What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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Maybe witty and amusing aren't the most important attributes in a candidate.
True, Trump and Biden have the Amusing part down pat. Just give them a microphone and my god they are funny.

Like seriously in the huge population of the US and these two make the top job...
I'd make a joke about Australia's PM but I never bothered to learn his name.
That was funny wasn't it? For those that missed it

Sco Mo from marketing is his name. Love to hear some jokes about him. He is a Hillsong member.
Who doesn't love a goat?
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That was funny wasn't it? For those that missed it

Sco Mo from marketing is his name. Love to hear some jokes about him. He is a Hillsong member.
Who doesn't love a goat?
I wouldn't base what you think about Biden on a edited click bait of a few seconds in him talking.

I would suggest listen to his entire speeches and draw a conclusion based on them (if you were being genuine and not just trolling anyways), because the guy has a pretty bad stutter and dick heads trying to make it look like anything other than what it is, is pretty shitty IMO.

And makes you seem like this guy.

Trump being a bully shit talking moron vs someone who has had to overcome a disability that people use to make these troll propaganda videos are not the same by a mile.

I wouldn't base what you think about Biden on a edited click bait of a few seconds in him talking.

I would suggest listen to his entire speeches and draw a conclusion based on them (if you were being genuine and not just trolling anyways), because the guy has a pretty bad stutter and dick heads trying to make it look like anything other than what it is, is pretty shitty IMO.

And makes you seem like this guy.

Trump being a bully shit talking moron vs someone who has had to overcome a disability that people use to make these troll propaganda videos are not the same by a mile.

I was just comparing Trump and Biden to Obama. I'm sorry if i have hurt your feelings it wasn't my intention.

Did you like the girl with the goat talking to the PM? That's so funny!
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No hurt feelings here, just pointing out that using edited click bait videos made to show someone with a speech impediment as somehow being anything else is a disingenuous dick move.
When he calls himself his own wife, i'm sorry but that's just gold. I'm glad you love him and i'm glad he beat Trump but he should retire due to illness and let Harris take over. Get some feminine youth at the top that has a memory.
When he calls himself his own wife, i'm sorry but that's just gold. I'm glad you love him and i'm glad he beat Trump but he should retire due to illness and let Harris take over. Get some feminine youth at the top that has a memory.
I think that you have fallen into the click bait troll trap and come off looking ridiculous to anyone that has actually taken the time to not just watch right wing anti-American propaganda.
I think that you have fallen into the click bait troll trap and come off looking ridiculous to anyone that has actually taken the time to not just watch right wing anti-American propaganda.
If you look back the post you quoted to me was in reply to Fogdog mentioning he didn't know the name of the Prime minister of Australia, i replied with a video that has been played a gazillion times on the news here of Your President also not knowing his name.

Also one of goat lady giving our PM a serve.

I realize Americans get all head over heels and flag wavy defensive when a foreigner dare have a laugh at their leader but my original statement stands. You went from Obama to two people who cannot string a story together. I get he is black and you might not like that but fk me he is three times the better speaker, as well as being much more witty and amusing. Considering your huge population its ..umm..strange.
If you look back the post you quoted to me was in reply to Fogdog mentioning he didn't know the name of the Prime minister of Australia, i replied with a video that has been played a gazillion times on the news here of Your President also not knowing his name.

Also one of goat lady giving our PM a serve.

I realize Americans get all head over heels and flag wavy defensive when a foreigner dare have a laugh at their leader but my original statement stands. You went from Obama to two people who cannot string a story together. I get he is black and you might not like that but fk me he is three times the better speaker, as well as being much more witty and amusing. Considering your huge population its ..umm..strange.
The fact that you keep saying that Biden doesn't know his name is why I think you are just being a troll sticking to your bullshit narrative that was fed to you (apparently over and over a gazillion times).