Pandemic 2020

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Shit, that will add up to a lot of dead Trumpers by election day, if they keep refusing the vaccine, much less boosters. I figure the antiviral meds will still work, but they will be overwhelmed this winter, we will need to go back to masks and that's something else they don't like. Looks like from here on out it will mostly be a Darwinian event as kids are vaxxed over the next couple of months.

I suspect that vaccines will continue to offer protection, perhaps less with the new variant. A mild case of covid is better than a severe one, though I figure most infections cause some long term damage. Boost wear a mask and limit social contact, the rules are familiar by now, though tiresome, at least they increase your odds. New improved vaccines are on the way and in the pipeline, none will help the cursed though, those who fuck themselves by swallowing bullshit.
This. Epidemic fatigue is real, but the mark of an adult is to keep up good practices. I am driven by the possibility that I could be asymptomatic, infect someone and have deaths that came from me. I’d never even know. Masking up every time costs so much less than carrying that fear.
Canada is a good comparison to the USA, we have just as many of the usual suspects, mostly the young, the regular wingnuts. We also share social media and TV networks to a large extent so we are in the same info ecosystem for the most part. The difference in the vaxx rate between the two countries represented here is almost purely political, because of responsible public policy for the most part, we didn't have nearly the death rate the USA suffered either.

Many republicans are vaxxed along with those who lean that way, but the difference in the vaxx rate appears to reflect the almost half of republicans who are antivaxx for political or tribal reasons. They appear to make up about 11% of the population for a single dose and around around18% for a double. However kids under 12 are in the process of getting vaccinated and that will distort the stats for a spell. The difference you see here is purely political IMHO and with highly contagious delta and other things on the loose this winter, it might get ugly everywhere, including Canada. When the hospitals are overwhelmed, things shut down and restrictions go on everywhere, even in red states.

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Lot's of those antivaxxer and anti masker republican types in Michigan. Must be hard on all those militia training camps with the mostly overweight middle aged antivaxxers, many of them like to drink and smoke too...
The worst areas of Michigan are tRUmptard strongholds.
There appears to be more direct costs to believing bullshit and these assholes are paying the price for going down the rabbit hole. Even with improved vaccines, covid will continue to pound and give lumps to this crowd, almost like self flagellation, they are the cursed of the modern age, believers in bullshit that kills them in spite of overwhelming evidence. One way or another, tying themselves to this antivaccine/anti mask sinking ship, will hurt them at the polls and that's all that really counts in the end. You gotta keep the house and take more of the senate, with Donald's help and a mountain of republican corruption you have a chance IMHO.

you would think Forbes would do a little better fact checking before releasing stories with innacuracies, especially inaccuracies that fuel the moron antivaxxers campaign of disinformation. any progress made towards getting people to believe the truth has been set back substantially by this one story with a stupid headline, designed to sell more Forbes publications....pretty fucking sad, Forbes
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