Peer reviewed study: Pot = Heart Attacks

Oh, don’t get me wrong I indulge. I just try to be mindful of quantity as much as possible lol.

nothing like tacos al pastor and a coke on the street in Mexico City at 2 in the morning :)

That's my meal. I am lucky and we have quite an array of good Mexican places.

On the taco front...I give a hearty recommendation to make the below. Its that orange creamy looking salsa that is really hot. You might want to alter the ratios depending on how hot your dried peppers are, my first batch was a bit much.

I haven't had good Mexican food (or anything else really) since before the pandemic.

I do love a great combo plate. And am now fondly thinking about the nice warm tortilla chips with some of the refried beans/queso dip.

That sounds more like TexMex (which holds its own special place in my heart, nothing wrong with an enchilada platter)

The last time I had good Mexican food was the last time I was in San Diego. I haven’t been able to find anything comparable around here.

Yep San Diego has some legit spots.

I live in an area with lots of Mexican immigrants who own taquerias and other “authentic” Mexican restaurants. While great, it’s still not the same as Mexico. Even with the same exact recipes.

One theory we here is, “it’s the meats.” Meaning in Mexico a lot of the meat you’re served is never refrigerated/very fresh. Also the chiles, something about the salsas cannot be replicated here. Just another reason to visit :)

One thing I miss from my childhood is the giant bag of tamales that our Auntie B would give us every so often.

Funny I equate Christmas time with buying tamales, usually sold by a lady outside any particular store that day from a cooler, as much as any other tradition now
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Lol, I should have clicked to see what the actual video was.

Edit: was expecting some hot chick in a revealing outfit...did not deliver!