January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

What cause was that?I don’t agree with what happened that day but I know not everybody was attacking police. It’s annoying when the same people that coddled one group of rioters for an entire year and turned their back on police all of a sudden are so concerned with law enforcements safety and people trespassing and vandalism.
I don’t know if there was cheating because not enough states use voter ID. I say the same for recent Republican wins. Until we get rid of mail in votes and demand voter ID we leave out elections open to fraud. But you can’t call one group terrorists unless you call the other group doing the exact same thing terrorists. What’s worse is the people rioting and looting last year weren’t just destroying gov property but citizens businesses and private property.
You do realize what the riots were about, right? People with the wrong skin color getting killed by police. Obviously something that should be looked at. And what happened? Nothing. So it will be quiet for a while until the spark hits the fuse again and the outrage turns to riots again. So what are people to do when nothing gets done about the problem? Except maybe Trump's solution of when the looting starts so will the shooting.

"We leave elections open to fraud."

With no proof of all this fraud. Florida has mail in voting, which is good but to have it in an area that votes Democrat it is bad. Canada has mail in voting also, no fraud found here. Why not get rid of advanced voting? Heck, just count the vote on election day, if you can not get there then too bad. Want to see fraud, look at the redistricting. Manufacturing pockets of voters to ensure an outcome. There is no real proof to fraud in any real scale to tip an election but Gerymandering is out in the open stealing an election. Where is your indignation and call for something to be done?

What was worse between the people rioting because people are getting killed due to the color of their skin, or a hijacking of the democratic process because your side lost on the word of one man with no proof? Please let us know.
What did he bring home? Debt? A deal which will include nonsense like green measures and moving entire freeways because poor people think it’s racist to have nice houses on one side and shitty houses on the other. Trump could never get anything done because the idiots on the left attacked every move he made. He could of cured cancer and they would of been screaming “ Racism” or some liberal talking point shit
Lol debt.
You do realize what the riots were about, right? People with the wrong skin color getting killed by police. Obviously something that should be looked at. And what happened? Nothing. So it will be quiet for a while until the spark hits the fuse again and the outrage turns to riots again. So what are people to do when nothing gets done about the problem? Except maybe Trump's solution of when the looting starts so will the shooting.

"We leave elections open to fraud."

With no proof of all this fraud. Florida has mail in voting, which is good but to have it in an area that votes Democrat it is bad. Canada has mail in voting also, no fraud found here. Why not get rid of advanced voting? Heck, just count the vote on election day, if you can not get there then too bad. Want to see fraud, look at the redistricting. Manufacturing pockets of voters to ensure an outcome. There is no real proof to fraud in any real scale to tip an election but Gerymandering is out in the open stealing an election. Where is your indignation and call for something to be done?

What was worse between the people rioting because people are getting killed due to the color of their skin, or a hijacking of the democratic process because your side lost on the word of one man with no proof? Please let us know.

People were killed because of a negative interaction with police. I also think the same people who looted and rioted would of done so given any opportunity. The ones that actually protest probably felt it had something to do with race. But you can’t say everybody that gets shot was shot because of race because whites get shot for resisting arrest too and sometimes the officer is of the same race in shootings. You can’t say all police are bad and racist anymore than you can say any group of people are all good or bad. Just because people do something doesn’t actually prove it was so. Like invading the capital doesn’t prove the election was stolen anymore than protesting police actually prove that they are racist. When it comes down to it people are individuals and only they personally know what they did what they did regardless of how unpopular that opinion may be. Too many times we don’t say the truth but what others want to hear.
People were killed because of a negative interaction with police. I also think the same people who looted and rioted would of done so given any opportunity. The ones that actually protest probably felt it had something to do with race. But you can’t say everybody that gets shot was shot because of race because whites get shot for resisting arrest too and sometimes the officer is of the same race in shootings. You can’t say all police are bad and racist anymore than you can say any group of people are all good or bad. Just because people do something doesn’t actually prove it was so. Like invading the capital doesn’t prove the election was stolen anymore than protesting police actually prove that they are racist. When it comes down to it people are individuals and only they personally know what they did what they did regardless of how unpopular that opinion may be. Too many times we don’t say the truth but what others want to hear.
It was fascinating to see uniformed police coddling white male LARPers and then “going full oppress” on the nonwhites. This is racist practice beyond any argument.
It was fascinating to see uniformed police coddling white male LARPers and then “going full oppress” on the nonwhites. This is racist practice beyond any argument.

Which group were cursing at them and throwing concrete chunks? You know I find with police and most people in society that you get what you give. Of course you can always run into a power tripper be it the manager of a restaurant or an officer of the law but politeness usually helps the situation.
Which group were cursing at them and throwing concrete chunks? You know I find with police and most people in society that you get what you give. Of course you can always run into a power tripper be it the manager of a restaurant or an officer of the law but politeness usually helps the situation.
As you like fake news sites, I’m sure you’ll incorrectly finger BLM. MAGA sure love to hate on BLM so hard they’ll mount false flag operations, then crow confirmation. Bunch a liars.

To the end claim, meditate upon the fact that George Floyd was never once rude to his apprehenders.
Yes I read it. Might as well just subsidize the cost per gallon. Probably more efficient than dumping oil into the market. Why would an oil company not use the cheap oil being released and then selling the oil in the world market for a profit?
Which group were cursing at them and throwing concrete chunks? You know I find with police and most people in society that you get what you give. Of course you can always run into a power tripper be it the manager of a restaurant or an officer of the law but politeness usually helps the situation.
Always can find brotherhood in gun toting white folk intent on putting down those uppity colored folk.
Always can find brotherhood in gun toting white folk intent on putting down those uppity colored folk.
As you like fake news sites, I’m sure you’ll incorrectly finger BLM. MAGA sure love to hate on BLM so hard they’ll mount false flag operations, then crow confirmation. Bunch a liars.

To the end claim, meditate upon the fact that George Floyd was never once rude to his apprehenders.

Just remember there are cops of all different races. I’m not putting down anyone so stop with the race baiting dog whistles