Peer reviewed study: Pot = Heart Attacks

-Wait but that’s the only thing that matters and gives them a pass for all the other negative effects on society?
lmao i'll bite, what are these 'negative effects on society' that come from people being fat?

In the other thread you asked someone if they are antivax/anti science, are you anti proper diet/anti science?
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lmao of course I am not 'anti-proper diet/antiscience'. Just like I am not anti-vaccines like these brainwashed idiots taking horse shit meds and not seeing the irony of getting tattoos with unapproved needles injecting unapproved ink into your body.

Im not here saying that people would be eating sliders because they are healthy (I actually had a guy come into the store that believed this because of something about rice?).

admittedly when I read the article on the subject of heart attacks and protecting the public from itself, my first thoughts gravitated toward “what about obesity” and then when someone posted that it was a natural response
People are programmed to dislike fat people just like they are everything else right now.

If I was you I would question this just like I would anything else that triggers a response like this from you.

-I mean, how well has the department of education done teaching children morals?
Very well. I have been very impressed with the kids today. People my age and older going around coughing on others, storming capitals, freaking out on store employees asking them to wear mask, racism, sexism, on and on.

Kids today have been learning to work in groups in ways that our older generations never had due to the segregation and sexism that lasted well into the 90's.

Or even basic English?
Is this some racist/xenophobic thing? Do you think that the percent of people who can read is better or worse for say those under 20 vs those over 50 today?

They’re gonna teach kids how to eat?
lol yeah. You really don't understand that by providing the actual healthy food and not junk in schools it would be beneficial to keeping kids healthier than the candy bars and pizza and shit that we had in our schools growing up?

You’re saying the parent doesn’t hold the responsibility and instead defer to the boogeyman Republicans hindering Democrat utopia?
So you are ok with the Republicans having their little social war on healthy food in schools, pop/sugar subsidies, and all that other shit, but then going to snowflake about fat people?

Too easy, it’s a societal issue deeper than politics.
I look forward to your explanation about how fat people are bad for society.

-Sorry but rice/pasta /beans/lentils/noodles

ground beef, chicken, tuna, pork, eggs, milk

Veges and fruit fresh/frozen/canned
I would point out that most of the things you listed are really bad for us and our environment in the proportions that we currently eat.

And I am not arguing that there is not healthy food out there. I am just pointing out the fact that after a long day of work that you skip lunch and have to pull some overtime, while driving home hungry as shit and passing 20 fast food joints, having all kinds of shit snacks in hands reach as you stop to get gas is a lot easier to get food right away than it is to go home tired and hungry and cook for a half hour to eat something healthy.

And as soon as you do, your body starts craving the high fat/caloric food for the next month while you detox from it.

Hell even shopping for that healthy food while hungry is a pain in the ass because you end up passing candy and junk food at the ends of every isle only to then have to check out next to all the candy bars and shit.

+ eating the right portions, is not any more expensive than buying this unhealthy food you’re referring to.
Not the case.
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It is entirely possible, and yes healthier to eat well, but it is not cheaper. And defiantly not as easy.

What does a family of 4 spend on one dinner at McDonald’s?
I have no clue, but I am guessing if you have 5 bucks and no time, and are hungry as shit, you can get a few things off the dollar menu and still end up with a couple thousand calories dumped into your system right before you crash for the night after a long ass day at work.
Fat people turn me off and I would not have sex with one. I like my asses plum shaped....................not pumpkin shaped.

Otherwise fat people are cool with me :eyesmoke:
I’m sorry @hanimmal but no, you’re way more rational than that.

my examples of the damaging impact on society are completely valid, go back and read them. They’re everlasting and ongoing. They do directly impact you when Bob calls in sick for something associated with his by choice obesity, and now your 4 person crew is 3. They impact you when hospital beds are taken by obesity related related health problems, or even with their CHOICE to buy food from this miles long chain of fast food you face on your drive. If no one was buying it there would be less of it.

you’re looking for racism/discrimination in my opinions but they’re not derived from those beliefs at all. This is about laziness, personal responsibility, and comparing the hypocrisy of criticizing someone for not being vaccinated while at the same time allowing another completely avoidable health crisis to flourish unchecked, even encouraged in some respects.

truthfully I’m not for either (you shunning someone for their vaccine choice or me shunning someone for their obesity) and my comparison is valid when you consider personal choice. That’s why I ended my first post on the subject with “or point the finger at no one”

I am vaccinated now as of last month btw

your defensive response is understandable but it’s misdirected
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Smoking pot raises blood pressure so i can see it leading to more heart attacks

I mean you’re not wrong. Caffeine does too. So do many over the counter medicines. This whole study just reads like propaganda with a purpose of an attack on legalizing.
I’m sorry @hanimmal but no, you’re way more rational than that.

my examples of the damaging impact on society are completely valid, go back and read them.
I don't see any list by you of society being hurt by fat people.

They’re everlasting and ongoing. They do directly impact you when Bob calls in sick for something associated with his by choice obesity, and now your four person crew is 3.
lol, are you for real? I would point out that fat people are far less likely to get injured while running in the snow, hiking, lifting weights, playing sports, on and on. Shit I even bet that the treatment for STD's is far less.

How many fat people have to get helicoptered off a mountain?

lol. Having a fat tattoo artist, equipment operator, programmer, or many other jobs who can't run a quarter mile is meaningless to their ability to contribute to our society.

They impact you when hospital beds are taken by obesity related related health problems, or even with their CHOICE to buy food from this miles long chain of fast food you face on your drive. If no one was buying it there would be less of it.
So knee issues from people running, all those emergency room visits from sports related injuries and shit those are just fine. And old people getting to the end of their lives is significantly less than fat people having something they have to go to the hospital for? Are you saying that fat people are in the hospitals more than not fat people on average?

Because I call bullshit on being able to say that fat people costing our medical system more than not fat people.

Ive actually tried to find this kind of data that people like to pretend exists, but it is not out there.

I could buy an argument that fat people are in need of the hospitals earlier on average than healthy people, but I have yet to see anything on them being there more often during their lifetime.

you’re looking for racism/discrimination in my opinions but they’re not derived from those beliefs at all. This is about laziness, personal responsibility, and comparing the hypocrisy of criticizing someone for not being vaccinated while at the same time allowing another completely avoidable health crisis to flourish unchecked.
You brought up schools not teaching 'english'.

How else is that meant?

truthfully I’m not for either (you shunning someone for their vaccine choice or me shunning someone for their obesity) and my comparison is valid when you consider personal choice. That’s why I ended my first post on the subject with “or point the finger at no one”
lol at you saying I am shunning people for not being vaccinated. I am not. I am shunning' people for spreading bullshit propaganda causing people to radicalize against science and being healthy.

I am vaccinated now as of last month btw
Good for you and those you care about and all those around you man.

your defensive response is understandable but it’s misdirected
Sweet troll, but I would also point to you just saying shit doesn't make it reality.
Smoking pot raises blood pressure so i can see it leading to more heart attacks
EVERYTHING raises blood pressure and can cause heart attacks. Eating. Drinking. Fucking. The VegHead health nut that use to live three doors down from me went out for his daily 3 mile bike ride one day and never came home. This is the same smear tactic they do with coffee. Every 5 years they talk about how great it is for you and then 5 years later you better quit because hey its causing heart attacks. I feel sorry for the people who spend the only life they have afraid of something thats going to happen no matter what they do. Its a system designed to fail. Pick your poison
I love how this thread turned into fat shaming.

Fat people are not passing a deadly disease onto other people.

I appreciate and agree with your sentiment that heavy people need love and respect etc. I think your heart is in the right place.

Although being honest about the possible consequences of obesity shouldn't always be construed as an insult. I have no interest or right to tell an obese person what they can or cannot consume, I could never support that. Yes, I have a fat friend. No I am not obese.

It's not a stretch to say this isn't some form of passing it on though.

I appreciate and agree with your sentiment that heavy people need love and respect etc. I think your heart is in the right place.

Although being honest about the possible consequences of obesity shouldn't always be construed as an insult. I have no interest or right to tell an obese person what they can or cannot consume, I could never support that. Yes, I have a fat friend. No I am not obese.

It's not a stretch to say this isn't some form of passing it on though.

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No shit people with kids tend to eat a lot of the same stuff.
In that sense are they not "passing it on" ? Rhetorical question, please continue with your scheduled Trump hating.
Ive known skinny people that eat like shit and fat people that don't. A lot of 'passing' down of obesity is the reality. Which is why I said 'no shit'.

We are barely out of the caveman days with how we eat anyways, and need to really put some time and effort into figuring out better ways to feed our society than the subsidies for the high calorie garbage that is highly polluting we roll with now.
Ive known skinny people that eat like shit and fat people that don't. A lot of 'passing' down of obesity is the reality. Which is why I said 'no shit'.

We are barely out of the caveman days with how we eat anyways, and need to really put some time and effort into figuring out better ways to feed our society than the subsidies for the high calorie garbage that is highly polluting we roll with now.

Yes. Ending forcible subsidies would be a good thing. Thanks for pointing that out.

In an actual free market you can do that and you can use that money for your own interests or your own charitable ideas. In a coercion based government that will never happen.

I am eating peppers and tomatoes from the garden tonight. Tomorrow I will give a hungry person a dozen eggs.