Where are my libertarians at

That is no fact check. It is, like your posts, a string of emotion glued together by data whose factuality is unbanked by references.

So for you to call that a fact check tells me you do not know what a fact is.
Hilarious you claim of my words what yours are! The mental gymnastics are very impressive, 9/10!
A strong government has lots of members and the power to carry out its will. It has to have the power to enforce its will on the people. A government that can't is weak. If the population can run around freely doing what they will, as libertarians say they want, then clearly the government must not be strong enough to oppose them.

The best you can get is some form of very strong government dedicated to protecting the freedom of the population. But what's that look like and how is it any different than what is there now? It's just kind of nonsense to expect them to only do what you like and protect your freedoms.
So you believe there is only power in numbers gotcha. You know there are special force members that would highly disagree with you. Also power is given it does not mater the numbers, think of how when a cop shows up does he not have power?

Why cause its given to them. When they show up in force or with more then one it is intimidation which is power but of a different relationship then it becomes fear and the only reason you need intimidation is because you have no power but you want it.

So correct me if I am wrong but it seems as though you are ok with the government lmpossing their will amoung the people as long as you agree with it?
If you were a real libertarian you would know there are very mature 12 year olds....and you are claiming to be part of the party that's wants freedom to fuck them.

Good on you guy.
Someone greeted my requests for citation with derisive alerts.

somebody has clearly never gone to college. They drum it into the students: if you can’t cite it, it’s probably crap.
LOL again whatever you need to claim to make yourself feel good bud!
So you believe there is only power in numbers gotcha. You know there are special force members that would highly disagree with you. Also power is given it does not mater the numbers, think of how when a cop shows up does he not have power?

Why cause its given to them. When they show up in force or with more then one it is intimidation which is power but of a different relationship then it becomes fear and the only reason you need intimidation is because you have no power but you want it.

So correct me if I am wrong but it seems as though you are ok with the government lmpossing their will amoung the people as long as you agree with it?


Peace out yall
Someone greeted my requests for citation with derisive alerts.

somebody has clearly never gone to college. They drum it into the students: if you can’t cite it, it’s probably crap.
You put trust in people with alternative motives I put trust in history
Haha whatever you claim bud!

Sure, keep talking about Trump, maybe he'll come back! You clearly miss him! Blah, I just threw up a little in my mouth...
If he ends up running and winning the Republican nominee, Biden will just beat him again, so I am not really worried about him. More concerning to me is the right wing propagandists that use him to keep the crazies in his cult radicalized using a lot of the same bullshit spam you have been pushing here.
If you were a real libertarian you would know there are very mature 12 year olds....and you are claiming to be part of the party that's wants freedom to fuck them.

Good on you guy.
Please, define a "real libertarian." Provide cites of course!
Empty post.

Provide a credible fact check, otherwise you simply confirm that you are simply another of the deluded who are holding the Tepublic hostage with their lies-based grievance politics.
Again, I love your claims! "Empty post" man like EVERY one of yours? Project much? LOL! Another 9/10 for mental gymnastics! Great job! I would award you a participation trophy but I'm too lazy, sorry.