Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

Should the USA along with NATO defend Ukraine with troops.

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.6%

  • Total voters
"If I were Biden" I'd ship Ukraine a battery of MLRS and those cute little armor seeking bomblet shells. Let Putin come up against some good counter battery radar and MLRS! Let's see how long his little green men can hold up to Arteillery?
that would tickle me pink, but we've made a commitment to not fight in Ukraine, unless they change their minds and ask us to, and i'm not sure if we would even then....
we aren't sending fly swatters.

Pentagon reveals info on $200M military aid to Ukraine, including more Javelins

“This package includes additional Javelin and other anti-armor systems, grenade launchers, munitions, and nonlethal equipment essential to Ukraine’s front-line defenders,” said Marine Corps Lt. Col. Anton Semelroth, a Pentagon spokesman. “Those deliveries are ongoing.”

Some of it's going to end up in the black market. I wish there was a way to defuse it if the arms "disappear".
i don't think all russians are evil, but i do think pootin and the oligarchs are, and they're the ones in charge.
of course their bases are built in countries they control, no one they didn't control would allow them to build a military base inside their country, thats just a silly statement..
America isn't getting anywhere close to russia, even russia doesn't claim that. NATO is getting close, hell, already is close, and will probably get closer...
so tell me, do you think russia will be happy and quit trying to expand if we let them consume Ukraine? Moldava should sleep easy? what about Slovakia and Poland? think they want pootin on their borders? russia needs to be slapped the fuck back inside it's own borders, hard enough for them to know not to get out of their own yard again
oh, and your opinion is just so reassuring.... :roll:
The majority of Russians are not supportive of an invasion, but if anyone thinks that they will influence Putin, their tripping.
He'll do what he wants & I believe that with China's support he's going to invade.
He's gone too far.
War games that surround Ukraine?
That includes moving warships to Ukraine's coastline.
Bull shit

"If I were Biden" I'd ship Ukraine a battery of MLRS and those cute little armor seeking bomblet shells. Let Putin come up against some good counter battery radar and MLRS! Let's see how long his little green men can hold up to Arteillery?
If we were to attempt to deploy that system to Ukraine,Russian satellites would pick up the deployment, it would be seen as a major escalation by them and probably be taken out by a Iskander missile. The Russian military is strongest in it's Army component as it is a traditional land power and is equal or superior to the West in Artillery, Air Defense, and Electronic warfare. Most all of their investment in defense is to support ground forces, this is a big diff. in Military doctrine from the US,and while are Army is excellent,we fund our Navy and Air force to be our main strengths, it's mostly due to the corresponding geographical diffs. of our countries. So when it comes to ground combat, this is an area where Russia is on pretty equal footing,especially when conducted close to Russia where Airlift capability does not factor in.
Just ship the Ukraine the MLRS eqipment and a few of the armor seeking bomblet bombs. Let Ukraine take the manpower on themselves. It's their country.
That sounds like the leading edge of the wedge that got us mired in Indochina and then Afghanistan. No.

We will do better if we arrange and internationally implement sanctions on the aggressor. With their precarious economy, that will hit the oligarchs where they live.
If we were to attempt to deploy that system to Ukraine,Russian satellites would pick up the deployment, it would be seen as a major escalation by them and probably be taken out by a Iskander missile. The Russian military is strongest in it's Army component as it is a traditional land power and is equal or superior to the West in Artillery, Air Defense, and Electronic warfare. Most all of their investment in defense is to support ground forces, this is a big diff. in Military doctrine from the US,and while are Army is excellent,we fund our Navy and Air force to be our main strengths, it's mostly due to the corresponding geographical diffs. of our countries. So when it comes to ground combat, this is an area where Russia is on pretty equal footing,especially when conducted close to Russia where Airlift capability does not factor in.

This will be the War of all Wars if it occurs
No doubt about it
You will have in truth a World War between 2 of the 3 true World's Super Powers, that that have over 75 years to develop a trove of weaponry the likes of which have never been seen/assembled before, because they never could be.

Now we shall see if all of Trillions & Trillions & Trillions of dollars given to the Military/Industrial Complex was worth it

:) :) :)

The reason for all the smiley faces is that I'm laughing so hard at the thought that it was worth it
Because the answer is nope.
No nuclear weapons will be used so they were a waste.
Nah, just conventional

Ukraine/NATO, they're really not I think as important as Joe vs Vlad, that's the show to watch.
If Russia successfully invades Ukraine, which they will, that's when Biden has to put up or shut up
Putin is going to call Joe's hand
Just watch
That sounds like the leading edge of the wedge that got us mired in Indochina and then Afghanistan. No.

We will do better if we arrange and internationally implement sanctions on the aggressor. With their precarious economy, that will hit the oligarchs where they live.
That would/should make sense wouldn't it, but there's that little problem named Putin, who is not sane.
He'll go
This will be the War of all Wars if it occurs
No doubt about it
You will have in truth a World War between 2 of the 3 true World's Super Powers, that that have over 75 years to develop a trove of weaponry the likes of which have never been seen/assembled before, because they never could be.

Now we shall see if all of Trillions & Trillions & Trillions of dollars given to the Military/Industrial Complex was worth it

:) :) :)

The reason for all the smiley faces is that I'm laughing so hard at the thought that it was worth it
Because the answer is nope.
No nuclear weapons will be used so they were a waste.
Nah, just conventional

Ukraine/NATO, they're really not I think as important as Joe vs Vlad, that's the show to watch.
If Russia successfully invades Ukraine, which they will, that's when Biden has to put up or shut up
Putin is going to call Joe's hand
Just watch
Maybe chess is the better description?

Moves, counter moves:

- Vlad puts 100k troops at Ukraine's border and demanded NATO formally exclude Ukraine from being members, NATO said no

- Joe said US would not put troops into Ukraine and communicated that invasion would lead to personal sanctions against Vlad. Vlad was triggered into making some statements he later corrected.

- Vlad ratcheted up the tension by amassing yet more troops -- 150,000 in all and installed missile defense systems in Belarus.

- Biden made very clear that the US is ready to implement severe sanctions against Russia if they invade.

- Vlad says the Kremlin is still seeking a diplomatic mission.

Biden's move is next.

Anyway, I think this is more about Putin testing unity among NATO members. They need LNG from Russia. It's a lever Putin has yet to use but hasn't yet done so. Not sure he will. That would be more like mutually assured destruction because Russia needs that money.
He is sane.
He is also not publicly discussing his ambition to be Tsar of all the Russias, from Gibraltar to Okinawa.
Occupying and ruling large empires is so 19th century.

Why go to all that trouble when you can just buy it?

As Russia has grown more kleptocratic and authoritarian, another form of elite enrichment has become increasingly important, namely extortion by the Kremlin of the truly rich. US businessman and now Putin opponent Bill Browder argues that after Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s conviction in 2005, Putin demanded 50 percent of the wealth of the other oligarchs. “He wasn’t saying 50 percent for the Russian government or the presidential administration, but 50 percent for Vladimir Putin personally. From that moment on, Putin became the biggest oligarch in Russia and the richest man in the world,” Browder testified before the US Senate Judiciary Committee in 2017.25 This is possible, though not proven. What we do know from many interviews is that Kremlin extortion is standard procedure and that tens of millions of dollars are customarily extorted in “donations” for “charity” from individual oligarchs.

Assessments of the Russian offshore holdings vary. James S. Henry of Columbia University assessed for the Tax Justice Network that by the end of 2014 no less than $1.3 trillion of Russian assets were sitting offshore.11 But this number appears too high, presumably because it includes outflows that returned to Russia.12 Filip Novokmet, Thomas Piketty, and Gabriel Zucman have analyzed Russian offshore wealth to analyze inequality, offering a very different perspective on the same facts. They argue that Russia is the country in the world where offshore wealth is most significant “at about $800 billion or 75 percent of national income in 2015.” One can reasonably estimate a figure of $920 billion of net private Russian offshore wealth at the end of 2019.