The White privilege to terrorize

I can’t read anything RobRoy is posting.

That shit's part of the contract to the country those people signed up to defend. They don't fuck around.


Thanks for mentioning that. Isn't it true after this alleged contract is signed, they (the military honchos) can change the terms, but the individual soldier can't ?

Isn't it also true, "wars" are to be declared by Congress ?
Presidential Executive orders might be fashionable lately, but they aren't constitutional. Neither are orders which violate a persons rights.

If I were in the military (fat fucking chance there) I'd refuse the jab, BUT, in the meantime I'd print a shitload of something that appears in the Nuremberg code and let the chips fall where they may.

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
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Wow, reading this thread reminds me of watching a bunch of jackals circling a lion. Not one has the courage to take the lion on; one on one. RR being the lion and you know who the jackals are. Each one of you takes a bite and run away cowardly like.
That is some stupid shit you just spewed.

But feel free to enlighten me with these great points you feel the gas lighting troll has made that you think are so stellar and what the argument is that you think it is relevant to and I will be more than happy to think on it. But as of now I am calling bullshit on your post white knighting his stupid nonsense, but am not willing to look at all the spam to find the points you think matter only to have you ignore it.

Shit at this point I would be more likely to believe that all those accounts are just RR trying to make himself seem smart to people who will fall for his race/class/insurrectionist bullshit propaganda.
That is some stupid shit you just spewed.

But feel free to enlighten me with these great points you feel the gas lighting troll has made that you think are so stellar and what the argument is that you think it is relevant to and I will be more than happy to think on it. But as of now I am calling bullshit on your post white knighting his stupid nonsense, but am not willing to look at all the spam to find the points you think matter only to have you ignore it.

Shit at this point I would be more likely to believe that all those accounts are just RR trying to make himself seem smart to people who will fall for his race/class/insurrectionist bullshit propaganda.

You forgot to call him a Russian. Feeling okay?
Give me some examples or this systemic racism ? I’ll wait
I just wasn't sure if you were still waiting.

In the meantime, back to what this thread is about. White privilege to terrorize people.

You forgot to call him a Russian. Feeling okay?
More cherry picking bullshit propaganda from you huh? Shocker.

But yeah I am fine thanks for asking though.
Thanks for mentioning that. Isn't it true after this alleged contract is signed, they (the military honchos) can change the terms, but the individual soldier can't ?

Isn't it also true, "wars" are to be declared by Congress ?
Presidential Executive orders might be fashionable lately, but they aren't constitutional. Neither are orders which violate a persons rights.

If I were in the military (fat fucking chance there) I'd refuse the jab, BUT, in the meantime I'd print a shitload of something that appears in the Nuremberg code and let the chips fall where they may.

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

What can I say? Considering there are certain ideological, civic, and active duties required to hold a position that requires you to put your country's needs in front of your own, most would not fit the bill. In the end you have the choice to sign up or not. Our family has few complaints about how we were treated by the DND (Canada) and we grew up well taken care of for the most part. Just don't disregard the people serving you and your country and disregard the Politics. It's part of the job. Unfortunately that ideal has changed in the last few decades, from a now outside perspective, so I cannot speak for the typical Army brat any longer. Been a Civi for a bit now.
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Wow, reading this thread reminds me of watching a bunch of jackals circling a lion. Not one has the courage to take the lion on; one on one. RR being the lion and you know who the jackals are. Each one of you takes a bite and run away cowardly like.
you guys should get together and decorate some racial segregation signs and suck each others dicks