Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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“Natural immunity” versus the vaccine for COVID-19 ...
Oct 04, 2021 · The bottom line: Contrary to the narrative being pushed, for COVID-19 “natural immunity” is not superior to vaccine-induced immunity, which is less variable and more reliable. Even if it were, yet again, I must emphasize that vaccine-induced immunity has a key advantag

Natural immunity not as effective as COVID-19 vaccine, new study shows
The unvaccinated have 11.3 times higher risk of dying than the vaccinated, according to data …

36% Of Those Who Had Covid-19 Didn’t Develop Antibodies ...
Sep 05, 2021 · A study just published in the journal Emerging Infectious Disease found that 36% of those who had had Covid-19 didn’t have antibodies against the severe acute respiratory syndrome

Also if one only experienced Mild symptoms from Covid, the less chances they developed antibodies. The sicker you were, the more antibodies produced.
I asked my 85 year old granny to stop putting sugar on her biscuits and gravy and eating bacon every day. She told me she will do what she wants and to mind my own business. She got covid earlier this year and I was worried for her. Turned out to be some sniffles and that's it, thankfully. Now she's vaccinated. She says she has done all she can and when the good lord calls her she'll go.

I am not responsible for other people becoming old/obese/unhealthy and I am not responsible for the risks associated with those conditions.
I'm not responsible for anyone dying from the cold, the flu, pneumonia, covid or any other cause. It is awful when people die. I understand that....but I'm not injecting something in me because you are upset and say I should. You're not my doctor. That's all.
Responsible? You sound like a lovely person.
@Herb & Suds
I fail to see how bringing up ones genitals is appropriate. That really does come across as sexist. Is that how you normally insult people; by their physical traits that they have no control over?
Dude, I agree with you, but the way you put that makes me think that you actually don’t have any balls because of a childhood accident or something.
Because I don't get upset over words and insults from a sexist? His attempt was a sad one.

I'll leave you gentlemen to your echo chamber where you are the embodiment of "be better"
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Small update.

The second shot got me SICK - as I was warned it might by the pharmacist, doctors, et al.
Something about having natural immunity really pisses off the vaccine (and Roger & DIY...)

102f fever
Bone / joint ache
The one that might scare some people - high blood pressure and slight tachycardia.
I normally have a very low pulse - mid 50's - and a bp to match - 110 / 64 avg.
My pulse went to the 70's and stayed there - so I called one of the Doctors that I got my jab with.
He didn't get that side-effect, but had me come in just to make sure I'll be alright and to document the effects in the hospital.
Advised me to stay away from caffeine and not to run or surf for a few days (heart rate raising activities) and to monitor bp & heart rate when I start again.
I'm back to the low 60's now & my bp is normal.
Asked about weed - got scolded for smoking.
OK, heading to the dispo for edibles! :bigjoint:
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