Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
where do you think the organized police force came from?
It depends on how you define organized police force.
The ones that exist today, exist to enforce laws, aid in collecting revenue for the state, county, city or town, etc.
Nearly all of them, the present day police, have a mercenary self interest in enforcing laws, since they are paid from money that is extracted from people, some of whom don't want or need the alleged "service" provided by police. Money is extracted from both, "law breakers" and obedient "law abiding people" who know if they don't pay, they will be harmed.
Many of the law breakers may be guilty of a statutory violation, but aren't in reality, criminals. Many of the obedient law abiding people, are in a kind of victim position and pay to avoid harm, from their alleged protectors, the police, not from freelance criminals.