Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

Should the USA along with NATO defend Ukraine with troops.

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 59 59.6%

  • Total voters
I think Putin play's Chess & Texas Hold'em, both at the same time in this case it seems to me.
His pawns have been advancing methodically, keeping his Royals in reserve and at the same time going all in.
I don't think I'd want to play that board or call that hand.
Either one sucks :(
How about a hockey analogy?

Putin is way offside and has too many men on the ice.
Whoever it was in charge should have told them 3 months ago that if they moved within 100 km of Ukraine's border it would be considered an Act of Aggression & we will act accordingly.
The Russians should never should have gotten that fucking close.
They fucked up, simply put.
Vlad has spent some decent bread since 08,modernizing and restructuring his military and this is a quasi parade to appeal to Russian pride, really one of the few cards he can play.I think these 2 countries w/shared slavic heritage and many customs shedding blood is pretty insane.
Then again I could be wrong as Stalin had no prob. rolling in to Poland and executing many Polish officers in the Kaitlyin forest,and Poles are slavs(I'm 1/2 Polish), though Poland is not so interwined w/Russia as is Ukraine so who knows.
How about a hockey analogy?

Putin is way offside and has too many men on the ice.
Putin needs a charging high stick to his teeth, smashing him with such force into the boards that the hit broke the Plexiglas with his face and then finished him off with a blade across his jugular for good measure :)
That would be fun to see :)
Teeth & blood everywhere
Now that's hockey (at least that's the way I played :) )
How's that analogy @CunningCanuk?
Pretty cool, right?
Putin needs a charging high stick to his teeth, smashing him with such force into the boards that the hit broke the Plexiglas with his face and then finished him off with a blade across his jugular for good measure :)
That would be fun to see :)
Teeth & blood everywhere
Now that's hockey (at least that's the way I played :) )
How's that analogy @CunningCanuk?
Pretty cool, right?
Replace “teeth” with “chicklets” and i’d swear this was written by a Canadian.
I think Putin play's Chess & Texas Hold'em, both at the same time in this case it seems to me.
His pawns have been advancing methodically, keeping his Royals in reserve and at the same time going all in.
I don't think I'd want to play that board or call that hand.
Either one sucks :(

have to agree with ya there, it can be either a queens gambit or a dead mans hand......
The shirtless midget was never going to start WWIII over Ukraine.
Putin is not shallow,he has a high judo blk. belt,in judo they don't just give belts away either,so physically he's got to be pretty tough,mentally ,he;s a KGB man(he enjoys high level head games and understands the power of the mind. With that said I believe him to be a capable adversary not to be taken lightly. He believes the breakup of the Soviet Union is one of history's tragedy's. He is guilty of enriching himself at the cost of his country and operates under a mafia family structure of power. He is a product of his environment where brutality and corruption are the rule. I don't know how it will end for him,the last time Russia was too chaotic for Democracy to prevail and he filled the void,after him hopefully the Russian people will see how their country was held back by him and his oligarchs(capo regimes) concentration of wealth and power and put in place a leader to improve life for Russian citizens and be responsible with their military might.Other than being the 2 most powerful nations post WW2 and the competition that resulted there is no history of animosity between the US and Russian people.
So, now it's the end game.

A recap as I see it.

Putin caused a crisis. He demanded that Ukraine be stricken from even consideration of entering the NATO defense alliance. He built up a force on Ukarine's border and stepped up the proxy civil war in eastern Ukraine. He played the escalate/de-escalate/escalate/de-escalate game of 19th century power politics. Testing and trying to wear down support within the NATO alliance. In the back of everybody in Europe's mind was economic harm if Russia cut off LNG supply. I don't think he threatened that but there was no need to. Somehow China got involved, sort of a boogey man that never made an appearance but scared people anyway.

NATO, with Biden's leadership showed resolute support for both unity within NATO (well, as good as it can get). Also NATO gave support to Ukraine, both diplomatically and in arms. An alliance was struck between NATO and Ukraine's people that was also resolute. Biden walked the narrow line, opposing Russian aggression without committing troops to Ukraine or military involvement. He painted Putin into a corner by telling him point blank that his global dirty money empire will be stripped from him if he invades. Then made clear he wouldn't stop there with sanctions, including. Putin couldn't back down without some sort of face saving measure.

Putin was never going to invade Ukraine. This was political theater, meant to test NATO's unity. Putin learned that his money launderer, Trump, did not manage soften the alliance enough to break under pressure.

He completely lost his bid to break NATO. So, now he's doing his best to save face within Russia.

Russians scoff at Western fears of Ukraine invasion

MOSCOW (AP) — While the U.S. warns that Russia could invade Ukraine any day, the drumbeat of war is all but unheard in Moscow, where pundits and ordinary people alike don’t expect President Vladimir Putin to launch an attack on its ex-Soviet neighbor.

The Kremlin has cast the U.S. warnings of an imminent attack as “hysteria” and “madness,” and many Russians believe that Washington is deliberately stoking panic and fomenting tensions to trigger a conflict for domestic reasons.

Putin’s angry rhetoric about NATO’s plans to expand to Russia’s “doorstep” and its refusal to hear Moscow’s concerns has struck a chord with the public, tapping into a sense of betrayal by the West after the end of the Cold War and widespread suspicion about Western designs.

Wait for it, Fox, OAN and other fake news channels are going to pick this narrative up too and we'll hear it during campaigns by GQP who serve Putin, not the US.

Game's never over but this round goes to the Democratically led US.

Plenty to do, just don't fret over an invasion.
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Putin is not shallow,he has a high judo blk. belt,in judo they don't just give belts away either,so physically he's got to be pretty tough,mentally ,he;s a KGB man(he enjoys high level head games and understands the power of the mind. With that said I believe him to be a capable adversary not to be taken lightly. He believes the breakup of the Soviet Union is one of history's tragedy's. He is guilty of enriching himself at the cost of his country and operates under a mafia family structure of power. He is a product of his environment where brutality and corruption are the rule. I don't know how it will end for him,the last time Russia was too chaotic for Democracy to prevail and he filled the void,after him hopefully the Russian people will see how their country was held back by him and his oligarchs(capo regimes) concentration of wealth and power and put in place a leader to improve life for Russian citizens and be responsible with their military might.Other than being the 2 most powerful nations post WW2 and the competition that resulted there is no history of animosity between the US and Russian people.
Russia has been described as the weak old man of Europe. Putin's threats are a sign of weakness, not strength. But don't think that Russia and the US are anything alike. People are all the same at some level but governments and societies can be different as night and day.
Russia has been described as the weak old man of Europe. Putin's threats are a sign of weakness, not strength. But don't think that Russia and the US are anything alike. People are all the same at some level but governments and societies can be different as night and day.
One good thing about the net is the flow of info available, maybe the next time things open up in Russia for some change the results can be better than the last time, but we know the old saying "you can lead a horse to water.............".
Putin is not shallow,he has a high judo blk. belt,in judo they don't just give belts away either,so physically he's got to be pretty tough,mentally ,he;s a KGB man(he enjoys high level head games and understands the power of the mind. With that said I believe him to be a capable adversary not to be taken lightly. He believes the breakup of the Soviet Union is one of history's tragedy's. He is guilty of enriching himself at the cost of his country and operates under a mafia family structure of power. He is a product of his environment where brutality and corruption are the rule. I don't know how it will end for him,the last time Russia was too chaotic for Democracy to prevail and he filled the void,after him hopefully the Russian people will see how their country was held back by him and his oligarchs(capo regimes) concentration of wealth and power and put in place a leader to improve life for Russian citizens and be responsible with their military might.Other than being the 2 most powerful nations post WW2 and the competition that resulted there is no history of animosity between the US and Russian people.
he was a kgb agent, i fully expect him to be able to murder someone with his hands...that is what the kgb does, when it forgets the umbrella poison guns, the brown noise machine, the pollonium fact, i'd be very surprised if pootin hasn't murdered his fair share of political targets, at first with his own hands/ methods in the field, and who knows how many deaths he's ordered since he stole power?
Putin is not shallow,he has a high judo blk. belt,in judo they don't just give belts away either,so physically he's got to be pretty tough,mentally ,he;s a KGB man(he enjoys high level head games and understands the power of the mind. With that said I believe him to be a capable adversary not to be taken lightly. He believes the breakup of the Soviet Union is one of history's tragedy's. He is guilty of enriching himself at the cost of his country and operates under a mafia family structure of power. He is a product of his environment where brutality and corruption are the rule. I don't know how it will end for him,the last time Russia was too chaotic for Democracy to prevail and he filled the void,after him hopefully the Russian people will see how their country was held back by him and his oligarchs(capo regimes) concentration of wealth and power and put in place a leader to improve life for Russian citizens and be responsible with their military might.Other than being the 2 most powerful nations post WW2 and the competition that resulted there is no history of animosity between the US and Russian people.
Yeah Steven Seagal is super duper fighter too.


Lol I mean Rogan said it, so it must be true right (lol what a joke sellout).

I hear Putin even scored a ton of goals on world class hockey players.


Don't get me wrong, I am not saying Putin is not a killer, but when you have people falling over themselves to make you look good, it is easy to fake the funk.
One good thing about the net is the flow of info available, maybe the next time things open up in Russia for some change the results can be better than the last time, but we know the old saying "you can lead a horse to water.............".
I am going to start agitating my representatives in Congress to strengthen enforcement laws regarding dirty money.

Much of what Putin does depends on soft power he projects through his criminal gang network of spies, thieves, corrupted officials and propaganda networks that give him an army of useful idiots.

It's time to end it by taking away his dirty funds.
Putin is not shallow,he has a high judo blk. belt,in judo they don't just give belts away either,so physically he's got to be pretty tough,mentally ,he;s a KGB man(he enjoys high level head games and understands the power of the mind. With that said I believe him to be a capable adversary not to be taken lightly. He believes the breakup of the Soviet Union is one of history's tragedy's. He is guilty of enriching himself at the cost of his country and operates under a mafia family structure of power. He is a product of his environment where brutality and corruption are the rule. I don't know how it will end for him,the last time Russia was too chaotic for Democracy to prevail and he filled the void,after him hopefully the Russian people will see how their country was held back by him and his oligarchs(capo regimes) concentration of wealth and power and put in place a leader to improve life for Russian citizens and be responsible with their military might.Other than being the 2 most powerful nations post WW2 and the competition that resulted there is no history of animosity between the US and Russian people.

He's a mentally unstable pedo midget, shallow lol.
Dunno, and this is just a guess....think Putin's next move....will be in the elections in Ukraine, prop up a canidate that's friendly to the homeland, in the presidency and in there congress.......

i could be wrong, usually am