Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

where do you think the organized police force came from?

It depends on how you define organized police force.

The ones that exist today, exist to enforce laws, aid in collecting revenue for the state, county, city or town, etc.

Nearly all of them, the present day police, have a mercenary self interest in enforcing laws, since they are paid from money that is extracted from people, some of whom don't want or need the alleged "service" provided by police. Money is extracted from both, "law breakers" and obedient "law abiding people" who know if they don't pay, they will be harmed.

Many of the law breakers may be guilty of a statutory violation, but aren't in reality, criminals. Many of the obedient law abiding people, are in a kind of victim position and pay to avoid harm, from their alleged protectors, the police, not from freelance criminals.

I guess the above videos support your claim.

The kid was always likely to get off. The judge saw to that when he decided that him beating up a girl and getting caught on tape saying he wished he had his AR so he could shoot people.

But that doesn't mean that it should be fine for kids to buy guns illegally and go into a city that they don't live in and kill people when they get scared.

But that really doesn't matter for the trolling to benefit the radicalization of the would be domestic terrorists who have been using this kid as their poster boy to get what they need from this event.
plenty of shitty people did shitty stuff that week/night. Unless anyone from the trial is in those videos theyre irrelevant. Besides, every video ive posted has been instantly dismissed as biased youtube nonsense, but now yours are credible evidence? hmm funny how that works. "ThAtS nOt JoUrNaLiSm" remember?you and @UncleBuck and some others i wont bother to tag deserve one of these


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Oh, are you talking about the piece of paper again?

(just mocking your hypocrisy for the millionth time, because you piss on the constitution as a worthless piece of paper when it doesn't suit you, then hold it up and shake it when it does)

I've never actually pissed on the Constitution. I do tend to take a Spooner approach to it though, in that it doesn't grant authority etc.

Yes, I malign it sometimes, especially when government worshippers present it as some kind of basis for governmental power / existence. So in that vein, a person supporting government activities (Herb and Suds) should know better than to whine about "illegal guns", if they also believe there is such a thing as the United States being validated by the Constitution. It's obvious if the right to bear arms "shall not be infringed", there couldn't be an "illegal gun" could there?

Still winning. Nice try, almost.
I've never actually pissed on the Constitution. I do tend to take a Spooner approach to it though, in that it doesn't grant authority etc.

Yes, I malign it sometimes, especially when government worshippers present it as some kind of basis for governmental power / existence. So in that vein, a person supporting government activities (Herb and Suds) should know better than to whine about "illegal guns", if they also believe there is such a thing as the United States being validated by the Constitution. It's obvious if the right to bear arms "shall not be infringed", there couldn't be an "illegal gun" could there?

Still winning. Nice try, almost.

Or, perhaps he's not a purist moron and is able to recognize that things-with-limitations is the only realistic approach when people are involved.
I've never actually pissed on the Constitution. I do tend to take a Spooner approach to it though, in that it doesn't grant authority etc.

Yes, I malign it sometimes, especially when government worshippers present it as some kind of basis for governmental power / existence. So in that vein, a person supporting government activities (Herb and Suds) should know better than to whine about "illegal guns", if they also believe there is such a thing as the United States being validated by the Constitution. It's obvious if the right to bear arms "shall not be infringed", there couldn't be an "illegal gun" could there?

Still winning. Nice try, almost.

To kind of build on that. . ...all these fuckos who are being such cucks for Law & Order. . ...WHY ARE U EVEN HERE, WHY DO U GROW CANNABIS, that's federally illegal so GTFO with your wishywashy sense of bravado and righteousness.

O stars.
I've never actually pissed on the Constitution. I do tend to take a Spooner approach to it though, in that it doesn't grant authority etc.

Yes, I malign it sometimes, especially when government worshippers present it as some kind of basis for governmental power / existence. So in that vein, a person supporting government activities (Herb and Suds) should know better than to whine about "illegal guns", if they also believe there is such a thing as the United States being validated by the Constitution. It's obvious if the right to bear arms "shall not be infringed", there couldn't be an "illegal gun" could there?

Still winning. Nice try, almost.
there weren't any "illegal" guns until the Negros showed up with them....
plenty of shitty people did shitty stuff that week/night. Unless anyone from the trial is in those videos theyre irrelevant. Besides, every video ive posted has been instantly dismissed as biased youtube nonsense, but now yours are credible evidence? hmm funny how that works. "ThAtS nOt JoUrNaLiSm" remember?you and @UncleBuck and some others i wont bother to tag deserve one of these
3 days of protests after the cops shot unarmed jacob blake 7 times and no one got hurt until nazi murder dork showed up with his assault rifle

wanna talk about your feelingz some more
plenty of shitty people did shitty stuff that week/night. Unless anyone from the trial is in those videos theyre irrelevant. Besides, every video ive posted has been instantly dismissed as biased youtube nonsense, but now yours are credible evidence? hmm funny how that works. "ThAtS nOt JoUrNaLiSm" remember?you and @UncleBuck and some others i wont bother to tag deserve one of these
You are a joke of a troll man, I am not really worried about getting your endorsement for anything. Because your whole purpose here seems to be just make this stupid as shit kid's trial to be top of the forum.

Your sky news bullshit just shows you for the right wing troll you pretend like you are not.
You are a joke of a troll man, I am not really worried about getting your endorsement for anything. Because your whole purpose here seems to be just make this stupid as shit kid's trial to be top of the forum.

Your sky news bullshit just shows you for the right wing troll you pretend like you are not.
addicted to his youtube algorithm

pussy oy will never post a full biden speech. he is too far brainwashed and radicalized