Is Biden really that bad?

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You like paying more for everything and having every aspect of your life dictated to you? The guys a pos and turned first the city of SF then CA into a mess. I don’t care what side runs the state but Newsom is an elitist asshole and career politician. There’s much better people out there than that!

We don't have a right to cheap things in a capitalist economy.
You really don’t know about the $600 thing? That’s where he wants every $600 that comes in or out of your account documented and sent to the IRS. It’s insane! The reason they are trying to do that is because they are looking for money to pay for all these bullshit social programs in the bill.

i remember the $600 thing..i was a recipient of it when instituted during Donald Trumps Administration. Paid every month of rent unfortunately it ended rather abruptly and i didn't have money for 8 weeks because that FVCKER signed another Bill one day late.

That's incorrect..$600 is tax is the $ is the $1400 (but Rightie wanted to tax it- we overrode them) so is the 1st $10k on your tax return so is your Unemployment but if you go to another social safety net while receiving this money like're right..they won't let you. During the time that i received extra money i didn't have SNAP because i wouldn't qualify..that's double don't mean you were trying to double dip were you?

your post is mostly projection of stuff you want to get away with ie. fraud the government.
I don't paint them all with one brush. They all were trespassing. What guns and knives? If this were a true insurrection, they'd have all had guns/knives, etc. You know 99 percent of those folks own guns. I don't think all of them were fascists, but I'm sure there were many patriots there. Do you have any video of this beating? I don't think so... But feel free to share.
video....? seriously?...the corpse of the cop with fire extinguisher sized dents in his skull, lying next to a bloody fire extinguisher..with a FASCIST FUCKING MURDERER COVERED IN HIS BLOOD STANDING OVER BOTH isn't enough proof for you, you foul fuck?
what will you say next?...that imigrants aren't really human, so it's ok to beat them with whips from horseback?
the only patriots in that building that day wore capital police uniforms, and fought to uphold the laws of our country, while seditious pieces of shit tried to tear it down and install a con man as a dictator...motherfucking shame on you....
President Donald Trump very much wanted Ivanka at the helm, and it was the Treasury secretary who blocked her ascent.
Here's the first one that came up on my search. Published in Feb 2021, that states at least 8 months. Long term studies obviously aren't available for covid. But plenty of studies out there that show decades and bone marrow involvement. FACTS.

Ummm that really doesn’t say that natural vaccines last longer did it? I may have missed that part, was it linked to another study? Perhaps you could clarify your citation. Thanks for the effort though, FACT ;)!
video....? seriously?...the corpse of the cop with fire extinguisher sized dents in his skull, lying next to a bloody fire extinguisher..with a FASCIST FUCKING MURDERER COVERED IN HIS BLOOD STANDING OVER BOTH isn't enough proof for you, you foul fuck?
what will you say next?...that imigrants aren't really human, so it's ok to beat them with whips from horseback?
the only patriots in that building that day wore capital police uniforms, and fought to uphold the laws of our country, while seditious pieces of shit tried to tear it down and install a con man as a dictator...motherfucking shame on you....
"Not all of them were armed and tried to kill people" lulz

As if that makes any difference.
You really don’t know about the $600 thing? That’s where he wants every $600 that comes in or out of your account documented and sent to the IRS. It’s insane! The reason they are trying to do that is because they are looking for money to pay for all these bullshit social programs in the bill.
the reason they are doing this is to get tax cheats to pay what they owe...if they do so voluntarily, there would be no reason to do any of this...but you don't have time to be angry at them, you only have time to blame the guy who is trying to rebuild the country after the shameful neglect of the past century.
the idea is to report gross movements of money. no info on what you're doing with it, which pron sites you're subscribing to...only the large transfers of cash that usually accompany money laundering and tax evasion...the 600 dollar number comes as an idea to keep the very wealthy from dividing their money up into many smaller accounts to avoid this reporting, 600 dollars is too small an amount to be useful to them in this situation...
they do not have the time or the personnel to monitor every bank account in the country...not even 10 percent of them...the information will go into a data pool, and only people kicking certain flags will be looked at...just like 90% of online monitoring now... so this is just more of the same shit, driven by the same cheating, lying, stealing capitalist republican fucks who can't play fair...
Isn't the AMA the one that recommends no longer putting the sex of a child on a birth certificate. CDC and the AMA are too political nowadays. Since we're talking medical experts and such, what do you think about Dr Fauci's opinion? The dude that's contradicted himself several times and wears a mask when he knows he's on camera? The dude denies paying for funding for gain of function in the Wuhan lab. Lied to congress? I don't trust any of these bureaucrats.
the ama is the american medical association, the best source of medical information in the country, and your opinion about their politicization is irrelevant. the CDC is governed by a "president" that they pick, from among their own ranks. i trust them and any information they put out about 10,000 times more than i trust the bullshit you read off of trumpist rags...
as far as Fauci goes, i have no problem with say he wears masks on camera? that's because he's in a crowd of people when he's on camera.... :roll:
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President Donald Trump very much wanted Ivanka at the helm, and it was the Treasury secretary who blocked her ascent.
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Can you imagine her in charge of the World Bank?!....Oy Veyo_O
Two stellar points were mandating masks and getting the vaccines quickly distributed.

The same vaccines he was so skeptical of when president Trump was pushing them? You could just wear a mask on your own like I did. Why did you need the government to hold your hand and tell you what to do? That’s what I don’t get.

I gave him a chance I mean really I wanted him just to run the country and not change too much but now after several stupid things and this insane 3.5 trillion spending
If you wanted to give him a chance, why not wait a reasonable amount of time, say like a year, before you condemn him?

"Several stupid things"?

Please name them

The sum you mention is a PROPOSAL still under debate, just like the $ 1.5 trillion is a PROPOSAL, not a finished product.
He has not agreed to anything yet.

Oh, and you thought it was OK the way things were with Trump & you didn't want things to change much?
Look at the fucking country around you now


This is what Trump left Biden & this Nation with after 4 fucked up years.

You think Biden is responsible for the all the death/destruction & general mayhem that is America today?
And Biden did all this in 8 fucking months?
Have you lived in a cave/hole?
This country is self-destructing and Trump is the one, aided & abetted by fellow cunt Republicans, that lit the fuse on the bomb that has been sitting & waiting to explode for a long, long time.
President Donald Trump very much wanted Ivanka at the helm, and it was the Treasury secretary who blocked her ascent.
View attachment 5006974

'Oh what a tangled web we weave, when at first we try to deceive'.
The same vaccines he was so skeptical of when president Trump was pushing them? You could just wear a mask on your own like I did. Why did you need the government to hold your hand and tell you what to do? That’s what I don’t get.

Anything being hawked by the trump cartel is subject to proper scrutiny...good looking out Newsom:clap:
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