Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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I’m too old
Good luck with your revolution
May I never cross your path too

Likewise - and well said.

Not sure where your animosity comes from.
I have none for you, Rog, or DIY - despite your repeated threats against my physical well-being (which is absurd via the internet).

All of this comes because I waited to take the Trump vaccine until my medical team did.
Why would you threaten life & limb over that?

Seriously - does that not strike anyone as a bit --- STUPID?

The real funny part is that I have not taken any of this seriously at all.
- it's more of a mental exercise to see how easily I can trigger people.
It's too easy now - just ask people a real question.
My Mother grew up on a farm.

When they loaded the sheep on the truck, they ran them single file through a chute so that they could count them.
For fun - she would place a stick in front of the first 3 to 4 sheep, making them jump as they passed her.

After those 3 to 4 sheep, she'd remove the stick from their path,
But the entire flock would still jump when they reach the spot where the stick was.
If one sheep tries to "look before they leap" they get a set of horns in their backside.
Because they're sheep.

A lot like politics today.
I'll let you read your own shit again. Maybe it will hit you right in the face.

Which action? - explain.

I've had both shots, if that's what you're referring to - I went with the ICU & ED of my Wife's hospital on their advice.
Pretty sure they're smart enough to make those kind of recommendations.
Which action? - explain.

I've had both shots, if that's what you're referring to - I went with the ICU & ED of my Wife's hospital on their advice.
Pretty sure they're smart enough to make those kind of recommendations.
i'll tell you the truth, i don't care whether you've been vaccinated or not, or even what your politics are. i just don't like're a rude little mealymouthed prick, and if i never have to interact with you in any way again, it'll be too soon. take your attitude and smart mouth and shove them both up your ass sideways with the sharp edges, back to ignoring you...for good this time
they make a good point...Drs. take an oath that begins with "first, do no harm."...spreading misinformation online is doing harm, seems like a good case to revoke some medical licenses to me, it might be the warning a lot of the others spreading lies and misinformation need to get their heads out of their asses and start acting like responsible adults again.
i'll tell you the truth, i don't care whether you've been vaccinated or not, or even what your politics are. i just don't like're a rude little mealymouthed prick, and if i never have to interact with you in any way again, it'll be too soon. take your attitude and smart mouth and shove them both up your ass sideways with the sharp edges, back to ignoring you...for good this time

Thanks for finally being honest that you simply don't like me. Why was that so hard?
I actually don't care about you either way - although I confess that I picture you being much like my neighbor up the street - screaming at a black & white screen while the real world goes by in vibrant color.
Hope your Avi gets some fiber in his diet and passes "that" soon. :bigjoint:

and thanks for acknowledging my sharp edges! :P
Thanks for finally being honest that you simply don't like me. Why was that so hard?
I actually don't care about you either way - although I confess that I picture you being much like my neighbor up the street - screaming at a black & white screen while the real world goes by in vibrant color.
Hope your Avi gets some fiber in his diet and passes "that" soon. :bigjoint:

and thanks for acknowledging my sharp edges! :P
I would love to see you act worthy of my respect
Instead you choose to play passive aggressive troll games
Shame really
I would love to see you act worthy of my respect
Instead you choose to play passive aggressive troll games
Shame really

As if you are worthy of acting for - you wished violence on me.

So yeah, I choose to play games with people who cannot think beyond name calling and violence.
Really show me where I did that unless you call flipping you the bird hurting your snowflake azz

I told Roger that I waited a few months longer than him on medical advice.
- That small variance got Roger frothing and he wished my death.

You and DIY dog-piled on with using any reading skills or ---- critical thinking.
If you read, you'd see that I actually agree with nearly everything mechanically and logically.
- I just don't need to screech, call names and threaten.
- Remove the emotion, step back and read back - you started name calling based on Roger and DIY's equally un-thought posts.
At that moment you became a tiki-torch carrying name your epithet here.
Every un-thought response since then has been easy fodder to pass a stormy day.

It's not my fault that you are all such easy targets. :bigjoint:

Just because I refuse to subscribe to your exact viewpoint does not justify much of any of your animalistic responses.
Snowflake, eh?

Just can't use your brain and stop the name calling.
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