Pandemic 2020

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Yearly boosters are a sure sign that these fucks have no idea what they are doing, just keep giving them shots and telling them we are working on it, god damn sheeple :roll: deserve every bit of whatever you get from blindly following that crap

Yearly boosters are quite normal. Im sure you are are as annoyed as i am with the tetanus shot.
No matter how recent its been, if i get cut by something rusty they say, We will give you another just in case
Yearly boosters are quite normal. Im sure you are are as annoyed as i am with the tetanus shot.
No matter how recent its been, if i get cut by something rusty they say, We will give you another just in case
Before surgery they give you a tetanus shot too. I didn’t know what was in it but, like a sheep, I took it anyway when I had my surgery.
idiot much? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
A SMALL BRAIN. Vaccines or boosters won't make any difference to the cursed, those like you, who swallowed bullshit and poisoned your small brain. Covid is the gift that keeps on giving and the liberals are laughing their asses off at the fools. The vaccines will get better, but covid is endemic now and after a few months natural immunity wears off and another round of punishment will ensue. I guess this is how the meek will inherit the earth, or at least how the liberals will take power in America. An epidemic of stupidity is killing republicans now, not an epidemic of covid, there's a vaccine for that.

The vaccinated have a 1 in 5000 chance of getting a breakthrough infection and it's usually not that serious. The Captain is vaxxed to the max, you are not, or your just a murdering asshole out to kill republicans.
Republican state senator, banned from Alaska Airlines after mask refusal, tests positive for COVID-19
Alaska state Sen. Lora Reinbold (R), who in April gained fame after she was banned from Alaskan Airlines for not wearing a mask, posted on her Facebook page Tuesday that she had tested positive for COVID-19.

"It's my turn to battle Covid head on... game on! Who do you think is going to win?" Reinbold wrote in a Facebook post.

She then criticized the directions she'd received about her positive test for treatment.

"I am completely unimpressed with instructions, on my positive test, that says to go home & take Tylenol (which is contraindicated) until you cannot breathe," she wrote.

Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, is frequently recommended as a medication to reduce fevers for people diagnosed with COVID-19.

Reinbold also wrote in her Facebook post that she was "blessed to have gotten ivirmectin the 'de -covider'."
I think I'm just gonna post a link to the parlor or some other rightwing hothouse in response to them. Their posts will do more good there and help to keep the worst of the unvaxxed from changing their minds! :lol: Seriously, who are they looking to kill at this point, other than themselves?
i'm all for them not taking the vaccine at this point, i think enough of the at risk people have gotten vaccinated and or know how and when to isolate themselves, that we can just go ahead and let it run wild among the unvaccinated...and hope it takes as many of the fucking idiots out as possible...i'm sick of arguing with them, i'm sick of hearing the snowflakes try to pass of irresponsibility and fear as "personal choice"...i'm just fucking sick of them...let the motherfuckers die, then at least we won't have to listen to their phobic whining any more, fucking cowardly cunts
Republican state senator, banned from Alaska Airlines after mask refusal, tests positive for COVID-19
Alaska state Sen. Lora Reinbold (R), who in April gained fame after she was banned from Alaskan Airlines for not wearing a mask, posted on her Facebook page Tuesday that she had tested positive for COVID-19.

"It's my turn to battle Covid head on... game on! Who do you think is going to win?" Reinbold wrote in a Facebook post.

She then criticized the directions she'd received about her positive test for treatment.

"I am completely unimpressed with instructions, on my positive test, that says to go home & take Tylenol (which is contraindicated) until you cannot breathe," she wrote.

Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, is frequently recommended as a medication to reduce fevers for people diagnosed with COVID-19.

Reinbold also wrote in her Facebook post that she was "blessed to have gotten ivirmectin the 'de -covider'."

Someone should really let her know that you're supposed to take all the ivermectin at once.
Republican state senator, banned from Alaska Airlines after mask refusal, tests positive for COVID-19
Alaska state Sen. Lora Reinbold (R), who in April gained fame after she was banned from Alaskan Airlines for not wearing a mask, posted on her Facebook page Tuesday that she had tested positive for COVID-19.

"It's my turn to battle Covid head on... game on! Who do you think is going to win?" Reinbold wrote in a Facebook post.

She then criticized the directions she'd received about her positive test for treatment.

"I am completely unimpressed with instructions, on my positive test, that says to go home & take Tylenol (which is contraindicated) until you cannot breathe," she wrote.

Acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol, is frequently recommended as a medication to reduce fevers for people diagnosed with COVID-19.

Reinbold also wrote in her Facebook post that she was "blessed to have gotten ivirmectin the 'de -covider'."
and this is an elected official of the state of Alaska? this person convinced enough people to vote for her that she got elected?...seems like Alaska is full of some dumb fuckers, then...

so does everyone still see civil war coming? it's looks to me like it's going to be a pretty lopsided civil war...the hard core trumpists vs. EVERYONE ELSE...and everyone else is already pretty fucking irritated at the trumptards, and apparently, trump himself....i wish we had an emoji of laughing evilly and rubbing your hands together like a fly....this will have to do for now.... :hump:
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