I've personal experience with globalization. I didn't lose my job but saw thousands go offshore. Good jobs too. It wasn't even about product cost, it was about favorable tax rates for R&D jobs. No good reason for it. So, it's personal in that regard. Globalization is about multinational corporations searching for the best paper deal. Rarely does it work out the way the deal is sold.
Those labor agreements are never enforced so they sound good but it's just window dressing. Companies have lawyers that enforce the IP agreements but labor has no representation. China is fucking it's workers in the ass and will throw anybody who tries to enforce those agreements in the slammer. Ruin their lives if they speak up. Not to mention the corruption that cuts into wages and working conditions.
What I'd do is put labor first. Agreements should have teeth and enforced by an independent body and enforced everywhere, from US to India and everywhere else. Because it comes from truly vile acts by truly vile people, same goes with dirty money. Where are the investments coming from? How are those workers treated? Sure, let the corporate lawyers enforce IP protections, but no trade can take place without giving workers equal footing between nations. It's fine with me if another country's workers can put out a competive products for less, so long as they are able to agree to the conditions and wages under which they work.
That's just a quick start but maybe it helps you understand what I'm after. What I will not support is bargaining away workers rights that force US workers to compete with people working in unsafe, unhealthy, workplaces that pay wages that make workers live in horrible conditions or putting sham, unenforced "agreements" regarding how products are made, from sourcing materials to shipping finished products.