What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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I think big politics Have failed by incorporating themselves into smaller everyday things and being more interested in public appearance than actually doing what’s right be you a Democrat or republican or something entirely different doing what’s right isn’t a grey area even when it comes to 350 million people the American pop being Jewish black poor rich it’s all the same do what’s right for your brother and let him do what’s right for you and the government keep the peace not create the conflict we deserve servitude from the government we pay our taxes instead we get ignored and treated as ignorant but all a politician is is quick job to get rich anymore
Much could be improved if we had term limits in Congress like we have for the President. 2 terms and you're done. No exceptions.

Why would you want to have strangers run your life is one question. Why would you want to appoint other people to run others lives is another question.

I bet you are capable of running your own life. I bet you would be better off if you did.

He didn't remember the PMs name. That's fact. Its not propaganda, its fact. Its funny how i posted Trump gaffs and nadda response by anyone but Biden OMG its all right wing propaganda!!. I hate tell to you but Biden forgetting the name of our Prime Minister was headline news on every station and newspaper and remember our right wing is probably lefter than your Democrats. You guys don't even have a proper left wing major party.

You got so high up on your high horse that you forgot to find a goat funny.

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Way to deflect form your right wing edited click bait with saying more click bait.

Have you actually listened to a full Biden speech? If not I find your shit talking about Biden just more lame attempts at trolling him.

As for the right wing spam that Australia gets, it is the same guy pushing it that is in every other English speaking nation. That is why your stupid stories about Biden is the same as what you get on Fox. But angry old white guys love to eat that shit up.
Your ideas are based in a form of gang rape. IE, a majority disregarding the consent or lack thereof of an individual. That's what politics is. That's what democracy is. Focus. Refute it or cry. Your choice.

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Sure they are troll.

And here i am living and voting In a social democratic country. A Labor voter and surporter and I get called a right wing propagandist by an American who hasn't even have a left wing party to vote for! lmao. Ironic?
Dude you have a history of shit talking America, snow flaking like you are to the spam trolls is just more of the same.
Why would you want to have strangers run your life is one question. Why would you want to appoint other people to run others lives is another question.

I bet you are capable of running your own life. I bet you would be better off if you did.

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I'd rather have a government and rules that everyone is supposed to follow rather than some free for all society. It may be corrupt but it's better than living in a world that resembles a Mad Max movie.

We vote and elect the people in government. Some are good and some are bad. They are not running my life.
I think big politics Have failed by incorporating themselves into smaller everyday things and being more interested in public appearance than actually doing what’s right be you a Democrat or republican or something entirely different doing what’s right isn’t a grey area even when it comes to 350 million people the American pop being Jewish black poor rich it’s all the same do what’s right for your brother and let him do what’s right for you and the government keep the peace not create the conflict we deserve servitude from the government we pay our taxes instead we get ignored and treated as ignorant but all a politician is is quick job to get rich anymore
suggest you type that in your native language and use google translate. It was illegible in some areas.

The politicians that represent me in DC -- Wyden, Merkely and DeFazio are attentive and represent me fairly well.
He didn't remember the PMs name. That's fact. Its not propaganda, its fact. Its funny how i posted Trump gaffs and nadda response by anyone but Biden OMG its all right wing propaganda!!. I hate tell to you but Biden forgetting the name of our Prime Minister was headline news on every station and newspaper and remember our right wing is probably lefter than your Democrats. You guys don't even have a proper left wing major party.

You got so high up on your high horse that you forgot to find a goat funny.

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Nobody knows Australia's PM's name. That's not propaganda, it's just -- why bother?
rules that everyone is supposed to follow rather than some free for all society.

So would I.

That's why the first rule is not to violate the consent of other individuals or their justly acquired property. Societies which do violate consent can never be about protecting people, since violating consent as a norm, is the definition of a "free for all".

I've never advocated for the abolition of rules. Rulers, yes.

I maintain you are the best person to run your own life. I have faith in you.
I don't think things you support rely on individual consent. I think they rely on removal of that as an option. I'm not the sick fuck, gun lover
McRapist Racist.

At 13 I had sex with an older girl. She had ample breasts and I enjoyed it. It was consensual, that's how consent works. I asked, she said yes.

At 13 you were probably still abusing neighborhood animals and wondering when your voice was going to change. I imagine your voice is high pitched still and you are taking hormones to grow ample breasts. I support your right to do that. I'm sorry the botox didn't work for you though.
Keep trying. I am winning.

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So you cant name a single person that actually wants you to post here?

Racial segregation signs
Dude you have a history of shit talking America, snow flaking like you are to the spam trolls is just more of the same.
I have a history of speaking my mind. Its what people are allowed to do in Liberal countries.I also enjoy a good laugh, because i do live in a country that loves a good laugh. If me mentioning bad or uncomfortable things America does or disagreeing with the way history can be written and believed up sets you then you are way to sensitive. Maybe that's the fundamental problem with the American government. They are voted in by an over sensitive population that refuses to see what America does right and wrong and heaven forbid someone brings it up.

Want to bet your next President is yet another old conservative tottering white male?
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But Obama did..

This is funny.. Watch the full 3min
You know, I like Australians in general. Would like to spend some time on vacation there. But I couldn't even tell you who their PM is, much less anything about the politics in that country. It makes me sad that the US is so effed up that the rest of the world watches every move. I'd prefer if you could not care less about our Pres, just like I do with your PM. It shouldn't matter to you at all. Mundane isn't all that bad.
You know, I like Australians in general. Would like to spend some time on vacation there. But I couldn't even tell you who their PM is, much less anything about the politics in that country. It makes me sad that the US is so effed up that the rest of the world watches every move. I'd prefer if you could not care less about our Pres, just like I do with your PM. It shouldn't matter to you at all. Mundane isn't all that bad.
Id like to spend time in the US to but I know the name of Canada's PM, Germany's Chancellor, France's President, New Zealand's PM, China's President. England's PM, Russian President etc, etc. I watch world news and follow current affairs.

The world has to know your President as they start a shit ton of wars and like under Trump can create world wide instability.
But its funny if i'm having a dig at Trump not much is said but have a go at Biden and the world caves in.

In regard to Politics both our major parties are very left compared to your centre. Our conservative party is actually called The Liberal party and the other major party is Labor which is a working mans party. Which is why our society is very Social.
Women with goats can heckle our PM and not end up in federal prison..lol
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Id like to spend time in the US to but I know the name of Canada's PM, Germany's Chancellor, France's President, New Zealand's PM, China's President. England's PM, Russian President etc, etc. I watch world news and follow current affairs.

The world has to know your President as they start a shit ton of wars and like under Trump can create world wide instability.
But its funny if i'm having a dig at Trump not much is said but have a go at Biden and the world caves in.

In regard to Politics both our major parties are very left compared to your centre. Our conservative party is actually called The Liberal party and the other major party is Labor which is a working mans party.
Women with goats can heckle our PM and not end up in federal prison..lol
Who is upset at you taking low brow shots at national figures? Your post just made me realize that nobody takes shots at Australia's PM. My guess is its because he isn't important.
Who is upset at you taking low brow shots at national figures? Your post just made me realize that nobody takes shots at Australia's PM. My guess is its because he isn't important.
Hanimmal. Low brow? lol
He isn't important at all in the scheme of things. Even over Covid the individual states have been handling incoming arrivals and hotel quarantine and opening and closing their own borders as they see fit.

We don't vote for a person to lead the country we vote for a Political Party. One of the key differences between our two countries.

And ive had a couple digs on the Australian PM in this very thread (and you just did). One features a goat.

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I have a history of speaking my mind. Its what people are allowed to do in Liberal countries.I also enjoy a good laugh, because i do live in a country that loves a good laugh. If me mentioning bad or uncomfortable things America does or disagreeing with the way history can be written and believed up sets you then you are way to sensitive. Maybe that's the fundamental problem with the American government. They are voted in by an over sensitive population that refuses to see what America does right and wrong and heaven forbid someone brings it up.

Want to bet your next President is yet another old conservative tottering white male?
If it stops us from having the nazi's that we just removed from power yes.

That is what I take issue with your shit talking America, it is not some sensitivity, it is pushing back on the propaganda that you seem to want to believe about us.

It is almost like you don't want to realize that your nation is also spreading it with your Rupert Murdock right wing talking points as he buys airtime in your country just like he did in America and the UK. It is shit like this that makes it difficult to have actual conversations about things that matter and are nuanced when someone can just pull out stupid click bait nonsense and pretend like that matters at all just to act like a troll.

We are still in a dangerous period of time in our nation, and democracies across the planet are under the same attack. Waking people up to the stupid snark that they think is relevant when it is not is a large part of the issue.
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If it stops us from having the nazi's that we just removed from power yes.

That is what I take issue with your shit talking America, it is not some sensitivity, it is pushing back on the propaganda that you seem to want to believe about us.

It is almost like you don't want to realize that your nation is also spreading it with your Rupert Murdock right wing talking points as he buys airtime in your country just like he did in America and the UK. It is shit like this that makes it difficult to have actual conversations about things that matter and are nuanced when someone can just pull out stupid click bait nonsense and pretend like that matters at all just to act like a troll.

We are still in a dangerous period of time in our nation, and democracies across the planet are under the same attack. Waking people up to the stupid snark that they think is relevant when it is not is a large part of the issue.
Rupert Murdoch the most powerful man alive. Disgusting creature that with all of his children one has to be like him. Such a shame. And yes, know him well he fled Australia due to a PM we had that you wouldn't know the name of and being insulted by him and not ever being able to receive a Knighthood. An ex Australian who is not only unwanted but was driven from our shores. Scores of Americans love him and his Political Channels like Fox. Out of all his children only one thinks like him which is sad and scary. Shame America embraced him.

Its only click bait nonsense if it isn't true.

America and democracy is on the decline. I can see why Capitalism is as bad as Socialism. Like anything a good ballance is the key.
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Rupert Murdoch the most powerful man alive. Disgusting creature that with all of his children one has to be like him. Such a shame. And yes, know him well he fled Australia due to a PM we had that you wouldn't know the name of and being insulted by him and not ever being able to receive a Knighthood. An ex Australian who is not only unwanted but was driven from our shores. Scores of Americans love him and his Political Channels like Fox. Out of all his children only one thinks like him which is sad and scary. Shame America embraced him.

Its only click bait nonsense if it isn't true.
So you guys don't still have Sky News?

Selectively editing a couple seconds here and there of a man that stutters and pretending like it is a lack of intelligence is bullshit trolling.