GrowTech's 32 Plant Perpetual Grow - 1000W w/CO2 - with CFL Veg tent for Moms/Clones


stays relevant.
yeah... I don't fuck with tap water, I would rather spend a few extra dollars for the good bottled stuff that isn't loaded with flouride than spend tens of thousands of dollars on cancer treatments later in life...

kidney infections are shitty... but it REALLY could be worse.


Well-Known Member
yeah... I don't fuck with tap water, I would rather spend a few extra dollars for the good bottled stuff that isn't loaded with flouride than spend tens of thousands of dollars on cancer treatments later in life...

kidney infections are shitty... but it REALLY could be worse.

Man Americas medical system is so flawed. We just got the biggest, newest hospital in BC that just opened in my town. Its amazingly nice, and I can walk in any time, and get treated for Free.

Its almost easier to get a Canadian citizenship and move to Canada if you ever did get cancer....You get health care, And Chronic. :weed:

It would nice to see Obama do something about Americas medical system.



Well-Known Member
Man Americas medical system is so flawed. We just got the biggest, newest hospital in BC that just opened in my town. Its amazingly nice, and I can walk in any time, and get treated for Free.

Its almost easier to get a Canadian citizenship and move to Canada if you ever did get cancer....You get health care, And Chronic. :weed:

It would nice to see Obama do something about Americas medical system.

I really do hope that he does help us. I would like to htink that he could. I just sit and wait like everyone else but his chance to succeed is coming soon and he will either rise to the occasion or he will fail like we have almost gotten used to. I just hope that he does get the ball rollin again and ease up on the ganja while they are at it.


stays relevant.
Honestly I can't complain about the health care out here. My fiance works for a health insurance co. I am on her plan, and when we went to the hospital yesterday I got awesome treatment.

I went in, screaming in pain, a very very nice mother and daughter let me go ahead of them (keep in mind this is the ER so who knows what their problems were)... They quickly got me hooked up to a saline IV to hydrate my body, and worked on getting me doped up for the pain. After an IV of saline and an IV of antibiotics I left the hospital with a prescription for 7 days worth of antibiotics... Hospital fee was $75 (I went to an emergency room that my hospital didnt cover) and the antibiotics cost $35 (insurance co didn't authorize it)

Free health care comes at a cost... We have awesome medical schools out here with very pricey tuitions, so out here the costs associated with medical care often pay back a portion of the loans the doctor has...

Also, I hear a lot about Canadian doctors running off to the USA to work for more money... I can't say I blame them... So far my only bad opinion of health care in the USA is the health care offered by counties and states. The "free" health care that is offered to individuals who cannot pay their own, or do not have employees that will sponsor them.

Just some observations with a little fact thrown in from my lady. :)

Regardless, everyone SHOULD watch the way they eat, and not consume too many sodas... otherwise ya might end up like me ;)


stays relevant.
Honestly though... when it comes to doctors (Even though they are responsible for the majority of fraud in the Health insurance industry) they save our lives, and they deserve the fast cars, cocaine, and big houses that come with the job...

I look back every day and say I should have become a brain surgeon... those motherfuckers make big money on "can" or "cant" decisions regarding your life.


Well-Known Member
Doctors and nurses run to the USA for higher wages. This is true. Having the big new hospital in my hometown is kinda nice though because we got the most advanced Cancer treatment center in Canada now. So a lot of doctors want to come here because we have the newest equipment. It literally just opened like 6 months ago.

I must say though, It definitely doesnt sound too bad in your area, I guess some of the problem is that there is no nationalized standard in the USA so a lot of places get overlooked.

It sounds like you had quite the experience. I am notorious for drinking pop :lol: I think Im gonna have to go buy a few flats of juice or something after hearing that.

Smoke a fatty and Heal brotha



Well-Known Member
Honestly though... when it comes to doctors (Even though they are responsible for the majority of fraud in the Health insurance industry) they save our lives, and they deserve the fast cars, cocaine, and big houses that come with the job...
Hahahahaha, that is classic. I never hear about doctors doing cocaine out here, but I guess after all that time spent in medical school you gotta party some time.



Well-Known Member
Heya grow tech, nice set up. I'm curious about the grodan cubes as I know nothing about them. I'm under the impression that they let the plants grow faster? Do you feed them manually? Also what kind of nutes?


stays relevant.
Heya grow tech, nice set up. I'm curious about the grodan cubes as I know nothing about them. I'm under the impression that they let the plants grow faster? Do you feed them manually? Also what kind of nutes?
they are better aerated than soil, and also retain pretty well... i hand water them with the fox farm line of nutrients diluted for hydro application... though I've recently been trying to get the plants to accept the soil strength... there has been a lot of burn and I dont think that they will get used to it, so im going back to the lighter hydro feeding.


stays relevant.
Hey GrowTech- would the link below work for a CO2 bottle? If not, what are the necessities on the valve to perform the task? I'm searching for a cheaper option! Thanks for your help!
That could work, but you would have to turn it on and then off for about 10 minutes up to twelve times a day... What you should get is something more like this:


Well-Known Member
hey growtech love your setup bro good stuff nice plants and sorry to hear about your kidney man hope you get better soon


Well-Known Member
what in the hell happened to this thread! it was like heyyyyyy im gonna dance around in my panties and bra and rub all up on you, then put my clothes on and sprint out of the door.

i hope he didn't die from the kidney infection d:\