

Well-Known Member
“Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,” (2 Thess. 2:3).
ooooooh Bible!

Matthew 13:30
Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat into my barn.'"

guess who are the weeds tied into bundles to be burned and not gathered into the barn of heaven?


Well-Known Member
So. I got locked out of the 2020 thread. Anybody know why that would happen? I didn't swear, I didn't troll . . .

I'm guessing my opinion wasn't popular?
'think i'll be good. like most. let's all freak out'.

one minute you're going to die then you post the above- you were working the troll up under disinformation would be my guess.

FTW most aren't good..personally, i was offended by that comment.
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Jimmy Slade

Well-Known Member
Was your “opinion” propagating lies and disinformation?
It was opinion and experience. And still I got blocked.

I love the Chinese-like censorship of this subforum. Cut everybody off who has an unpopular idea. There are countries that operate in much the same way. Congrats to the mods here at RIU for operating like that. Might as well support weed criminalization, you fucking scrubs.

Get you shit together.


Well-Known Member
It was opinion and experience. And still I got blocked.

I love the Chinese-like censorship of this subforum. Cut everybody off who has an unpopular idea. There are countries that operate in much the same way. Congrats to the mods here at RIU for operating like that. Might as well support weed criminalization, you fucking scrubs.

Get you shit together.



Well-Known Member
It was opinion and experience. And still I got blocked.

I love the Chinese-like censorship of this subforum. Cut everybody off who has an unpopular idea. There are countries that operate in much the same way. Congrats to the mods here at RIU for operating like that. Might as well support weed criminalization, you fucking scrubs.

Get you shit together.
Describe how it parallels Chinese procedure.


Well-Known Member
It was opinion and experience. And still I got blocked.

I love the Chinese-like censorship of this subforum. Cut everybody off who has an unpopular idea. There are countries that operate in much the same way. Congrats to the mods here at RIU for operating like that. Might as well support weed criminalization, you fucking scrubs.

Get you shit together.
I find it odd that you ask in the open forum if you are not just trolling.

If I got locked out of something and really wanted to understand why, I would have PM'd a moderator and not asked random people who wouldn't be able to tell you why.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I don’t do religion. I have had enough of book-waving hypocrites for two lifetimes.
I was raised in an Assembly of God church. It was like drinking from a firehose. I had a lifetime supply of religion by age 13. But most of my adult life I have loosely followed The Muscogee (Creek) tradition. It's all mythology, so you might as well find one you are comfortable with.


Well-Known Member
I was raised in an Assembly of God church. It was like drinking from a firehose. I had a lifetime supply of religion by age 13. But most of my adult life I have loosely followed The Muscogee (Creek) tradition. It's all mythology, so you might as well find one you are comfortable with.
I once described myself to a friend as an accidental Taoist.


Well-Known Member
I was raised in an Assembly of God church. It was like drinking from a firehose. I had a lifetime supply of religion by age 13. But most of my adult life I have loosely followed The Muscogee (Creek) tradition. It's all mythology, so you might as well find one you are comfortable with.
My grandfather was an AoG preacher when i was sent to live with him at 12. Fire and brimstone 3 days a week, and me having never gone to church before! He tried to bring discipline to my life and i just said, "fuck off" basically. I went to war against him lol. Stole money from his clothes and wallet, started (gasp!) smoking, stole his beloved bike over and over to ride on the Prarie Path. Even after he got me my own bike, I still stole his. I was very upset being sent away from California to this Illinois hellhole where i still live today, 43 years later.

Kicker: I ended up marrying a female pastor even tho im an athiest. That didn't end well either lol


Well-Known Member
It was opinion and experience. And still I got blocked.

I love the Chinese-like censorship of this subforum. Cut everybody off who has an unpopular idea. There are countries that operate in much the same way. Congrats to the mods here at RIU for operating like that. Might as well support weed criminalization, you fucking scrubs.

Get you shit together.
Interested in how you became so knowledgeable regarding Chinese censorship styles - and how you’ve come to see yourself as so knowledgeable of RIU after so few months


Well-Known Member
I have seen enough censorship and political pandering on this site to last me a lifetime. You can not share a differing opinion on this site concerning anything vaccine related or politically related with out the mods kicking you off a thread, shutting down a thread or being outright banned from this site. It is ridiculous. People need to learn a little decency and figure out that not everyone shares their opinion but that everyone's opinion is just as valid. Their opinion may be totally off the mark and may even seem down right wrong or inaccurate but everyone should have the their right to free speech unimpeded.


Well-Known Member
I have seen enough censorship and political pandering on this site to last me a lifetime. You can not share a differing opinion on this site concerning anything vaccine related or politically related with out the mods kicking you off a thread, shutting down a thread or being outright banned from this site. It is ridiculous. People need to learn a little decency and figure out that not everyone shares their opinion but that everyone's opinion is just as valid. Their opinion may be totally off the mark and may even seem down right wrong or inaccurate but everyone should have the their right to free speech unimpeded.
Nobody who sticks to the facts gets booted. It's the nut jobs who think a deadly virus is less risky than a vaccine and bloviate their lethal falsehoods that get banned.


Are you a nut job who bloviates their lethal falsehoods?
Or are you normal?


Well-Known Member
I have seen enough censorship and political pandering on this site to last me a lifetime. You can not share a differing opinion on this site concerning anything vaccine related or politically related with out the mods kicking you off a thread, shutting down a thread or being outright banned from this site. It is ridiculous. People need to learn a little decency and figure out that not everyone shares their opinion but that everyone's opinion is just as valid. Their opinion may be totally off the mark and may even seem down right wrong or inaccurate but everyone should have the their right to free speech unimpeded.
do you know the difference between opinion and fact? Donald Trump doesn't, which is why he calls op-eds 'fake news'. op-eds aren't news they're opinion in print and can be anything but maintaining factuality or those who opine will not be credible; now a story has to be factual which is why when they find an error they print the retraction at the bottom of said story.

when you opine here you may not spread misinformation or disinformation- one accidental; one on purpose.

where you get your news could be the issue; if you get it from 'i heard' or 'someone said' or even 'some say'..that's the problem.


Well-Known Member
I have seen enough censorship and political pandering on this site to last me a lifetime. You can not share a differing opinion on this site concerning anything vaccine related or politically related with out the mods kicking you off a thread, shutting down a thread or being outright banned from this site. It is ridiculous. People need to learn a little decency and figure out that not everyone shares their opinion but that everyone's opinion is just as valid. Their opinion may be totally off the mark and may even seem down right wrong or inaccurate but everyone should have the their right to free speech unimpeded.
People's ability to have an opinion may be just as valid as the next, but that doesn't mean that their opinion is just as valid as the next.

Example, if I go to a mechanic who has been working on cars for decades and they tell me what they think is going on based on all that previous information they have earned working on cars just like mine, it is not the same as someone's opinion who has no idea how to work on a car but watched a couple youtube videos maybe and decide they 'know' what is wrong with my car.

Should a business have to allow any crazy to come into their place of business to be able to yell anything they want over and over and when they spray paint it on their walls not be able to remove it or that person? What about if someone is paying that person to go do that? Is that cool with you too? Why is it any different just because it is online?

Are you really saying that every single comment section and forum should be forced to not respond to the paid lies that the right wing dictators are paying to get spammed, because it might be some brainwashed person who actually believes it?