
These trolls love to go on about what happened long ago.
That and cherry picking Republican administration's decisions that screw us over as much as anywhere else on the planet is pretty much all they got.

Weird how now the Republicans are in bed with the dictators in the world that are using them to attack us with.

But not all the way back to when their country was a penal colony. :)
Your kidding!?
My 1/2 sister is Aboriginal and is always bringing up Colonization. Ozzy past is a weekly debate and discussion. Australia goes back way, way, way before it was a penal settlement. Much like America and Canadas history goes back before they were used as penal settlements. Australia's history seems to be far older though.

(Edit: sorry Aboriginal is now Politically incorrect. My sister is a First nations people).
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Nice boat.

And I am not sure how Bush 2's daddy issues after 9/11 had anything to do with Japan and ww2, but sure, that is a good excuse to trust the Russian narrative about anything Anti-American.
You asked about what lies America told. I gave you one.
Who said to trust the Russian narrative?
Watch out, he might export some US democracy your way :lol:

Good god that would be a downgrade from the Westminster system we have and a waste of bombs.

Wait till he hears that there are in fact a few hundred US troops in Ukraine despite saying there were not. Would that be another American lie? Wonder if there are more that are "Unofficial"- stands to reason that there would be along with lots and lots of drones flying around.

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For anyone who is interested this is a good read.

"Almost immediately following the end of World War II, Americans began to question the use of the atomic bomb and the circumstances surrounding the end of the Pacific War. More than half a century later, books and articles on the atomic bomb still provoke storms of debate among readers and the use of atomic weapons remains a sharply contested subject.[1] As the 1995 controversy over the Enola Gay exhibit at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum revealed, the issues connected with the dropping of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki continue to touch a sensitive nerve in Americans. Among scholars, disagreement remains no less heated. But, on the whole, this debate has been strangely parochial, centering almost exclusively on how the U.S. leadership made the decision to drop the bombs."

You can drop a nuke to end the war and save american lives/prevent long drawn out war while also doing it to flex your new muscle towards other countries. Japan can also have been on the brink of collapse and ready to give in. Or they could have been ninjas.

End of ww2 was a big inflection point where a lot happened and could be argued about endlessly. There are a lot of perspectives and reasons that are valid, world wars being what they are in nature. Decisions will have multiple reasons for being made and will impact multiple other things.

*uhhh....in the context of decision making and how the world was going to emerge out ww2, that is. Not backing nazis and such.
You can drop a nuke to end the war and save american lives/prevent long drawn out war while also doing it to flex your new muscle towards other countries. Japan can also have been on the brink of collapse and ready to give in. Or they could have been ninjas.

End of ww2 was a big inflection point where a lot happened and could be argued about endlessly. There are a lot of perspectives and reasons that are valid, world wars being what they are in nature. Decisions will have multiple reasons for being made and will impact multiple other things.

*uhhh....in the context of decision making and how the world was going to emerge out ww2, that is. Not backing nazis and such.
Exactly. Its fun discussing them. Hindsight is a wonderful thing when victors write the history books.
Is it cherry picked?
Can you name a country that has dropped more bombs and killed more civilians than America?
The cherry picking would be the qualifier 'bombs'.

You asked about what lies America told. I gave you one.
Who said to trust the Russian narrative?
I asked about your statement that America was lying about not wanting to see more body bags come home from fighting Japan in ww2. The one that you posted a map like it is some sort of proof.

Who said trust the narrative coming out of the Kremlin? Putin, a handful of the Republicans, other dictators around the globe (and their militarized troll army), and Rupert Murdoch?

Good god that would be a downgrade from the Westminster system we have and a waste of bombs.

Wait till he hears that there are in fact a few hundred US troops in Ukraine despite saying there were not. Would that be another American lie? Wonder if there are more that are "Unofficial"- stands to reason that there would be along with lots and lots of drones flying around.

Because you typed it it must be true?

Biden said that the troops being sent over into Europe were not there to fight in Ukraine. It is the little spin shit that makes the trolling seem like it is the truth, but is just more bullshit anti-American propaganda. Rupert Murdoch would be proud.
Your kidding!?
My 1/2 sister is Aboriginal and is always bringing up Colonization. Ozzy past is a weekly debate and discussion. Australia goes back way, way, way before it was a penal settlement. Much like America and Canadas history goes back before they were used as penal settlements. Australia's history seems to be far older though.

(Edit: sorry Aboriginal is now Politically incorrect. My sister is a First nations people).
Some of the Aboriginals made it to the tip of South America 50K years ago. Long before the "native" Americans came from Asia. Although most of the DNA was diluted, they still had their religious customs straight from down under when the first Europeans encountered them. Specifically the black and white striped costumes.