January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

It is the people that push a lie and destabilize a country, which would then destabilize the world, that has people looking down on those that have little sense to offer a discussion.
How the fu** would one destabilize a country the destabilize the world? Got damn you are talking far fetched sh** right now man.
tRUmptards live in bizaaro world where everything is opposite of reality and losing is winning to them, it's pretty funny watching them trying to convince themselves and others they are not total losers.
F**k I can't wait for the world to end and watch people like you struggle on the most simplest of task.
time is not on our side, it keeps ticking down, and the doj is the embodiment of justice in this situation, and it doesn't really seem like they're on our side either...
This isn't a one or the other. We can both be right on this. Yes, there is urgency because fascists are trying to pack the courts system, Yes, there is urgency because while Democrats in control they have put a pause on appointing more at the federal level but there have already been a lot of fascist judges appointed and they will do harm until they are rooted out. Yes, there is urgency because fascists are rewriting voting laws to favor their candidates. So, when I say time is on our side, I'm not saying those who oppose fascism -- antifascists -- can be complacent. I'm saying demographic shift in this country towards multicultural democracy is already in motion and there is nothing white supremacist fascists can do to stop it. The harder they try, the more opposition they will meet. They are already the minority in this country and their numbers are shrinking. It's inevitable they will lose. Their only hope is antifascists become complacent and I don't see that happening. Maybe it's just my provincial Covid lockdown perspective and different in your neck of the woods.

Excepting deep south states, antifascists have beaten back white supremacist fascists on both coasts. We control the lions share of the economy and more people live in free states than ones controlled by the Red Party. That's where the next confrontations are going to happen. Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Alabama, Georgia are already feeling the effects. Fascist's numbers are dwindling everywhere. It just happened first in states that were more liberal to begin with.

This is as I see it. Still, though, the next five or so years are going to suck. Plenty of street fighting ahead. No time for complacency.
Ex-White House, DOJ officials urge Supreme Court to reject Trump effort to stymie Jan. 6 probe
The group of legal heavyweights, comprising a half dozen former White House and top Justice Department lawyers who served under Republican presidents, argued in an amicus brief that Trump’s assertion of executive privilege over his administration’s records is outweighed by congressional investigators’ pursuit of the facts surrounding the Trump-inspired insurrection.

“Congress is now investigating those events and determining how to prevent unsuccessful candidates from attempting to undermine our democracy in the future,” they wrote. “Amici believe that the documents at issue should be turned over given, among other things, the importance of the House investigation into the January 6th attack and the current president’s reasonable determination that executive privilege should not be asserted in this case.”

President Biden declined to invoke executive privilege over Trump-era schedules, call logs, emails and other documents after concluding that the House select committee’s need for records surpassed any possible benefit the executive branch might gain from keeping them under wraps.

The former government attorneys also pushed back against Trump’s claim that congressional investigators lack a legitimate legislative purpose for requesting his administration’s records.

“It is difficult to imagine a more compelling interest than the House’s interest in determining what legislation might be necessary to respond to the most significant attack on the Capitol in 200 years and the effort to undermine our basic form of government that that attack represented,” they wrote.

Among the brief's authors are Donald Ayer, who served in top Department of Justice (DOJ) roles under Presidents Reagan and George H.W. Bush; Peter Keisler, a high-ranking DOJ official under President George W. Bush and an associate White House counsel under Reagan; and Carter Phillips, an assistant to the solicitor general under Reagan and who regularly advocates before the Supreme Court.

Yeah, sure. All RINO's.