Is Biden really that bad?

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The same vaccines he was so skeptical of when president Trump was pushing them? You could just wear a mask on your own like I did. Why did you need the government to hold your hand and tell you what to do? That’s what I don’t get.

That man did everything in his power to delay and sabotage national pandemic response.
If you wanted to give him a chance, why not wait a reasonable amount of time, say like a year, before you condemn him?

"Several stupid things"?

Please name them

The sum you mention is a PROPOSAL still under debate, just like the $ 1.5 trillion is a PROPOSAL, not a finished product.
He has not agreed to anything yet.

Oh, and you thought it was OK the way things were with Trump & you didn't want things to change much?
Look at the fucking country around you now

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This is what Trump left Biden & this Nation with after 4 fucked up years.

You think Biden is responsible for the all the death/destruction & general mayhem that is America today?
And Biden did all this in 8 fucking months?
Have you lived in a cave/hole?
This country is self-destructing and Trump is the one, aided & abetted by fellow cunt Republicans, that lit the fuse on the bomb that has been sitting & waiting to explode for a long, long time.

I’m just curious as to what did Trump do that was so awful? I mean he wasn’t the most affable guy but the economy was good and prices were low. We had illegal immigration in check. People try to say the country was in unrest but who created that unrest? Who refused to keep those people in check? Mayors and governors just let people act stupid and those were all democrats
I’m just curious as to what did Trump do that was so awful? I mean he wasn’t the most affable guy but the economy was good and prices were low. We had illegal immigration in check. People try to say the country was in unrest but who created that unrest? Who refused to keep those people in check? Mayors and governors just let people act stupid and those were all democrats
he incited an insurrection and got people killed .....Lock him up
I’m just curious as to what did Trump do that was so awful? I mean he wasn’t the most affable guy but the economy was good and prices were low. We had illegal immigration in check. People try to say the country was in unrest but who created that unrest? Who refused to keep those people in check? Mayors and governors just let people act stupid and those were all democrats
Most of a million needless deaths of people in his care, for starters.
The same vaccines he was so skeptical of when president Trump was pushing them? You could just wear a mask on your own like I did. Why did you need the government to hold your hand and tell you what to do? That’s what I don’t get.

Trump advocated UV enemas and injecting bleach, among many other contradictory and harmful things. People died because of his touting hydroxychloroquine. So, Gavin made the right call there.

Regarding masks, it's just a piece of fabric one pulls over their mouth and nose when in public buildings and crowds. We do it to protect others in case we are infected. Businesses require you wear a mask while inside their establishments are only doing what is necessary to protect employees and customers You people who complain about them are the epitome of snowflakes.
I gave him a chance I mean really I wanted him just to run the country and not change too much but now after several stupid things and this insane 3.5 trillion spending where he wants to snoop in our bank accounts I realize he is just as big of pos as the gov of California. He really fucked up the country with his paying people to sit on their ass and forcing landlords to allow people to live for free even if they could pay. I had a couple shipments from Home Depot and they are a couple weeks late and nobody can say when because nobody wants to work. This is coming directly from several people and one of the drivers.
thats terrible man why do you think no one wants to work
The same vaccines he was so skeptical of when president Trump was pushing them? You could just wear a mask on your own like I did. Why did you need the government to hold your hand and tell you what to do? That’s what I don’t get.

you do realize that's from a year ago (during the Trump Administration) October 2020?

oh wait! you wanted to know why?

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Ummm that really doesn’t say that natural vaccines last longer did it? I may have missed that part, was it linked to another study? Perhaps you could clarify your citation. Thanks for the effort though, FACT ;)!

No, it doesn't but there are hundreds probably thousands of breakthrough cases in less than 8 months. Watch the news smart guy...
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