Arizona Audit!

GOP-backed Arizona election review confirms Biden 2020 win
A copy of the document that Maricopa County had been given was provided to the Republic by Tom Liddy, litigation bureau chief of Maricopa County. Because Maricopa County did not receive it from the state Senate, he could not verify if it was from Cyber Ninjas, but an elections consultant who had a copy of the report verified that the document indicated the same findings the consultant had.

The results, according to the Republic’s draft report, could change once the final report has been presented to the Arizona legislature.

Arizona draft audit report shows Biden lead widened by 360 votes
In total, the audit found that Biden beat Trump by 360 more votes than previously recorded, according to the draft report. The official audit report is slated for release on Friday afternoon. A copy of the draft report was posted online by the political news outlet Arizona Agenda.

Despite finding Biden’s vote lead growing, the draft report out of Arizona recommends a series of legislative reforms “to provide additional certainty to elections going forward.”

One such recommendation suggests that lawmakers consider a measure that “links voter roll registration to changes in driver’s licenses or other state identification, as well as requiring the current voter rolls be validated against the United States Postal Service (USPS) National Change of Address (NCOA) at a predefined period prior to every election.”

The draft report also recommends that some issues — such as the presence of duplicate voter IDs — be investigated by the Arizona state attorney general.

"We did not run the election to prove Biden did not win but in order to find ways to make our elections more secure." "We will make it harder for Democrate voters to vote in the future to spank them for defeating President Trump with a senile old guy that never left his basement."

Donald Trump was born in 1946 so that would make him 75 years old plenty old to be old and senile.

from they basement you say? Biden is going to raise the rent!:mrgreen:

Live. audit presentation. Pevious one sucked, this is better.

I watched the guy doing signature verification of the main in ballots. Actually kind of interesting if you are the geeky type. Two things, he has a graph with anomalies coming in with an almost heartbeat pattern. Other than unusual he does not get into it (he is an expert in pattern recognition though).

I counted the days between the points where there were no ballots coming in. "So, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 which has zero, then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Then again, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

I don't know. For some reason the numder of days where a repeat occurs being 7 kind of resonates with me but I can't put my finger on it. I don't feel so bad though, it stumped the pattern recognition guy also.
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Arizona Vote Auditors Hike Biden Total, Claim Numerous Anomalies
Auditors who reviewed the voting results from Maricopa County in Arizona in last November's election said Joe Biden's vote total was 99 more than officially certified — and Donald Trump's was 261 fewer, but also claimed several anomalies such as more than 17,000 duplicate ballots.

The findings of the audit, commissioned by Arizona Senate Republicans and conducted by Florida-based Cyber Ninjas, were both hailed and decried by Trump critics, saying it debunked the former president's claim of fraud while also disputing other assertions.

Trump issued a statement early Friday following media stories based on unauthorized disclosures of Cyber Ninjas' report, reiterating that fraud was rife in the election.

"Huge findings in Arizona!" he wrote in a statement. "However, the Fake News Media is already trying to 'call it' again for (Joe) Biden before actually looking at the facts—just like they did in November! The audit has uncovered significant and undeniable evidence of FRAUD! Until we know how and why this happened, our Elections will never be secure.''

In a statement issued later Friday, Trump said, "I will be discussing the winning results of the Arizona Forensic Audit, which will show 44,000 possibly illegal ballots cast, tomorrow at the Great State of Georgia rally, which will be packed!"

Biden beat Trump by less than 11,000 votes — by the certified count — in the nominally Republican state, and about 45,000 in Maricopa County — its most populous — out of more than 2 million cast.

Cyber Ninja officials outlined their findings in a hearing before the Arizona Senate late Friday, led by company CEO Doug Logan.

One slide during the presentation indicated there were 17,322 duplicate votes.

Among others who testified was Shiva Ayyadurai, who identified himself as an expert in pattern recognition with more than 40 years of experience.

He raised several issues with the county's signature verification system — particularly the mail-in ballots, including voters receiving more than one voter ID number.

Among his other claims were:
  • Cyber Ninjas detected more signature scribbles than the county reported.
  • Ballots came from voters with matching addresses and signatures but different voter IDs.
  • Blank signature boxes were stamped verified and approved.
  • The number of blank signatures increased by by 25% after Nov. 4 and through Nov. 9
Trump seized on the findings to again decry the vote counting.

"Massive fraud was found in the Arizona Forensic Audit, sometimes referred to as ''Fraudit,'' he wrote in a statement Friday afternoon. ''The numbers are Election Changing!"

Lot of whining. I commented to the commenters that Trump told his red hats to vote twice on Sept 3.
The audit only recounted the same ballots they counted before, it's a good thing they got nearly the same numbers. The canvas on the other hand showed the bad ballots, about 30k of them. A few races in Maricopa county were won by a much smaller margin than the 11k vote difference for the Presidential vote. Seems the candidates connected to Dominion are the ones wo won those races.....
start explaining...
Or you could just listen to the actual people that were fact checking the (fr)audit results in real time. Paid trolls pretending like anything is going to penetrate their cat fishing as actual people that are curious about why they are wrong is laughable.

Here is one from the AP.

Screen Shot 2021-09-25 at 10.39.07 AM.png
A group hired by Trump-friendly Republicans to examine the results of the 2020 election in Arizona’s largest county spun falsehoods about deleted data, double voting and other malfeasance in a report that ignored basic facts about how elections are run.

The report released Friday by the Cyber Ninjas, the firm hired by Republican lawmakers in Arizona to look for 2020 election fraud, came up with nothing that throws the election won by President Joe Biden into legitimate question. Instead it tried to paint routine election practices in Maricopa County as errors, irregularities or sinister efforts to deny Donald Trump another term.

Even with its skewed analysis, the report actually came up with more votes for Biden than he was certified to have won in the county last year.

Here’s a look at some of the claims by Doug Logan, CEO of Cyber Ninjas, in a hearing to present its report on Friday:

LOGAN, claiming election results were deleted from Maricopa County’s election management system: “So some individual went into an application, and they chose specifically to run something that would clear all records in the system that was used to generate the official results, the day before an audit started.”

THE FACTS: No, the data never disappeared; it was just moved. Maricopa County officials made copies of the data and archived it before removing it from the election management system.

“We have backups for all Nov. data & those archives were never subpoenaed,” the county said in a statement on Twitter. County officials said data cannot be stored indefinitely on the election management system. “Cyber Ninjas don’t understand the business of elections,” the county said. “We can’t keep everything on the EMS server because it has storage limits.”


LOGAN: “23,344 people voted when they should no longer have access, or would not normally have access” to voting in Maricopa County because they have moved.

THE FACTS: No, that’s not what happened. Logan reviewed the names of voters against a commercial database of addresses, not a database of voters. He found that 23,344 reported moving before ballots went out in October. While the review suggests something improper, election officials note that voters such as college students, those who own vacation homes and military members, can move to temporary locations while still legally voting at the address where they are registered.

“A competent reviewer of an election would not make a claim like that,” said Trey Grayson, a former Republican secretary of state in Kentucky.


LOGAN: There were 9,041 mail-in voters who “were mailed one ballot but somehow two ballots were received, which I do not know how you would have one ballot sent and two received.”

THE FACTS: This isn’t unusual, and it’s not a sign of wrongdoing. The file Logan consulted, known as EV33, shows two returned ballot entries whenever a voter’s mail-in ballot has a signature discrepancy that gets fixed.

When a voter mails in a ballot with a blank or mismatched signature, election officials contact the voter. If the discrepancy is resolved, they enter a second record in the EV33 file, election officials said.

“The appropriate conclusion to draw from this finding is that the early voting team was performing their statutory-required responsibility by reviewing signatures on all returned mail-in ballots,” Maricopa County tweeted in response to Logan’s claim.
Or you could just listen to the actual people that were fact checking the (fr)audit results in real time. Paid trolls pretending like anything is going to penetrate their cat fishing as actual people that are curious about why they are wrong is laughable.

Here is one from the AP.

View attachment 4995119
A group hired by Trump-friendly Republicans to examine the results of the 2020 election in Arizona’s largest county spun falsehoods about deleted data, double voting and other malfeasance in a report that ignored basic facts about how elections are run.

The report released Friday by the Cyber Ninjas, the firm hired by Republican lawmakers in Arizona to look for 2020 election fraud, came up with nothing that throws the election won by President Joe Biden into legitimate question. Instead it tried to paint routine election practices in Maricopa County as errors, irregularities or sinister efforts to deny Donald Trump another term.

Even with its skewed analysis, the report actually came up with more votes for Biden than he was certified to have won in the county last year.

Here’s a look at some of the claims by Doug Logan, CEO of Cyber Ninjas, in a hearing to present its report on Friday:

LOGAN, claiming election results were deleted from Maricopa County’s election management system: “So some individual went into an application, and they chose specifically to run something that would clear all records in the system that was used to generate the official results, the day before an audit started.”

THE FACTS: No, the data never disappeared; it was just moved. Maricopa County officials made copies of the data and archived it before removing it from the election management system.

“We have backups for all Nov. data & those archives were never subpoenaed,” the county said in a statement on Twitter. County officials said data cannot be stored indefinitely on the election management system. “Cyber Ninjas don’t understand the business of elections,” the county said. “We can’t keep everything on the EMS server because it has storage limits.”


LOGAN: “23,344 people voted when they should no longer have access, or would not normally have access” to voting in Maricopa County because they have moved.

THE FACTS: No, that’s not what happened. Logan reviewed the names of voters against a commercial database of addresses, not a database of voters. He found that 23,344 reported moving before ballots went out in October. While the review suggests something improper, election officials note that voters such as college students, those who own vacation homes and military members, can move to temporary locations while still legally voting at the address where they are registered.

“A competent reviewer of an election would not make a claim like that,” said Trey Grayson, a former Republican secretary of state in Kentucky.


LOGAN: There were 9,041 mail-in voters who “were mailed one ballot but somehow two ballots were received, which I do not know how you would have one ballot sent and two received.”

THE FACTS: This isn’t unusual, and it’s not a sign of wrongdoing. The file Logan consulted, known as EV33, shows two returned ballot entries whenever a voter’s mail-in ballot has a signature discrepancy that gets fixed.

When a voter mails in a ballot with a blank or mismatched signature, election officials contact the voter. If the discrepancy is resolved, they enter a second record in the EV33 file, election officials said.

“The appropriate conclusion to draw from this finding is that the early voting team was performing their statutory-required responsibility by reviewing signatures on all returned mail-in ballots,” Maricopa County tweeted in response to Logan’s claim.

6 million bucks to find out trump lost by even more. too funny! and the citizens still have to repay to buy more voting machines.
you can't fix stupid.
Afghanistan has the Taliban, we have the GOP, I'm not sure who's worse off in the long run.
The Dems in the USA are just an extension of the CCP. Good to see all the proud little commies here.
