Is Biden really that bad?

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If I remember correctly I know Biden said there would not be a vaccine mandate. Can trust anything he says. Even when he talks about kids rubbing his blonde leg hairs. He's a sick dude.
Trumptards be like; “gas was cheap under the reign of the chosen one”

It was when we were stuck at home while Trump's epidemic and the economy for all intents and purposes was shut down. The recent price rise was triggered by OPEC+ policy to reduce production. But then again, the price of gas at the pump is not what @pinner420 was really talking about.
Propoganda = main stream media.
Propaganda = Fux, right wing media
You see, Trump isn't a moron actually
We're the morons that elected basically a used car salesman.
He's a smart fuck & played the fools in this country like a fucking fiddle.

For some reason thinking now about fiddles, this & Trump voters came to my mind :)

Yup. I'm gonna watch that movie, again, tonight (I love it :) )
Edit; "We'll unveil it in 2 weeks."
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Too bad your son didn't have the balls to be in your beloved Afghanistan

I bet you're pissed Biden kept Trumps promise to remove the troops

And how do Presidents control oil prices ?

Oh thats right ...they don't:rolleyes:
Explain to me how reducing supply effects price with an executive order... ill wait to hear this beautifully crafted bullshit orange man bad reply.
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