Proof of voter fraud found

don’t care enough about people playing pretend to hate them.

I only have love but a bitch is a bitch.
That last sentence, hoo-wee


Main or not. Make no difference all tools. What cult am I supposed to be in since I’m not the worship your slave master government cult?

you do everything they tell you to like good slave?

Remember that time you put your money where you mouth was and stopped paying taxes and stopped renewing your driver's license and stopped following speed limits?

Nobody else does either.
Remember that time you put your money where you mouth was and stopped paying taxes and stopped renewing your driver's license and stopped following speed limits?

Nobody else does either.

I don’t have registration on anything, or i.d. let alone driver’s license. taxes are unavoidable but I do my best to not support and pay them whenpossible.

I don’t care about traffic laws but I’m the slowest car on the road. Not so much on my motorcycle

just because your scared to go outside doesn’t mean I am.

kiss for you only scaredy-cat

worship harder

classic, try and talk down to me because you are scared
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They found the proof for the rigged election results.
Yep. A fucking Republican dipshit. It's always the republicans crying they are victims of abuse, but then they get caught being the abusers.
Biden won. Moving on.
Are we going to be bringing this up next election I’m just wondering who’s going to throw their hat in the arena to be a part of this madness it’s like a tv comedy anymore like trump is sitting there in some room in Tighty Whiteys yelling at someone eating a chicken leg saying how old Biden ruined it all and how the deep state it’s out to ruin us all just a joke like a episode of Roseanne Dan lost a contract because the libtard up the road stole it and now every bodies gotta pay I love how all other important topics just get shoved to the side so we can vent our political hatred for one another and I do t even think anything we are arguing about is shit the president even has the power to fix just wow anymore I hope Mitch McConnell gets elected
I don’t have registration on anything, or i.d. let alone driver’s license. taxes are unavoidable but I do my best to not support and pay them whenpossible.

I don’t care about traffic laws but I’m the slowest car on the road. Not so much on my motorcycle

just because your scared to go outside doesn’t mean I am.

kiss for you only scaredy-cat

worship harder

classic, try and talk down to me because you are scared
Cry baby biker?
I don’t have registration on anything, or i.d. let alone driver’s license. taxes are unavoidable but I do my best to not support and pay them whenpossible.

I don’t care about traffic laws but I’m the slowest car on the road. Not so much on my motorcycle

just because your scared to go outside doesn’t mean I am.

kiss for you only scaredy-cat

worship harder

classic, try and talk down to me because you are scared

Your lifestyle is finite.
Yes. I cry and wait for gov to save me from all the scary things in the world.

why you sad with me for not worshipping gov with you?

Your attitude comes from absurd levels of narcissism. Sorry, but you're not special. Probably riding on the coattails of your ancestors.

You have to be young. There's no way you could be older and still maintain such levels of an inflated view of yourself. Such machismo nonsense.
I don’t have registration on anything, or i.d. let alone driver’s license. taxes are unavoidable but I do my best to not support and pay them whenpossible.

I don’t care about traffic laws but I’m the slowest car on the road. Not so much on my motorcycle

just because your scared to go outside doesn’t mean I am.

kiss for you only scaredy-cat

worship harder

classic, try and talk down to me because you are scared
Do you also have a firetruck?

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