1st off I love/like you very much also (where do you live, maybe we can arrange something

2nd point is that I read/listen a lot to different viewpoints, even if they make me nauseous examples being Fox/Washington Examiner.
I make my own determination from what I observe & I think AOC & Sanders want too much/too soon.
1st achieve base ambitions, then move forward & then develop further.
I want the same things as you probably/undoubtedly, but I know when to attack & when to hold back and let my opponent fuck up 1st. (boxing taught me that)
The "Progressives" are putting every wish they have 1st, not understanding it seems that the US is a Capitalist society fearful of rapid change & Socialism
What they are presenting to the really, really stupid Americans (Trump understood that, loving the uneducated fools who voted him in, would be his ace card in the hole.)
Sanders (he should know better) is too much of a Dreamer.
AOC & her buddies should understand that also.
Both are fucking Biden, which will be counterproductive in the end.
That's what I think

Did you get your vaccination?
I did but chose J&J and I'm waiting now for a booster, which they haven't made yet & that makes me kinda nervous.