of 'Go' we find ourselves playing (thats the real game we are playing here).
The parallels with the lead up to WW2, are stark.

But, this coming potential war, will not be 'nuclear' (only at its end, might that happen).
It will be (as I was taught, serving) Biological primarily. The public truly has no idea what weapons are out there. The public has an exceptional limited view of it (and this work/secrecy has been going on since WW2!)

All the heads knew (going back to the Cold War) ..WW3 was going to start with Biological attacks.
The public, were always 'seeded' with the nuclear view (a 'mushroom cloud' will appear in their minds eye when WW3 is mentioned).
That, was just to maintain 'fear'. The truth, is something else entirely.

Did I mention countries, in deep secret, have been building 'extinction level event' bases (around the world). These horrible things are meant to replace the old nuclear bases. The best of them, are placed in locations where animal life survived certain extinction events.
Many countries were up to it, over the decades. I think, its given some of them undue confidence, to start the next big one.
But, we'll see.

As my 90 year old dad always says (I come from a long line of professional, military people) -
"Kay Sera Sera! ..get on with your life. Don't worry about it son, I guarantee; you can't change anything and ..won't even feel a thing when it happens"

Horrible ramble, I know. But, there is stuff to 'unpack' in there. Just have to keep details, vague :)
WOW man,I'm truly horrified by that
If you ignore the location, what frightens me is that it looks like a map from 1939.
I was thinking pincers coming from the east. If you ignore location, 1940 works too.

That's why I posted it.

This is a cold war, not a hot one, unless you live in an area where Putin's Russia is conducting a proxy war against the entire Western world. The imagery was meant to trigger us into envisioning WW2. IMO.

So now he's doing what North Korea is doing with his missiles. Think about that. A teensy country with zero influence in the world has one knob to turn, so they work that thing hard.

People are triggering on nuclear war. The population of Russia are practicing duck, cover and kiss your ass goodbye drills. It's scary, I'm affected too. I accept the possibility that I could be wrong but haven't yet seen what would change my mind. I still think that Russia will not invade Ukraine.

Putin has put himself into a position he can't win unless the West fucks up. He's not a genius but he is pretty smart and knows his psy ops. So, what is he doing?

Putin, his oligarchs, US billionaires, Murdoch, Trump's corrupted GOP, all of them must be shitting their pants when they see how much progress Biden and Democrats have managed in less than one year.

I think his strategy is to give a nudge to his allies in the GOP so that the US voting population gives Republicans a resounding victory in Congress this fall. This whole war thing is a distraction and grist for the right wing media mill to paint Democrats as war mongers.
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