GrowTech's 32 Plant Perpetual Grow - 1000W w/CO2 - with CFL Veg tent for Moms/Clones


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Haha... I looked up all of his posts, and there were two listed. Also it appears that he has been banned... Either way, sooner or later I'll probably ask a mod to clean this page of the thread up... or maybe i'll keep it... Kind of like a hater hall of fame...

What's funny is that I think that kid PMed and asked me for all sorts of help with clones a few months ago. :lol:


Well-Known Member
hahaha...that guy was a complete moron. but ya tech, what up on the ladies? and the clones? pic pIC PICS! and donkey dicks :lol:


stays relevant.
LOL yeah he was.

I'll be taking pics tonight... perhaps after I take some OG cuttings... maybe before. Either way tonight I'll update the threads with pics.


stays relevant.
Alright so it's been a little bit since I've done an update... I tooks a few cuttings recently and they are currently rooting... Also picked up another tray for holding the clones while they root up before they go to the clubs. Also took picked up some new trays for some new clubs I'll be moving clones at.

So here's a few pictures of that crap... and a rooting sour d clone....

hehe... there's also a blackberry seed in the left tray which will hopefully germ and will make an excellent new mother or father... from my last blackberry grow severely held back due to mites :(

annnnnd anyways let's see some of the mothers... first we'll start with my stretch armstrong sour diesel... took a couple of cuttings a week or so ago from her, and hooked some up to the people, but am currently vegging a new mother out.

nothing much to see with the sour d... getting some more veg out of her before I take more clones from her.

so let's move on to my favorite, the SFV OG mother... mmm I will be cloning her this weekend... can't wait.

god I love that sfv og plant... that's my baby right there!

and now.... the LA confidential BITCH that has been driving me nuts since day one... I may just clone this bitch and get rid of it. growth has been TOO slow for words, and it may not make a suitable mother... Something is likely happening under the soil... I'll pull it in a few days and check...

^ piece of shit right there... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :spew::evil:

and here's the group shot.

thanks for your patience... we'll be doing a little bit more work... and i'll take cloning pics when I cut. :)



Well-Known Member
wow thats bad ass and it was nice to see you set that one dude straight to lol. Go check out my grow journal im a newbie and at the start of it all but any help would be great!


Junior Creatologist
Wuddup GT, just checkin in to see how shits goin on your end man.

Moms are lookin nice, n its cool to see your cloning is goin smoothly too. how long til you can post somethin up on your trays?? i just went through your whole journal n now i cant remember how long you said before you were gonna move the clones underneath the 1000watter. Eithey way man, plants are lookin awesome, n even your LA Confidential is lookin good, even though shes growing so slowly. Sucks that shes not performing like you thought she would though - oh well man, trial n error, thats what this thing is all about, eh? ;)

Anyways man, +rep for your progress for sure. Cant wait until this thing gets goin and well off into perpetual mode. Good luck with the rest of the process bro! :D


*edit* n once again, sorry if i missed u sayin this already, but what kind of pellets are those that your using for clones?? Just curious, cuz the Jiffy pellets i have that ive used in my past attempts at cloning sucked ass - theyre the ones that come with those cheap plastic clone domes that arent near high enough to clone pot, lol -- looks like particle board until you add water to them n make them expand :evil: - theyre shit IMHO. I dont like using rockwool, and what your using looks like a good cloning medium.


stays relevant.
Wuddup GT, just checkin in to see how shits goin on your end man.

Moms are lookin nice, n its cool to see your cloning is goin smoothly too. how long til you can post somethin up on your trays?? i just went through your whole journal n now i cant remember how long you said before you were gonna move the clones underneath the 1000watter. Eithey way man, plants are lookin awesome, n even your LA Confidential is lookin good, even though shes growing so slowly. Sucks that shes not performing like you thought she would though - oh well man, trial n error, thats what this thing is all about, eh? ;)

Anyways man, +rep for your progress for sure. Cant wait until this thing gets goin and well off into perpetual mode. Good luck with the rest of the process bro! :D


*edit* n once again, sorry if i missed u sayin this already, but what kind of pellets are those that your using for clones?? Just curious, cuz the Jiffy pellets i have that ive used in my past attempts at cloning sucked ass - theyre the ones that come with those cheap plastic clone domes that arent near high enough to clone pot, lol -- looks like particle board until you add water to them n make them expand :evil: - theyre shit IMHO. I dont like using rockwool, and what your using looks like a good cloning medium.

I use rapid rooters... they are made with willow bark which enhances rooting... thanks for stoppin by :)


Well-Known Member
looks good growtech. how long have you been using the little RW cubes in your buckets. ive been thinking of switching from 4"cubes in clay to 4" in the little cubes.


stays relevant.
looks good growtech. how long have you been using the little RW cubes in your buckets. ive been thinking of switching from 4"cubes in clay to 4" in the little cubes.
the entire grow... have been using half inch grow cubes... really good aeration, and water retention. I can get away with only feeding/watering once a week... I totally recommend them.


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Took some OG cuttings a few minutes ago... and I think a couple more sour d cuttings... it'll be nice to have some additional mothers to clone from before we start putting this tray to work...

oh yeah. i forgot to take pics... but we'll see about next time.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking set up you got there.....they do seems to be taking their sweet time dont they? almost a month to be able to clone? u using floros to veg instead of an mh? it will be nice to see the growth difference when you put them under the HID. GL and happy growing


stays relevant.
san fernando og is looking like shit right now... probably because i got daring and greedy and did something stupid :(


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I'm trying to print out an 8x11" copy of " :dunce: " so I can put it over my face and take a pic with the OG plant that I started killing last night...

god I hope this thing recovers...