Anyone watching the Ahmaud Arbery murder trial?

Immanhead out you guys spend to much time in front of screens bein programmed. Thx for the help, yeah the kind that helps the problem progress. Check the tread its everywhere 1 question 12 answers. When the feeling wears of reality sets in and the mess that was created is revealed. Really look around and get out your feeling and tell me do you like what you see. Think not feel, search and not be led. We are supposed to be in the greatest time ever and this is what we've become. A real shame to see adults be led by pure emotionalism and not virture.

Dont get caught coming out the room with the missing items.
How in the fuck is it ok to shoot someone for walking around in a house that’s wide open under construction? I can only assume it was mostly due to the fact he was black. Could it have happened to a white guy, sure and that leads to the gun laws as well. So yes it is political as well as a moral failure, how could it not be?
He didn't steal anything. A lot of people walked in and out of that house, caught on security cameras. Arbery had been there before, had access to tools to steal, and took nothing. He apparently was studying to be an electrician, perhaps he wanted to see how the wiring was being done?
Maybe something lured him in like it did with the others. Very creepy. Do you know who took the video of the killing ?
Maybe something lured him in like it did with the others. Very creepy. Do you know who took the video of the killing ?
one of them did, William Bryan. It's very strange, it was on his phone, no one stole his phone, yet the video from his phone was "leaked" online.
Who leaked it if it wasn't Bryan himself? was he bragging to some white power trash? did he want to be caught?

one of them did, William Bryan. It's very strange, it was on his phone, no one stole his phone, yet the video from his phone was "leaked" online.
Who leaked it if it wasn't Bryan himself? was he bragging to some white power trash? did he want to be caught?
Wow, I am so glad these racist dumb fucks got caught. I bet the other 2 were like sooo pissed and wanted to kill him because he taped it. Lol. Talk about another
Dumb parent influencing his son. Typical kKK Trump supporting morons . I wish they got the death penalty . Aubrey was such a nice young gentleman. Such a horrible death.
the double edge sword of technology cuts both ways. Social media has become a raging shitstorm of racist hate. Meanwhile, a video of people acting out that hatred went viral and became the cornerstone of evidence for the successful prosecution of said racist haters.
the double edge sword of technology cuts both ways. Social media has become a raging shitstorm of racist hate. Meanwhile, a video of people acting out that hatred went viral and became the cornerstone of evidence for the successful prosecution of said racist haters.
I find with the internet, social media in particular, but YouTube and others as well, it tends to magnify propensities, other than regular news reporting you don't get much hate, unless you are looking for it. Then a trickle rapidly becomes a flood, as algorithms kick in and the alternate universe of thinly veil lies comes pouring in. Most people believe what they want to and have to bypass a lot of legitimate journalism to get to it, it's mostly fear mongering opinion and spin, based on real events, but distorted out of all context. Social media and a for profit disinformation system has added to the problem of tribalism in the loosely regulated American media market. We are seeing these problems of globalization and xenophobia almost everywhere as people react to threats to their native cultures and mass immigration. All of this shit is riding on top of historic racism and xenophobia in the USA as it becomes less of a melting pot and more of a multicultural society.

I also think some of the underemployment problems are related to a dramatic curtailing of immigration, most of the places that are having issues retaining employees traditionally depended on immigrants. Other than inflation and supply chain issues, the US economy is doing fine and I hope this is reflected in Biden's poll numbers in the coming months. I think he's doing as good a job as he can, while keeping an eye on 2022, if you can win then, then everything to help fix the country can be driven through in 6 months to a year. Donald has yet to face the music and I expect that will shake things up considerably. Also a half dozen GOP members of congress might end up convicted of conspiracy to commit sedition along with a bunch of others. The closer to the election the shit hits the fan the better for the democrats and the country.
Well the defense wasn't high priced enough to game the system for an acquittal. The scale of justice nowadays is weighed by money. If you can grossly out spend the prosecutors you have a very good chance of getting the outcome you want.
Maybe something lured him in like it did with the others. Very creepy. Do you know who took the video of the killing ?
I have went in to houses that were under construction (when I built my house) to get ideals, but we don’t carry guns around with the intent to shoot people here, and that is a good thing. It’s unfortunate that that even enters into the equation re “gosh I better grab my gun incase I’m attacked” but hey …… MAGA I guess :(.
I have went in to houses that were under construction (when I built my house) to get ideals, but we don’t carry guns around with the intent to shoot people here, and that is a good thing. It’s unfortunate that that even enters into the equation re “gosh I better grab my gun incase I’m attacked” but hey …… MAGA I guess :(.
There is a camera videotaping but are there “ no trespassing “ signs in the property? I don’t know, I have never had the desire to go creeping around a construction site. There could be loose nails or loose boards and stuff to get hurt on. It’s not that important in the end but really gave the killers an excuse to target him but not interested in any of the other trespassers .