White Widow & Northen lights grow w/ pics.


Well-Known Member
Cut down 4 branches. I made sure all the ones i cut were the smaller ones out of the group. Going to let the remainder stay under 12/12 for another week. Trichomes are about 70% cloudy, 25% clear and 5% amber. Not the couch lock that i was looking for, but thats why im letting the majority stay under 12/12 for at least another week.

3 of the 4 branches are WW. The long skinny nug that has more red hairs is the NL. (The Northern lights is the nug on the top in the first pic).


Well-Known Member
Thanks man!

There will be many more, larger nugs next weekend!!

I really wasnt expecting nugs this big being the plants are only 26 inches tall! Some of the NL nugs go 2/3rds the way up the whole plant!!


Well-Known Member
Just weighed everything after i trimmed and got rid of all stems. Its 218gms. I'de say i cut maybe 15% of what i have. If thats correct that means i should have a goos 1000gms. Figure ive been getting about 25% weight dry. That means i should get a good 250gms dry from 4 plants. Not bad, not great.


Well-Known Member
Lol bobby. Im talking about wet weight. I seem to lose about 70% so out of 1000gms ill see 300gms. But this is only a small portion...


Well-Known Member
all bad whoadi, i heard using dry ice drying method allows you to keep more weight as to it is the best method for drying


Well-Known Member
Damn that looks sweet. Nice grow. I'm sparking up some NL i got now just to congratulate you lol. (And to get high)
What does your NL look like? mines a little on the fluffy side, lots of amber hairs. Otherwise its a pretty white bud once you crack the nug open. i just find it to be a lot fluffier (less dense) and many more hairs in comparison to my WW.


Well-Known Member
I don't know who grew it I bought it but it was full of amber hairs although this was not that fluffy pretty dense actually. Very white inside though.


Well-Known Member
Well im running into a problem. I didn't anticipate this bloom would take this long. As a direct result, my plants have been in veg for much longer than desired. They are already as big as my grow box will allow. Last time i went 12/12 with this strain they doubled in size. The space i have just wont allow this. What should i do?

Also, Some of my plants are growing pistils and its still 18/6. I have an autoflowering fem in the veg box; could that cause my other, non auto flowers, to start to bloom under 18/6 conditions?

Here are some pictures.



Well-Known Member
is it safe for me to tie down the plants at this point. With prior grows i find my plants atleast double in size. That would mean i would have about 3-4ft going up and another 3-4ft going across... I guess i could tie it down at the tip and use another string to hold it up?

Should i cut it now and topp??


I cant have a 7ft tall plant in a 4ft tall box...


Well-Known Member
well as for the plants in veg, yes you can tie them down, but i would recommend gradually if you choose this route, a better or more productful way to go is to top which will delay growth for a week which i think in your case would be ok, or clone, take some snippings

you can clone a large branch that would look like half a plant no problem, there are more hormones in that branch than a little cutting so success should be easy


Well-Known Member
All is done. About 240gms dry. I had 4 plants in the long run; all of which were restricted to 30" tall. So 8.5 from 4 plants is about 2 per plant... Not great, but certainly not bad considering my height restrictions! Other guys are looking great, have been in 12/12 for almost a week... All but 3 are showing sex.. ALL females so far. :joint: