It comes from getting religion out of the picture and civil society in, with liberal democracy comes inclusion, a voice and power, also respect for agreements and treaties, social justice. It is an evolving process for them and everybody else as the world moves forward and social change is driven by accelerating technological change. They too can now network, preserve and adapt their languages online, and connect to organize and empower themselves. Their rights are also enshrined in the constitution and repatriating and creating that was part of the process too and a new beginning for natives in Canada. It is not perfect, but it is better than it was, however the main thing is progress is being made, faster now than ever before. It comes with the spread of liberal democracy and the rule of law, eventually everybody is included and has a meaningful voice, but societies themselves and the population must evolve too, so progress is often a dynamic compromise.
Remember though, assholes also have a voice too and are also included!