Canada’s shameful history of marginalization exposed again.

Didn’t I see in the news this morning that some provinces aren’t recognizing today as a holiday? NB, ALB and a few others I seem to recall.

”Thisyear marks the first time that Sept. 30 has been designated a federal statutory holiday for all federal employees and federally regulated workplaces”

I guess it might not be mandatory outside the federal workplace, but still it sends a real disrespectful message to the First Nation.
Didn’t I see in the news this morning that some provinces aren’t recognizing today as a holiday? NB, ALB and a few others I seem to recall.

”Thisyear marks the first time that Sept. 30 has been designated a federal statutory holiday for all federal employees and federally regulated workplaces”

I guess it might not be mandatory outside the federal workplace, but still it sends a real disrespectful message to the First Nation.
I agree but progress usually moves slowly, unfortunately.
Didn’t I see in the news this morning that some provinces aren’t recognizing today as a holiday? NB, ALB and a few others I seem to recall.

”Thisyear marks the first time that Sept. 30 has been designated a federal statutory holiday for all federal employees and federally regulated workplaces”

I guess it might not be mandatory outside the federal workplace, but still it sends a real disrespectful message to the First Nation.
Family day is a provincial holiday for Ontario. I worked for a private company, that was federally regulated and didn't receive the day off as a result. Not sure if this is similar.

Some have opined that federal workers' pay for the holiday should be collected/set aside to fix any/all water boiling advisories in the country. Giving federal employees a day off to recognize the wrongs that have been done by the government (church) - I can see how that may raise an eyebrow for First Nations people.

I'm still glad that the day is set aside to raise awareness.
Yeah Justin isn’t the answer for the First Nation. I’m pretty sure his father was known for saying the treaties weren’t worth the paper they were written on. He sure got proven wrong in court though. Justin grew up in the same house as Pierre, pretty sure some of that rubbed off on him.
Every year, thousands of Indigenous children are separated from their parents, their communities and their culture to be placed in Canada’s foster care system, a system that, in many ways, continues the cycle of colonial violence.

Every year, thousands of Indigenous children are separated from their parents, their communities and their culture to be placed in Canada’s foster care system, a system that, in many ways, continues the cycle of colonial violence.

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The missing number is % of all aboriginal children who are in foster care.
It’s staggering to think aboriginal people are only 4.9% of Canada’s total population yet 48% of children in foster homes are aboriginal.
A lot of those kids would also be in foster home if they lived in the same conditions. But if the children are not removed from a toxic environment and something happens to them it is the government's fault. Part of the reason the kids are in toxic environments may be the result of Residential schools but and the parents of the children did not grow up learning how parrents are suppose to act. So now we have a multi-generational problem.

I remember working of Main Street on the midnight shift with what looked to be a pre-teenage girl leading tow other younger children, one in diapers, across the street which was four lanes in either direction. At four in the morning. What do you do as a government when you have issues like that? We hear, "White man does not understand our culture." We also have reserves where some people with the strength to say it, say that almost 100% of the population has been sexually or physically abused.

Manitoba had over 10,000 children in care. It is not like the government want to dish out the money looking after other people's kids. They tried to spin off the kids to native run organizations. They tried to find their own people to take the kids into care and could not find enough families to do it.

This 5% of the population but 25% of the problem (or what ever number) be it kids in care, adults being incarcerated, there is a reason for that. And not all of it is systemic racism. I live in a little enclave bookended by things that isolate us from others. And we repeatedly have youngsters going through yards, looking to get into cars. And there is more than 5% of them native, more like 75%. The cameras do not seem to bother them. We do have a few native families living here, they are great and we have no issues with them and are sure it is not their kids. They are hard working families just like the rest of us.

But the ones that are not, the ones that were not 'brought up right' end up with brushes with the law. Getting locked up? Heck, that means 'I get to hang out with a bunch of my friends' there and I have more cred on the street. My city has one of the greater concentrations of Natives. And we have some real shithole reserves where they grew up and then come down to the city. Some come down to escape them, with no support network they end up on the mean side of the street. Some of the guys go back to the reserves to recruit girls which they get hooked on the party life and then, well you got to bring in so much for me bitch.

Heck, when I was much younger my ex-girlfriend got involved with one guy, fell in love. He said, "I love you but I can't be with you unless you are working to make our lives better." She had a decent job before that, then she was out pulling in $1,000 a night on the streets. They moved Windsor with $90,000 (in the 80's) and she was not allowed to go anywhere without one of his family watching her. She phoned her mother here to send money (the family spent the money she made peddling her ass), her mother called me and asked me to get her back home. I wired her money, she got here, told me the story. Starting to get her set up here, she phones the boyfriend, "Oh I still love him.", she borrows money off my brother to go back to the boyfriend, never heard from her since. She was only half native though.

So I am going to get in shit, not being sensitive enough for them. A half native guy I worked closely with, he said for $1.000 his cousin will beat the shit out of someone for you. He had to go to another cousin's funeral, seem to remember a stolen car wrapped around a pole for that one. His auntie saw a picture of the two of us. Then she started to embarrass him, her telling him I was cute and what she would like to do with me.

So yeah, the numbers are staggering, 5% population, 50% the number in foster homes. There is reasons for it. So what is the solution?
I'm guessing that they are not funding foster homes in indigenous areas so that they can staff them with not just all white people so that they can have positive role models that look like them?
I'm guessing that they are not funding foster homes in indigenous areas so that they can staff them with not just all white people so that they can have positive role models that look like them?
If over half of the children in foster care in this country are indigenous, we’ve essentially replaced residential schools with the foster care system.

This article may put things in perspective:

If over half of the children in foster care in this country are indigenous, we’ve essentially replaced residential schools with the foster care system.

This article may put things in perspective:

This shit sure puts a blemish on my northern neighbor, a country I've always admired for lack of a better term they're "niceness"ccguns
If over half of the children in foster care in this country are indigenous, we’ve essentially replaced residential schools with the foster care system.

This article may put things in perspective:

Im not sure if you understand what I meant.

There are lots of reasons kids end up in foster care, what I was getting at is that it would be nice if your government spent money on setting up foster programs that the indigenous peoples ran so that the kids could be in a system of people who look like them and not the European people that I am guessing it is made up of now.
Im not sure if you understand what I meant.

There are lots of reasons kids end up in foster care, what I was getting at is that it would be nice if your government spent money on setting up foster programs that the indigenous peoples ran so that the kids could be in a system of people who look like them and not the European people that I am guessing it is made up of now.
Spot on. The federal government is attempting to address the issue. We’ll see what happens.

I’m glad you see it for what it is. Canada is no different than any other country that was built on the foundation of colonialism and systemic inequity.
Yeah, but any country with the British connection inevitably ends up w/these scars. The US after being in powerful positions after WW2 capitalized on this w/bases and influence peddling but at least in a improvement on the Brit model did'nt look to colonize these places as England surely would have in previous times, not perfect mind you but still an improvement. Canada has always sent it's boys to die in foreign lands also without looking to exert influence upon them. So in general I think both our countries are an improvement via the English model. The "White Man" has always trampled the indeginous with his superior technology and greed for resources in the name of progress, but the whitwashing of another human beings culture and customs is shortsighted ,ignorant, and shameful for sure.ccguns