People Are Saying...

Did you join the human family or did it just happen?

Governmental structures which don't seek your consent but claim you as one of their subjects anyway, aren't the human family I am part of or would willingly join.

I look forward to your reading this from the sand hole you've buried your head in. Do you need a light to see ?

Oh, hello Poopy Pants. I'm surprised a crony capitalist facist like you has taken the time out of your busy day to engage in conversation.

I sure hope nobody sues you when they fall down those crappy stairs you tack together when you're playing "contractor".

i did that when i was aged 40.
i'm sure she's an antivaxxer and will be dead soon. grown children do not owe their parents a relationship and vice versa.

Yeah, that's what makes me sad/angry. She could easily live into her 90s but now she is just a victim. But she has been most of her life. It was either Joe McCarthy, Robert Welch, Jay VanAndle and Rich DeVos. Dick Nixon, Kenneth Copeland or a coterie of total cocksuckers. I used to be able to help her but that bird has flown.
Oh, hello Poopy Pants. I'm surprised a crony capitalist facist like you has taken the time out of your busy day to engage in conversation.

I sure hope nobody sues you when they fall down those crappy stairs you tack together when you're playing "contractor".

"Youre a facist [sic]" bellows the pedophile who was sucking trumps dick as he tried to sue his way out of an embarrassing election loss to joe fucking biden and become a fascist dictator

LOL you are such a fucking loser robby
Yes, it would be. I thought of it but was stopped cold by having to put my cell number into Mike Lindell's site and consent to recorded call from him pimping HisPillow. I am not making this up.

I guess it is a bit like this:

Who would understand the cat fish game like Trump's insurrectionist RINO pals.
Hmm, what should I believe? Was the Alec Baldwin thing an unfortunate fuckup cause by some real careless shit, or a carefully orchestrated conspiracy based on tenuous connections and incorrect facts?

Duh. Pick the one that dumasses are saying!
Hmm, what should I believe? Was the Alec Baldwin thing an unfortunate fuckup cause by some real careless shit, or a carefully orchestrated conspiracy based on tenuous connections and incorrect facts?

Duh. Pick the one that dumasses are saying!
The shitty thing is that just like the Trump cult finding it suspicious that Trump's own FBI/cop cultists would be at the insurrection that they convince themselves are not fellow Trump cultists, I could see some radicalized moron thinking it would be a good idea to hand Trump's SNL nemesis a loaded gun that he thought was safe on a movie set.

That is the cunning of the conspiracy theories, it really doesn't matter what is true or what isn't, everything gets spun to fit their narratives as the facts become known and reported. And until then they can just 'people say' hundreds of bullshit scenarios and when one sticks get 'proven' right.
People are saying “I’m no sheep! That’s why I’m taking sheep dewormer!”
Many take rat poison to thin the blood. Ivermectin,.2mg per Kg of body weight 6 days in a row. Preferably on a Full or New moon. :) Rid your body of the parasites that you find so comforting!