
England certainly handed the Super power/Empire batten to America after ww2 but the world police thing is more driven from America by Americans.
Can you name a conflict America entered because the UN requested you to? I can only name one for Australia and that was East Timor (was very successful in every way as well).
Even going back to Vietnam that is a war that is ingrained with our generation, America and its allies were supporting a Govt that Buddhist monks were setting themselves on fire in protest of. Certainly not what a "Police" force should be doing.

I know my Father- a SGT whilst in Vietnam, has never forgiven the US and Australian Government for that war .

Viet Nam is a very dicey subject for me..governments want war not it's peoples..Kent State and over the border were what it mean to me as a child; my uncle was a Marine with Honorable Discharge, a heroin habit..gee thanks Uncle Sam! We lost him one Thanksgiving- he was double patching it by then. if it weren't for Viet Nam, i wouldn't be here as well; so dicey.
Viet Nam is a very dicey subject for me..governments want war not it's peoples..Kent State and over the border were what it mean to me as a child; my uncle was a Marine with Honorable Discharge, a heroin habit..gee thanks Uncle Sam! We lost him one Thanksgiving- he was double patching it by then. if it weren't for Viet Nam, i wouldn't be here as well; so dicey.
I have pretty strong evidence that I was put up for adoption due to Nam,My bio father was in Air Force and He and my Bio mother were not married at the time,so I guess they concluded it was bad timing,later they married and had a girl(my full bio sister that I've never met). I was born at AFB Otis in Bourne Ma.and given to two very nice parents,my dad being a Navy vet, so no foster kid sad story here.As for Lucky Luke's take on US inheriting the British mantle,at least the US didn't colonize and exploit resources like the Brittannia model, as a matter of fact Roosevelt butted heads w/Churchill numerous times over the English tendancy to want to colonize territories post war.
I have pretty strong evidence that I was put up for adoption due to Nam,My bio father was in Air Force and He and my Bio mother were not married at the time,so I guess they concluded it was bad timing,later they married and had a girl(my full bio sister that I've never met). I was born at AFB Otis in Bourne Ma.and given to two very nice parents,my dad being a Navy vet, so no foster kid sad story here.As for Lucky Luke's take on US inheriting the British mantle,at least the US didn't colonize and exploit resources like the Brittannia model, as a matter of fact Roosevelt butted heads w/Churchill numerous times over the English tendancy to want to colonize territories post war.
Anyone see the size of the conference table between Putin and Macron, is Vlad concerned w/covid or Macron's garlic breath.
I have pretty strong evidence that I was put up for adoption due to Nam,My bio father was in Air Force and He and my Bio mother were not married at the time,so I guess they concluded it was bad timing,later they married and had a girl(my full bio sister that I've never met). I was born at AFB Otis in Bourne Ma.and given to two very nice parents,my dad being a Navy vet, so no foster kid sad story here.As for Lucky Luke's take on US inheriting the British mantle,at least the US didn't colonize and exploit resources like the Brittannia model, as a matter of fact Roosevelt butted heads w/Churchill numerous times over the English tendancy to want to colonize territories post war.

my dads birthday was coming up in the bingo hopper so he asked his girlfriend to marry him but our last name was too ethnic; my mom had an abusive stepfather and was a senior in high school.

my parents were married and needed a child (me), so he didn't have to go to war or leave the country.
my dads birthday was coming up in the bingo hopper so he asked his girlfriend to marry him but our last name was too ethnic; my mom had an abusive stepfather and was a senior in high school.

my parents were married and needed a child (me), so he didn't have to go to war or leave the country.
Yes, it's funny how the twists and turns in life,along w/a thing called fate land us where we are in life and how we got to where we are. My parents never concealed that I was adopted from me and I was told at around 7yrs old. My mom and Dad failed 7 times to have their own children. I would have never initiated a search on my own,but a letter showed up in the mail when I was 26,my dad had passed at a young age,Iwas 19, leaving just her. The letter was from my bio sister and mother, and my mom seemed to encourage it, but deep inside I felt she was hurt knowing her past,so after a little letter correspondence I let it all go, just didn't want to chance breaking her heart if I ended up getting on well w/these people.
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While I don't condone the 2nd Iraq war,I thought the WMD cause to go in should have been backed up by the fact that Saddam was violating the UN agreements that ended Gulf war 1 with the no fly zones,he was lighting up air patrols w/AA radars. Bush should have included this in his argument to go back in, then his ass was covered, and lets also give credit to the fact we admitted that we found no WMD. How many other countries would have planted WMD's to cover their asses.We found none and stood up and took the hit and gave the Ayatollas a big present as far as the balance of power in that area is concerned. Americans naively believe people in lands ruled by authoritarian dictators will automatically embrace our ways w/no regard to their cultures and customs THAT is where our fault really lies IMO
Even if he had WMD it was not a just war. We sold him the damn weapons in the first place. This war overturned the applecart of several countries. The damage will be 50-75 years assessing.
Even if he had WMD it was not a just war. We sold him the damn weapons in the first place. This war overturned the applecart of several countries. The. . damage will be 50-75 years assessing.
Well removing Saddam altered the power balance vis a vis Iran, I feel he was armed w/chem weapons because an Iranian victory may have seemed imminent at one point, and our animosity over the hostage taking was only a few years removed, but the resulting can of worms it all opened up,Iranian backed militias, Al-Queda remnants, the rise of Isis created a clusterFK of epic proportions,NO DOUBT, in the end it was a gift to Iran. My point remains however that we didn't plant WMD's as many Govs. unwilling to eat humble pie surely would have done, any country w/a halfway decent intelligence agency could have carried out such a hoax.
I'm also not sure where he got mustard,sarin, and whatever else,I believe he domestically produced some, and that reactor the Israeli's toof out was not designed solely to provide energy. After 911 the paranoia in the US was off the charts,but to move from hunting Bin Laden down pivoting to Iraq so soon was lunacy.
Am I mistaken that the entire region (Middle East) was already fucked up due to several millennia of other nations using it as a constant battle ground? And right now we just happen to be (one of) the last major powers that were there fighting?

I'm also not sure where he got mustard,sarin, and whatever else,I believe he domestically produced some, and that reactor the Israeli's toof out was not designed solely to provide energy. After 911 the paranoia in the US was off the charts,but to move from hunting Bin Laden down pivoting to Iraq so soon was lunacy.

The collective PTSD of 9/11 really was why we ended up there the last 20 years. Yet another reason that I can't wait for people to be in charge that don't remember how nice it was to meet people as they were coming off of a plane, or wait right up to the moment of take off.
Am I mistaken that the entire region (Middle East) was already fucked up due to several millennia of other nations using it as a constant battle ground? And right now we just happen to be (one of) the last major powers that were there fighting?

The collective PTSD of 9/11 really was why we ended up there the last 20 years. Yet another reason that I can't wait for people to be in charge that don't remember how nice it was to meet people as they were coming off of a plane, or wait right up to the moment of take off.
Remember the Arab Spring? Normal everyday folks overthrew dictators. The problem was the dictators kept all the factions in check. Turned loose on each other, they have been at each other's throats since.

The dictators were much friendlier to the west than the folks who replaced them.
Remember the Arab Spring? Normal everyday folks overthrew dictators. The problem was the dictators kept all the factions in check. Turned loose on each other, they have been at each other's throats since.

The dictators were much friendlier to the west than the folks who replaced them.
Because it is easier to pay off one person I am sure, plus they are a lot less likely to lose their power and be in a position to keep others off their backs.

I was actually in school and good friends with someone from Egypt whose family was still back there at the time. It was really helpful to have his perspective about it, and the very real fear for his family was (having a hard time thinking of the right word for what I am thinking) something that I can't really express right.
Well removing Saddam altered the power balance vis a vis Iran, I feel he was armed w/chem weapons because an Iranian victory may have seemed imminent at one point, and our animosity over the hostage taking was only a few years removed, but the resulting can of worms it all opened up,Iranian backed militias, Al-Queda remnants, the rise of Isis created a clusterFK of epic proportions,NO DOUBT, in the end it was a gift to Iran. My point remains however that we didn't plant WMD's as many Govs. unwilling to eat humble pie surely would have done, any country w/a halfway decent intelligence agency could have carried out such a hoax.
1 million unnecessary deaths weighs on the subject too.
It's a big "eff you" to the Chinese government too. Two large authoritarian governments are not doing well in this faux crisis made up by Putin. Next up: The are going to scream bloody murder and might commit some too.
Even if he had WMD it was not a just war. We sold him the damn weapons in the first place. This war overturned the applecart of several countries. The damage will be 50-75 years assessing.
American was stunned when they found out he had already used them all- mainly on the Kurds who America placed on its terrorist list- Ive never understood why, perhaps due to them not supporting Hussain? I didn't realize they sold them to him I thought they were given to him.
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Like a dog returning to his vomit, Luke is baaaaaack.

I didn't realize I'd gone anywhere... didn't you say "goodbye" only a few days ago? Where did you end up?

Why are you so sad and angry? I'm happy to listen if it helps. Life is way to much fun to be caught in a rut. It's not embarrassing to be in them we all have been there and its hard to get the wheels to bite and to jump out. Remember, your great, life's fkn awesome and full of fun. Where you are will pass. I recommend motorcycles, boats, beer and pot. Fast women can help or take the whole house of cards down- Undeniably fun though.
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Because it is easier to pay off one person I am sure, plus they are a lot less likely to lose their power and be in a position to keep others off their backs.

I was actually in school and good friends with someone from Egypt whose family was still back there at the time. It was really helpful to have his perspective about it, and the very real fear for his family was (having a hard time thinking of the right word for what I am thinking) something that I can't really express right.
I knew an Egyptian mechanic, who owned a garage,very nice guy,he feared for his family also as they were in the minority as Christians. The Israeli's were wise to sign peace treaties w/Egypt. THAT is why there have been no more Israeli/Arab major wars but I digress as that is not the topic here.
this...this is why i say we have to do something about russian hacking...they're doing irreparable damage to the rest of the world with almost no risk to themselves...let's add some risk for them. lets flood their internet with misinformation, let's shut down everything we can shutdown, let's take every ruble we can take, hit them in the only place they care about, their wallets full of looted cash.

oh, and the story thats been posted multiple times about there being a glut of LNG ships in Europe? did it occur to anyone else that that may be intentional to drop the price of LNG so low that vlad won't be able to give his shit away?