January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

I agree that the Demo's need to influence the election in 2022, but Thw seditionists will drag out the courts for months so they better get to moving on the top dogs so they can show the top dogs in orange jumpsuits in a lineup and say,"There is the Repuplican Party, do you want to support criminals?"

Having Lumpy. Bannon, Medows and a few of the hundred Congress Critters convicted will be a lot better that saying they are "soon to be indited, if the DOJ can get off their asses"!
I agree that the Demo's need to influence the election in 2022, but Thw seditionists will drag out the courts for months so they better get to moving on the top dogs so they can show the top dogs in orange jumpsuits in a lineup and say,"There is the Repuplican Party, do you want to support criminals?"

Having Lumpy. Bannon, Medows and a few of the hundred Congress Critters convicted will be a lot better that saying they are "soon to be indited, if the DOJ can get off their asses"!
When the president says "this is the highest priority for the DOJ", unless he's lying and I don't think he is, Garland will have all the help he can use.

The DOJ gets one shot at a trial. I want it to be a certain kill shot. Can you imagine how much hay Trump would make from unsuccessful prosecutions?
You don’t have to anymore but it wasn’t always like that. Don’t know why we care up here. It’s just a face on our cash.
The only thing we would get with a president in a parliamentary system is another election. I'm also against an elected senate, look how well that worked out in the States! A simple unicameral legislature allows the public to know who to blame. Who was the senator responsible for making it illegal for Medicare to even ask for a better deal when volume purchasing pharmaceuticals? We found out later it was senator Phil Graham who no doubt retired to a big payday.

If they don't trust one another so much that they have to have so many checks and balances, perhaps they never really had a single country to begin with and the American revolution was just a shotgun marriage between the north and south in the face of the British. Good will and trust is required for a country to function as a unit and America has been grid locked for as long as I can remember and the only good things that get through have been watered down to nothing. Everything is about keeping black people in their place with some Americas, nothing else matters, not even their own lives and families.
It seems the usually reticent Bob Woodward's excitement about 1/6 has caught some attention and speculation. Trump must becoming increasingly concerned, though I think his troubles in NY are more immediate. They will do a couple of levels down first, then the henchmen and finally Trump, but he should be in an NY prison by then anyway. They say state time is a lot harder than federal time, that's a luxury compared to a maximum security state prison. There is no possibility of a future presidential pardon there either.

I hope nobody has him in custody during the election this fall, it would be nice if he were convicted in NY and bailed until sentencing, he'd really be freaking and squirming then. The only lever he'd have is his ownership of the republican party and he would break it trying to pry his ass out of trouble.
It seems the usually reticent Bob Woodward's excitement about 1/6 has caught some attention and speculation. Trump must becoming increasingly concerned, though I think his troubles in NY are more immediate. They will do a couple of levels down first, then the henchmen and finally Trump, but he should be in an NY prison by then anyway. They say state time is a lot harder than federal time, that's a luxury compared to a maximum security state prison. There is no possibility of a future presidential pardon there either.

I hope nobody has him in custody during the election this fall, it would be nice if he were convicted in NY and bailed until sentencing, he'd really be freaking and squirming then. The only lever he'd have is his ownership of the republican party and he would break it trying to pry his ass out of trouble.
One concern
If somehow he gets a charge
The fascist that takes his place will run on pardoning him :(
that's why they want NY to get to him first, he can't be pardoned out of a NY prison cell
If the feds wanted Donald, they could have had him right after the election on the Stormy Daniels affair that Cohen did the time for already. It's a documents based slam dunk case they let the clock run out on that could have given him 10 years according to sentencing guidelines. It was a federal crime though and one Trump could be pardoned for by a republican president who would run on it and might win. This and other things lead me to believe the feds or at least the democrats want Donald running around loose until the election in order to damage the republicans and drive their base to the polls. I dunno what NY will do and perhaps some of the delay or slow walking might be for this reason too.

I also think it's the reason we hear a lot about, if Donald will run in 2024, it's designed to drive the democratic base to the polls. Common sense says he should be in prison well before the 2024 election and perhaps before the 2022 election.
If the feds wanted Donald, they could have had him right after the election on the Stormy Daniels affair that Cohen did the time for already. It's a documents based slam dunk case they let the clock run out on that could have given him 10 years according to sentencing guidelines. It was a federal crime though and one Trump could be pardoned for by a republican president who would run on it and might win. This and other things lead me to believe the feds or at least the democrats want Donald running around loose until the election in order to damage the republicans and drive their base to the polls. I dunno what NY will do and perhaps some of the delay or slow walking might be for this reason too.

I also think it's the reason we hear a lot about, if Donald will run in 2024, it's designed to drive the democratic base to the polls. Common sense says he should be in prison well before the 2024 election and perhaps before the 2022 election.
The first sentence I don’t believe. They could not undo the Republican majority, or the fact that the Rs could simply obstruct as they did in the Mueller probe.

I don’t think that would have worked.
The first sentence I don’t believe. They could not undo the Republican majority, or the fact that the Rs could simply obstruct as they did in the Mueller probe.

I don’t think that would have worked.
Not sure if you responded to the correct post
A future NY governor could though.
I'm not sure if they have that power in NY, but the prospects of a republican governor are remote. There are a lot of republicans in upstate NY, but they are overwhelmed by the city dwellers. Trump will only be around for a couple of election cycles at the most. Between a shitty lifestyle and the stress he feels from being at war with the world constantly, it is taking it's toll and aging him quickly. I figure his mind might go before his body, as he slips into insanity when confronted by reality in the form of a cell door.
I'm not sure if they have that power in NY, but the prospects of a republican governor are remote. There are a lot of republicans in upstate NY, but they are overwhelmed by the city dwellers. Trump will only be around for a couple of election cycles at the most. Between a shitty lifestyle and the stress he feels from being at war with the world constantly, it is taking it's toll and aging him quickly. I figure his mind might go before his body, as he slips into insanity when confronted by reality in the form of a cell door.
i think his mind has been going for quite a while...like since 1966 or so, when he got that fifth deferral from the military for those heel spurs he got from playing tennis :roll:
i think his mind has been going for quite a while...like since 1966 or so, when he got that fifth deferral from the military for those heel spurs he got from playing tennis :roll:
He would have been one of McNamara's morons, Forest Gump material. Forget being an officer they would have weeded him out the first week, degree or not. He would have been untrainable, he cheated his way through school and college and had others do his assignments and even write his exams, it was easy back then.
It's odd how democrats stormed the wisconsin state capitol and took it over. They smashed windows and doors to ilegally gain access and stop a vote concerning unions that they didn't want to have passed.

What Pelosi calls the greatest threat to our democracy (the 1/6 riots) she actually praised the riots and takeover of the state capitol building as "democracy in action!" When democrats did the EXACT SAME THING.

NO calls for an investigation, no incarceration without formal charges, no grandstanding about it being worse than 9/11, pearl harbor, or the civil war.

The dems actually praised the takeover and insurrection in Wisconsin. Amazing how the rules, laws, the optics, the msm, and their lackeys can change the narrative about protestors depending on their political affiliation.

They're all fucking corrupt lying fucks, and anyone kissing a racist child predators ass that wanted to lock drug users in cages regardless of the situation whilw his pos crackhead parmesan smoking kid gets to go free is delusional.

Amazing that everyone elses family members with substance abuse issues needed to go to prison, no excuses....but when it comes to his corrupt child porn loving son hunter does it...suddenly he needs counseling, not incarceration like everyone else.

Sick duplicitous fucks. How anyone can like a guy that manages to dicriminate against both whites and "cleaned up negros" like obama is beyond me.
It's odd how democrats stormed the wisconsin state capitol and took it over. They smashed windows and doors to ilegally gain access and stop a vote concerning unions that they didn't want to have passed.

What Pelosi calls the greatest threat to our democracy (the 1/6 riots) she actually praised the riots and takeover of the state capitol building as "democracy in action!" When democrats did the EXACT SAME THING.

NO calls for an investigation, no incarceration without formal charges, no grandstanding about it being worse than 9/11, pearl harbor, or the civil war.

The dems actually praised the takeover and insurrection in Wisconsin. Amazing how the rules, laws, the optics, the msm, and their lackeys can change the narrative about protestors depending on their political affiliation.

They're all fucking corrupt lying fucks, and anyone kissing a racist child predators ass that wanted to lock drug users in cages regardless of the situation whilw his pos crackhead parmesan smoking kid gets to go free is delusional.

Amazing that everyone elses family members with substance abuse issues needed to go to prison, no excuses....but when it comes to his corrupt child porn loving son hunter does it...suddenly he needs counseling, not incarceration like everyone else.

Sick duplicitous fucks. How anyone can like a guy that manages to dicriminate against both whites and "cleaned up negros" like obama is beyond me.
The republicans were in control in Wisconsin and it is they who would have prosecuted the protestors, what's your point?

You are regurgitating propaganda and bullshit, someone shit in yer ear and it sunk into yer brain. You are bigot and that turns you into a sucker for any con artist blowing the dog whistle, like Trump. You are a sucker and a dupe, lead to it by your own fear and hate and are easily manipulated.

So are you stupid enough not to get vaxxed? 60% of the unvaxxed are republicans, about 30 million fools. Omicron will be hard on the base, many will die and many more will be maimed and fucked for life. You guys are literally dying to own the libs, talk about stupid.
I saw tonight they are considering perusing conspiracy charges and if they do, it will sweep up everybody involved and give them serious time. There is also serious consideration being given to mail fraud for using the big lie to fundraise. Donald and his henchmen are in a lot of deep shit and it must be dawning on some of them the seriousness of their situation. They were sloppy and carried away with power like the mob on 1/6 was carried away by rage, some must be sweating bullets, even the rich ones, this is at least gonna be expensive.
NO calls for an investigation, no incarceration without formal charges, no grandstanding about it being worse than 9/11, pearl harbor, or the civil war.

The dems actually praised the takeover and insurrection in Wisconsin. Amazing how the rules, laws, the optics, the msm, and their lackeys can change the narrative about protestors depending on their political affiliation.