Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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Here is my story.
At least this is what my mother told me. She passed 6 years ago. I say this because I can find no actual record of any of it, except for a single entry in my baby book that says "at 2 months old, xxxxxx will not get immunized" (xxxxxx is me)

so anyways here's the story.....
at 2 months old I went to get my 1st set of immunizations.
I apparently had a severe anaphylaxis reaction later that day after getting home and apparently suffocated and died for a couple minutes.
Obviously they brought me back / saved me.
The next part is at the age of 6, I was registered with "Medic Alert" that I am "Allergic to All Immunizations" this was 1980.
So throughout my life I never got any shots, I was the only one throughout school that I recall that never got any shots.
I never questioned it, and just lived my life.
I've never traveled out of Canada. I've lived like a hermit, staying home often, and diligently washing my hands several time daily whenever I go out. basically just like all you've had to endure minus the face mask. I work a night job as a contractor in high rise buildings cleaning carpets, so contact with people is limited there too, been doing this for near 25 years now.

When I was in my early 20's (late 1990's) I attempted to find out what it was I was allergic to, so got allergy tested, reaction confirmed but inconclusive as to cause.
Was told by the testers to continue wearing the medic alert as it's for life.
I never kept any records either as I assumed the Medic Alert was the record and my doctor keeps all records as well.... not true, they only keep it for 10 years. I didn't need to see the doc for over 20 years, and the guy I saw back then passed away as well. His clinic is still going, just new staff and practitioners.

FFWD to today
I was born, raised and live in Alberta, Canada.
We are now doing vaccine passport where proof of 2 doses via QR code and government app is mandated starting Oct 25th 2021 for access to anything other than grocery stores and shopping malls pretty much, basically anything entertainment.

The commercial high-rise buildings I work in also decided to participate, so no proof of double vaccine, no entry without a PCR rapid test at my expense. They are $130 here and required every 72 hours, would work out to 10 times a month, so about $1300 I'd have to pay, just to work. I was basically told I was going to lose my job as they wouldn't be able to send me to site where they require vaccine proof when they have other crews that are fully vaccinated.

I can't get an exemption as there are NO records. Medic Alert just says all they have is the inscription. "Allergic to all vaccines" ..... this is useless....
I've spent nearly 2 years since the Pandemic started trying to sort this out and I'm literally drained to death. My Doctor refused an exemption letter stating he will loose his license and it's beyond his scope, meanwhile, the government of Alberta states clearly that it is your family doctor to see to get one. 811 health link Alberta government nurses repeated this and said if he won't go see a different doctor. I saw 2 other doctors about it, they said the same thing. They won't give exemption as they've been threatened by the collage of physicians that they will loose their license, and the only way I could get an exemption is if I get the shot and have a severe reaction to the Covid vaccine, as the other immunizations are not the same and don't count.

Cutting the story short, I was assured that vaccine is safe and it's not possible to be allergic to all vaccines and "just go get the shot, even if you have a reaction they can easily deal with it." I got the same response from 2 other doctors and an Allergy specialists.

I decided that with 5 doctors and a specialist all saying the same thing, I have to believe them. So on Friday I got the Pfizer shot.

no reaction.

arm was sore where the needle site was for a day like someone punched me hard, but otherwise nothing.....

Anyways, the point of my story is, I was pretty much forced into getting the vaccine if I wanted to continue a 25 year career where I have the top contract and earn the most in the company. There is no longer a choice. Don't get me wrong, If I didn't have this medic alert thing, I'd have gotten both doses asap and probably gotten the 3rd booster by now. I have nothing against it. But fuck... they have taken away choice. loosing your career and starting over after 25 years and maybe if your lucky be able to be a delivery driver or something for minimum wage, or, get vaccinated.

the 2nd point is, if your holding out with no valid reason, you are the fucking problem, because If I can have a story like this and still get the shot with no adverse effect, there is NO reason for you not to. The vaccine is safe. It will save lives.

Thanks for reading.
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It isn the POS's that call fellow Americans commies that bothers me

This statement actually makes zero sense - explain.
And are you calling me a Piece Of Shit - or a Point Of Sale? - try using English to communicate your point a little more precisely.
And the joke is common here in Commiefornia ever since we recalled Gray Davis - ask any native.

...and answer the question:
What is your problem with proper medical documentation?
My vaccine related side effects were mild and well within the known spectrum of possible unintended effects associated with the Pfizer vaccine.
I had an ICU doctor (family friend) document the effects. <-- Why do you think that's wrong?

Fellow Americans can absolutely be communists - anyone saying otherwise is either completely ignorant or lying. (Which are you?)
Next - does it bother you that you have fellow Americans that believe in communism?
Or does it bother you that you don't quite know where your beliefs fall on that topic?

Your blind belief in the Trump Vaccine (Warp Speed) leads me to believe that you might need to re-examine your beliefs.
- just so that YOU understand what YOU are.'
FWIW - among other reasons, Operation Warp Speed was my initial reason to resist the vax. I thought Orange Man was rushing the approval process too much - Biden rushing it further didn't help.
This statement actually makes zero sense - explain.
And are you calling me a Piece Of Shit - or a Point Of Sale? - try using English to communicate your point a little more precisely.
And the joke is common here in Commiefornia - ask any native.

...and answer the question:
What is your problem with proper medical documentation?
My vaccine related side effects were mild and well within the known spectrum of possible unintended effects associated with the Pfizer vaccine.
I had an ICU doctor (family friend) document the effects. <-- Why do you think that's wrong?

Fellow Americans can absolutely be communists - anyone saying otherwise is either completely ignorant or lying. (Which are you?)
Next - does it bother you that you have fellow Americans that believe in communism?
Or does it bother you that you don't quite know where your beliefs fall on that topic?

Your blind belief in the Trump Vaccine (Warp Speed) leads me to believe that you might need to re-examine your beliefs.
- just so that YOU understand what YOU are.'
FWIW - among other reasons, Operation Warp Speed was my initial reason to resist the vax. I thought Orange Man was rushing the approval process too much - Biden rushing it further didn't help.
If you refer to Americans as commies I’m speaking to you
Anti government anti Vaxxers are trying to tear down a democracy
Edit : after reading your response :finger:
Completely ignorant

I was born here
Served my country for 10 years in the Navy

If the country is free - why do you think the vax should be compulsory? Can't have both.

Why are you against honest reporting regard Trump's vaccine?
Thanks for your service but I was drafted and have been called a non patriot from anyone on the. Left when I returned home and now am being called communist by the same GOP
I was a lifetime member of
I have had enough Republican on January 6th attack
Frankly have no use for these types nor do I care about feelings
A true patriot would understand that "Commiefornia" is a statement most often made by native Californians who love their country, but are tired of watching a lazy, uncaring state government make the greatest state in the union into a complete trash-hole.

A true patriot would have understood that "Commiefornia" is a protest. (thought you liked protests???
A true patriot would have wondered where the vitriol against the state comes from - not simply blurt out non-sensical statements.

How many homeless veterans do you have to step over to get to work? (none, I hope)
How many endangered wetlands have you watched be developed into McMansions while the county refuses to allow solar panels on my roof because it will jack up my city councilman's view.
How many regulations have sent your business overseas because Commiefornia wants to APPEAR environmentally friendly - but all we really do is let Thailand do the environmentally dirty work (more than China)

Corruption should make you just as angry as it makes me - but we clearly have differing opinions on that.
A true patriot would understand that "Commiefornia" is a statement most often made by native Californians who love their country, but are tired of watching a lazy, uncaring state government make the greatest state in the union into a complete trash-hole.

A true patriot would have understood that "Commiefornia" is a protest. (thought you liked protests???
A true patriot would have wondered where the vitriol against the state comes from - not simply blurt out non-sensical statements.

How many homeless veterans do you have to step over to get to work? (none, I hope)
How many endangered wetlands have you watched be developed into McMansions while the county refuses to allow solar panels on my roof because it will jack up my city councilman's view.
How many regulations have sent your business overseas because Commiefornia wants to APPEAR environmentally friendly - but all we really do is let Thailand do the environmentally dirty work (more than China)

Corruption should make you just as angry as it makes me - but we clearly have differing opinions on that.
you sound libertarian
Here is how it works
You come after my government
You come after me
I will stand correct
We definitely have different opinions on what patriotism is and it is easily not attacking the US anything
Thanks for your service but I was drafted and have been called a non patriot from anyone on the. Left when I returned home and now am being called communist by the same GOP
I was a lifetime member of
I have had enough Republican on January 6th attack
Frankly have no use for these types nor do I care about feelings

I called you nothing - nor did I intend to. Actually, your revulsion of the word is a bit encouraging.
- Thanks for your service as well. Involuntary or not - you served your country, and people need to remember to look up to those who have served like that --- Thank you.

I'm neither conservative nor liberal. - I'm a pragmatist --- I like politicians that actually make things work (and most that cling to party don't work - at all)

Locally I voted mostly dem - in my little corner of California, they've done a decent job and I have no reason to change that.
Emperor Gav is easily the worst gov we've had - The Governator was better! But I was against - waste of money.
Congress & the Senate need term limits - they become life-long politicians and corruption is pretty much unavoidable.
At the top of the ticket - I realized years ago that my vote doesn't mean anything - it's pre-determined anyway.

So I'll tell you who I voted for - a write in named:

"Defund the Fed"
Completely ignorant

I was born here
Served my country for 10 years in the Navy

If the country is free - why do you think the vax should be compulsory? Can't have both.

Why are you against honest reporting regard Trump's vaccine?
so when Washington made smallpox vaccine mandatory for all his soldiers...he was fighting the freedom he was fighting to obtain....5f8fef11a34cce64bb0cd4e4c74d9adc.gif
A true patriot would understand that "Commiefornia" is a statement most often made by native Californians who love their country, but are tired of watching a lazy, uncaring state government make the greatest state in the union into a complete trash-hole.

A true patriot would have understood that "Commiefornia" is a protest. (thought you liked protests???
A true patriot would have wondered where the vitriol against the state comes from - not simply blurt out non-sensical statements.

How many homeless veterans do you have to step over to get to work? (none, I hope)
How many endangered wetlands have you watched be developed into McMansions while the county refuses to allow solar panels on my roof because it will jack up my city councilman's view.
How many regulations have sent your business overseas because Commiefornia wants to APPEAR environmentally friendly - but all we really do is let Thailand do the environmentally dirty work (more than China)

Corruption should make you just as angry as it makes me - but we clearly have differing opinions on that.
a true patriot wouldn't be trying to antagonize people because they don't have the same opinions....America was built on diversity, and you have no tolerance for anyone's opinions but your try to turn it around, but you just spout republican rhetoric while trying to validate it by saying you're the real patriot....not buying that shit, sell it to someone stupider than you....if you can find anyone stupider than yourself...that should keep you busy for a while
you sound libertarian
Nope. - I'm a proud American Citizen.
Here is how it works
You come after my government
You come after me
Paranoid much?
Why on earth would I "come after" anybody?
I want nothing more than to be allowed to live out my life as I see fit as long as my actions do not harm others.

Why would that bother you?
I will stand correct

Not sure what "I will stand correct" means - I'm guessing it's some way to say that you own a gun or two and are willing to fight physically.
Sounds good - LMK when you're ready.

We definitely have different opinions on what patriotism is and it easily not attacking the US anything
Agreed - why would I ever attack the country I served and love?

All of your accusations stem from one - simple point:
You are angry that I listened to the advice of Doctors for my medical decisions and completely ignored the political screeching.
Everything you called me and wished on me stems from that small disagreement - super intelligent...
so when Washington made smallpox vaccine mandatory for all his soldiers...he was fighting the freedom he was fighting to obtain....View attachment 5016673

Agreed - and I never said anything about that - or protesting vaccines.

I've had more than you, including the Anthrax vax.

The only thing I did to piss you off was wait for medical advice regarding my vax.
You chose to start the animosity from there.

Funny thing is - we 95% agree, but you threaten violence over that 5%.
Nope. - I'm a proud American Citizen.

Paranoid much?
Why on earth would I "come after" anybody?
I want nothing more than to be allowed to live out my life as I see fit as long as my actions do not harm others.

Why would that bother you?

Not sure what "I will stand correct" means - I'm guessing it's some way to say that you own a gun or two and are willing to fight physically.
Sounds good - LMK when you're ready.

Agreed - why would I ever attack the country I served and love?

All of your accusations stem from one - simple point:
You are angry that I listened to the advice of Doctors for my medical decisions and completely ignored the political screeching.
Everything you called me and wished on me stems from that small disagreement - super intelligent...
It’s the internet
You can embellish any way you want
My doctor says we are all safe yet somehow you are the chosen one horse manure
a true patriot wouldn't be trying to antagonize people because they don't have the same opinions....America was built on diversity, and you have no tolerance for anyone's opinions but your try to turn it around, but you just spout republican rhetoric while trying to validate it by saying you're the real patriot....not buying that shit, sell it to someone stupider than you....if you can find anyone stupider than yourself...that should keep you busy for a while

You threatened my life over a differing opinion Rog
- but I still love you! :bigjoint:
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