
he does. he wants a war.
Well Russia is looking like they want to give him one.

I'm guessing the US has introduced the same kind of laws?

"Beijing was angered by laws introduced by Australia in 2019 that banned foreign donations to political parties and covert foreign interference in Australian politics.

The government explained that the laws were a response to foreign interference in U.S. and French presidential elections plus the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom.

In 2020, Di Sanh Duong, a Melbourne-based leader of a Chinese community organization and former political candidate, became the first person to be charged with foreign interference."
No, luckily for you guys we (and the UK) got attacked first and you got a good warning because of it. We just had to oust the Manchurian candidate who wanted to be our Dear Leader, and now are working through the rest of them that are stopping us from passing legislation. I am happy that you guys don't have to go through the same.

Russian invasion of Ukraine set for '3am today' with missiles and tank attack
Intelligence sources state Russia's invasion of Ukraine will begin on Wednesday afternoon with Europe on the brink of war despite Vladimir Putin pulling back some of his country's forces
Chris Hughes in Ukraine
  • 09:55, 15 Feb 2022
  • UPDATED00:01, 16 Feb 2022
Kremlin chiefs will order an attack on Ukraine at 3am local time today, American intelligence agencies believe.
They could target Kyiv’s military and government command and control centres with a barrage of air strikes before tanks roll over the border.

Wednesday is over, it's now Thursday. Still no invasion.
Someone is telling lies
And who is 'Chris Hughes'? Why should we trust what you posted is from a legit source?
of course russia is misleading the world...that's what they've always done.
they were an unwilling ally one time....EVER...the rest of their existence they have been the enemy, and continue to be the enemy....
I see Biden's repeated messaging about "invasion imminent" as a troll on Putin. I get the sense that Putin's strategy depended on US saying "oh nooooes, we'll negotiate, what do you want Vlad". Instead it's: "sources say false flag and invasion imminent. If you invade, we will take away your bankroll with sanctions and make all of Russia regret you were ever born" (OK, so not literally, artistic license and all that)
I see Biden's repeated messaging about "invasion imminent" as a troll on Putin. I get the sense that Putin's strategy depended on US saying "oh nooooes, we'll negotiate, what do you want Vlad". Instead it's: "sources say false flag and invasion imminent. If you invade, we will take away your bankroll with sanctions and make all of Russia regret you were ever born" (OK, so not exactly that, artistic license and all that)
that's how i would go...i'd get my cabinet of experts to make suggestions for the sanctions that would cause the most trouble for pootin as soon as possible, and i'd hit him with every one of them..seize ALL russian owned properties on u.s. territory, seize and immediately redistribute all russian held bank accounts that we can get our hands on, give the money to every enemy pootin has ever had...
and blow both those motherfucking pipelines up, all the way back to russian territory, they'll need that lng to stay warm next winter, since they won't be able to afford a vacation any place warm...if vlad gets cold, he can burn that super yacht, the fire should last for at least a week
Just a thought I had (after hearing it on NPR). Putin might be trying to out some of our spies. The way it could work is to tell one person a certain set of number or dates or what ever. Then you wait and see if those are publicly released. President Joe Rob needs to tread carefully. Well placed spies are hard to come by.
Just a thought I had (after hearing it on NPR). Putin might be trying to out some of our spies. The way it could work is to tell one person a certain set of number or dates or what ever. Then you wait and see if those are publicly released. President Joe Rob needs to tread carefully. Well placed spies are hard to come by.
i would hope his security advisors pointed that out to him, and vet what it's ok for him to say publicly...because presidents have cabinets and advisors for just that purpose....unlike pumpkin head who gave cabinet posts to his golfing buddies and ignored all his advisors...
I see Biden's repeated messaging about "invasion imminent" as a troll on Putin. I get the sense that Putin's strategy depended on US saying "oh nooooes, we'll negotiate, what do you want Vlad". Instead it's: "sources say false flag and invasion imminent. If you invade, we will take away your bankroll with sanctions and make all of Russia regret you were ever born" (OK, so not literally, artistic license and all that)
Bidens been escalating the whole thing for weeks now. Biden says this, Biden threatens that. Even the leader of Ukraine has asked him to calm down as he is just making things worse. Guess its to try to make him look strong to the American people and booster his polls, Americans love a war. Guess Murdock is also fanning the flames. Dangerous game they are playing.
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No, luckily for you guys we (and the UK) got attacked first and you got a good warning because of it. We just had to oust the Manchurian candidate who wanted to be our Dear Leader, and now are working through the rest of them that are stopping us from passing legislation. I am happy that you guys don't have to go through the same.
Foreign powers have tried to interfere in elections for probably hundreds of years.

So Fogdog is having a go at Australia for bringing in a law to help prevent foreign intervention on elected officials and elections and the US has no laws in place despite it happening in at least (at the very least) the last two US Federal elections? You would think it would be a priority before the next election especially after the attempted take over of your democracy by the Republican party in attempting to instill a Dictator. Who is still free to run in the next election..

I don't know why Fogdog thinks its a bad law but I for one are happy its in place and it is identifying issues and prosecuting. I'm kinda shocked it hasn't been addressed by your lawmakers and people like Fogdog don't want it.
Luke is an outside the box kind of thinker.

They say it’s better to be lucky than smart.
I try to be. Tis how I was educated. I really don't like the way kids are not taught how to think for themselves or play devil's advocate anymore. Perhaps they still are in Private schools? IDK.

100%. But let's face it you make your own luck in life. You don't need to be smart to be happy (I'm a perfect example of that)

I was having lunch with an old friend today and we were talking about this today. He works about the same hours as me, about 16 hours a week, maybe a little less and is about to commence the building of 10 units on a block he has an old cottage on. When he bought the old cottage a few years ago a couple said what a stupid thing to buy and all doom and gloom. This couple we know who are 10 years older than us (in their 60's) always complain about how they never have enough time for anything, tis all work, work, work for the man. This couple have no mortgage and stupidly high superannuation's. Could retire tomorrow. But they won't create their own luck and lifestyle. She is very smart and we are not very smart. They are not as happy as they could be. Life's only 1 lap and we don't know where the finish line is.

Sorry for the ramble, had a bottle of wine at lunch and having pre dinner drinks at home.
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Foreign powers have tried to interfere in elections for probably hundreds of years.

So Fogdog is having a go at Australia for bringing in a law to help prevent foreign intervention on elected officials and elections and the US has no laws in place despite it happening in at least (at the very least) the last two US Federal elections? You would think it would be a priority before the next election especially after the attempted take over of your democracy by the Republican party in attempting to instill a Dictator. Who is still free to run in the next election..

I don't know why Fogdog thinks its a bad law but I for one are happy its in place and it is identifying issues and prosecuting. I'm kinda shocked it hasn't been addressed by your lawmakers and people like Fogdog don't want it.
The method is new enough that it fuzzied up the laws enough that new ones are needed.

We are still in the mist of a insurrection, and it is really annoying that you don't seem to get that.

But hey, who knows if it doesn't end well here, you will understand when China invades you guys and disappears the people there that disagree with the new Dear Leader there.
The method is new enough that it fuzzied up the laws enough that new ones are needed.

We are still in the mist of a insurrection, and it is really annoying that you don't seem to get that.

But hey, who knows if it doesn't end well here, you will understand when China invades you guys and disappears the people there that disagree with the new Dear Leader there.

But I do understand that America is in the midst of insurrection and even maybe, just maybe the early stages of breakaway states or worse. I do.

Some of you think i'm anti American and that's far from the truth. The worlds democracies need America to be the guiding light, its protector. But it also needs to be held accountable. It needs to be held accountable because it is a democracy and it wields so much diverstating power. People who question and bring to light should be encouraged so that its people has more control over what its Gov does. It makes America and how its viewed and dealt with on a world scale much, much stronger.
Bidens been escalating the whole thing for weeks now. Biden says this, Biden threatens that. Even the leader of Ukraine has asked him to calm down as he is just making things worse. Guess its to try to make him look strong to the American people and booster his polls, Americans love a war. Guess Murdock is also fanning the flames. Dangerous game they are playing.
That's a dangerous game (you just made up in your head)
The method is new enough that it fuzzied up the laws enough that new ones are needed.

We are still in the mist of a insurrection, and it is really annoying that you don't seem to get that.

But hey, who knows if it doesn't end well here, you will understand when China invades you guys and disappears the people there that disagree with the new Dear Leader there.
He doesn't have a clue.

Chinese government-sanctioned dirty money corrupting their democracy is his country's threat and he's angry at the US. It's so crazy only an Aussie could think that.

Thats a dangerous game (you just made up in your head)
Feel free to do your own searching but its been reported a fair bit.

"On Monday, Mr Zelensky told the nation that the situation was "under control" and that there was "no reason to panic".

In an interview aired late on Monday, the Defence Minister acknowledged that "there are risky scenarios" that "are possible and probable in the future".

"But, as of today … such a threat doesn't exist."
Oleksiy Danilov, the secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defence Council, echoed that sentiment, saying that the movement of Russian troops near Ukraine's border was "not news".

"As of today, we don't see any grounds for statements about a full-scale offensive on our country," Mr Danilov said Monday"

He doesn't have a clue.

Chinese government-sanctioned dirty money corrupting their democracy is his country's threat and he's angry at the US. It's so crazy only an Aussie could think that.

We caught some of them to! You need some laws to do that to id suggest. How am I angry at the US?
But I do understand that America is in the midst of insurrection and even maybe, just maybe the early stages of breakaway states or worse. I do.

Some of you think i'm anti American and that's far from the truth. The worlds democracies need America to be the guiding light, its protector. But it also needs to be held accountable. It needs to be held accountable because it is a democracy and it wields so much diverstating power. People who question and bring to light should be encouraged so that its people has more control over what its Gov does. It makes America and how its viewed and dealt with on a world scale much, much stronger.
So now, in 2022, we have to be held accountable? Because we're a guiding light?
America has done what it does for 75 years. We've committed the grossest atrocities, subverted governments for our own gain, invaded countries we're not at war with, repeatedly and unconstitutionally. Drone strikes, SpecOps, cruise missles, all used on innocent civilians. We especially love to kill Afghan wedding parties, for some reason.

But now we're a guiding light that must be held accountable. lol
So now, in 2022, we have to be held accountable? Because we're a guiding light?
America has done what it does for 75 years. We've committed the grossest atrocities, subverted governments for our own gain, invaded countries we're not at war with, repeatedly and unconstitutionally. Drone strikes, SpecOps, cruise missles, all used on innocent civilians. We especially love to kill Afghan wedding parties, for some reason.

But now we're a guiding light that must be held accountable. lol
Exactly. You can do much, much better.
No, we can't. It is what it is. Now about that guiding light thing?
Of cause America can. Especially with news and information being so close at hand these days. Look at the people who turned up to vote on the last Federal election. Americans do care. Americans such as yourself know your past, accept the past and are willing to make It better. I still think making voting compulsory would help no end.