James Michner wrote a novel called "Space" that follows (somewhat fictionalized) the development of the space program from ww2 up to the 80s...
there is a character in the book named Leopold Strabismus, an unabashed con man who causes a world of problems to better himself...that is how i've viewed trump since day one, an unashamed grifter who steals from people so stupid they refuse to press charges against him...
if they would have run Biden's dog that bites, i'd have voted for Major in a major way...
but now that trump is out, the Democrats have an obligation to find a viable candidate before the shit hits the fan. they have to be ready to counter whatever shit the trumptards fling, whatever lies they tell, whatever sleight of hand they try to pull of at the political three card monty table. i've found that if you pin one of their hands to the table with a large knife, it becomes much easier to find the card....pin them down with the truth...and FORCE it down everyone's throat...like the medicine your mom made you take as a kid, it sucked, and you'd spit it out if you got the chance, but in the end, it made things better...