White Widow & Northen lights grow w/ pics.


Well-Known Member
Just read through the thread Beer, looks awesome. You're doing a great job. It could be up to 2 weeks or it could be 1, you'll just have to keep your eyes open. At this point I don't think lack of nutrients is going to have any major affect on them, although it may slow there progress a tiny bit due to shock. If you want to you could probably give them a low dose of blackstrap molasses to supply nutrients for a day and then start to flush again, but I think you could probably wait it out. For couchlock I wouldn't let any more than 75% of the trichs to get amber because all the ones that were amber first start to deteriorate and decrease in THC and we don't want that. Good luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeh this is an awesome lookin grow!!! Your doing a great job man!!! I totally love your cooltube set up.... i've never done this before but i might have to give it a go.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the replies! I cant even touch the bud anymore. It makes me SUPER itchy. well maybe just itchy to cut it down n smoke it!!.. its so sticky and when u do touch it the smell amplifies about 100x.

You'll notice my vegging clones have nodes about 1/2 an inch apart from each other. Never really seen nodes so close.... looks like the next batch will be even better. The reason the right side is larger than the left is because i have a fem autoflowering dwarf (kush) growing too. shes like week 4.

some more pics due to popular demand :)
first 3 pics are my other plants vegging.
next 6 are white widows
the last picture is the norther lights.

Getting good pictures has become difficult as i was very high the last time i took good pictures and forgot what setting i had the camera on... lol, no one ever said smoking didnt have any drawbacks.. lol



Well-Known Member
Running out of bud so i chopped down the worse 3 looking branches... Ide say i cut 5% of what i have (its northern lights not white widow i cut). Its 39gms wet. so if i get 7gms dry ide be happy. Like i said this is far from harvest. Just another taste.



Well-Known Member
damn those nugs look crazy, i hope mine turn out with as many trich. i see quit alot on yours. im 25 dyas into flowering the last week trich's started to come out and now they just filling up.


Well-Known Member
THAT'S IT, u've hung ur beautiful nugs in my face long enough!!!!!! I'M TRACKING YOUR IP ADDRESS AND ROBBING U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

naw i'm playin...............OR AM I? naw i'm jp i'll let u enjoy ur buds.......... OR REALLY? no ok i'm done i'll let u get high off ur ass of the fruits of ur labor........:fire::fire:


Well-Known Member
if your close enough just swing by man! I have no problems sharing... But be prepared to get your ass kicked on xbox360....You can even pick the game...


Well-Known Member
if your close enough just swing by man! I have no problems sharing... But be prepared to get your ass kicked on xbox360....You can even pick the game...
is that a challenge? ur not ready 4 me on madden! or call of duty or fite nite! lol i luv 360, but weed more lol


Well-Known Member
beer, your stuff is looking really good, im loving it, I hope my WW looks jsut as good. Have you taken a look at my grow journal?


Well-Known Member
bobby, no i have not.. ill check it up now!

still mostly cloudy/clear. basically no amber...

These are mostly WW shots.. I think the last shot of buds is the NL pic... The vegging plants look dope.auto-flowing kush buds look like they're gonna be huge and dense. Although, i fucked myself. I have the dwarf in with all the others (roots tangled) come time to move into the bloom box (12/12) the dwarf will have to go as well due to root entanglement. doh, i never learn....



Well-Known Member
those look like some fat nugs.
they are! Thanks.

lol i cant believe those beauties were the babies from teh beginning, what was the length from seed to buding bute?
Well i started germ on 8/15. went 12/12 on 9/24. Today is 11/25. I normally dont Veg that long but i was in process of building grow box. Also, due to me being in process of building, the young plants were given incorrect (mh bulb was being installed...) light for a week causing them to stretch. So this added a solid 10 days on to veg than normal.


Well-Known Member
Are you in the USA ?

Are you still goin to do the nutrient challenge ?

If so, post a picture of your meters and nutes and stuff here
and then send a PM to me with mailing your address.


Well-Known Member
Are you in the USA ?

Are you still goin to do the nutrient challenge ?

If so, post a picture of your meters and nutes and stuff here
and then send a PM to me with mailing your address.
Earl: Yes im in the USA, In fact ive been following your thread. I've made multiple attempts to contact you in regards to the challenge. You always ask me if i have a journal. I send you the link and never hear back. Fortunately, im ready to move my veg plants out and will have my veg box rdy to go for the challenge. If i hadn't heard from you i would've filled up the veg box with clones and it would've been too late.

I will post pictures of my meters and nutes when i get home from work.