What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
See more right wing propagandist bullshit spam.

You should be free to impose all the government you like on yourself.

Not free to impose it on others.

Not right wing. Not bullshit. Not spam.

Your inability to leave other people alone is frightening and reveals your underlying psychosis.

Democracy is a form of gangrape. If it isn't, describe the differences between the two without relying on a contradiction as part of your rationale.
You should be free to impose all the government you like on yourself.

Not free to impose it on others.

Not right wing. Not bullshit. Not spam.

Your inability to leave other people alone is frightening and reveals your underlying psychosis.

Democracy is a form of gangrape. If it isn't, describe the differences between the two without relying on a contradiction as part of your rationale.
why dont you leave all of us alone, mrs. polite racial segregation signs
why dont you leave all of us alone, mrs. polite racial segregation signs

Thank you for asking, that's a good question, numbnutz.

Your ideology is a form of offensive force, featuring a multitude of mass violation of individual consent.
Therefore my responses are a defensive response.

If you didn't automatically subsume all people with your ideology, you would be able to be left alone. Except you DO automatically subsume others, which is the evidence of your offensive force mongering etc. and why I incessantly rebut your self contradicting horse shit.

The problem is you.

I am the solution (my ideology of peace and respecting others choices) and I am winning.

I don't and never have advocated for institutional forcible racial segregation or integration.

I advocate that individuals of all races make those choices and live with the consequences. You advocate for forcing people to serve others, which is very impolite.

Stop subsuming others and live your own life.
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Thank you for asking, that's a good question, numbnutz.

Your ideology is a form of offensive force, featuring a multitude of mass violation of individual consent.
Therefore my responses are a defensive response.

If you didn't automatically subsume all people with your ideology, you would be able to be left alone. Except you DO automatically subsume others, which is the evidence of your offensive force mongering etc. and why I incessantly rebut your self contradicting horse shit.

The problem is you.

I am the solution (my ideology of peace and respecting others choices) and I am winning.

I don't and never have advocated for institutional forcible racial segregation or integration.

I advocate that individuals of all races make those choices and live with the consequences. You advocate for forcing people to serve others, which is very impolite.

Stop subsuming others and live your own life.
Does even one person consent to wanting you to post here? Youre universally known as a pedophile. Why do you even want to post here?
You should be free to impose all the government you like on yourself.

Not free to impose it on others.

Not right wing. Not bullshit. Not spam.

Your inability to leave other people alone is frightening and reveals your underlying psychosis.

Democracy is a form of gangrape. If it isn't, describe the differences between the two without relying on a contradiction as part of your rationale.
You are so full of shit, it really is not even worth posting to point that out.
Does even one person consent to wanting you to post here? Youre universally known as a pedophile. Why do you even want to post here?

Yes. I want to post here.

You didn't address what I said. The reason you didn't is because you can't rebut something so obviously true.

Instead you create a different narrative and attack that and me. It means you're losing and I'm winning.

I post here because you subsume others with your ideology and that is wrong. You are wrong and I am right, that's why.
You are so full of shit, it really is not even worth posting to point that out.

Quick run!! Run away !!

If I'm so full fo shit, describe the operational difference between gang rape and democracy. You can't, because there isn't any.
The fact that you keep saying that Biden doesn't know his name is why I think you are just being a troll sticking to your bullshit narrative that was fed to you (apparently over and over a gazillion times).
He didn't remember the PMs name. That's fact. Its not propaganda, its fact. Its funny how i posted Trump gaffs and nadda response by anyone but Biden OMG its all right wing propaganda!!. I hate tell to you but Biden forgetting the name of our Prime Minister was headline news on every station and newspaper and remember our right wing is probably lefter than your Democrats. You guys don't even have a proper left wing major party.

You got so high up on your high horse that you forgot to find a goat funny.


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i asked if anyone consented to that. Thats not how consent works but we all knew you have issues with that given your thoughts on "mature" 12 year old boys you sick fuck

I don't think things you support rely on individual consent. I think they rely on removal of that as an option. I'm not the sick fuck, gun lover
McRapist Racist.

At 13 I had sex with an older girl. She had ample breasts and I enjoyed it. It was consensual, that's how consent works. I asked, she said yes.

At 13 you were probably still abusing neighborhood animals and wondering when your voice was going to change. I imagine your voice is high pitched still and you are taking hormones to grow ample breasts. I support your right to do that. I'm sorry the botox didn't work for you though.
Keep trying. I am winning.

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Im sorry if whatever people say about you and prison is true if that is what radicalized you to reality, but I have never been raped by democracy.

Your ideas are based in a form of gang rape. IE, a majority disregarding the consent or lack thereof of an individual. That's what politics is. That's what democracy is. Focus. Refute it or cry. Your choice.

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