The White privilege to terrorize

I can’t read anything RobRoy is posting.


No, I was harshing on bodily invasions by "authorities" and gave a good example.

Regarding your question about forced vaccines and how they do it. They use the between a rock and a hard place make a choice false dichotomy method. Although some judges are working to normalize more overt intrusions. Did you hear people are threatened with losing their kids if they don't take the jab? You okay with that ?

Okay, but what you're essentially doing is being the annoying Costco guy that tries to just walk past without showing your receipt, when in reality, the arrangement you complain about is one you signed up for. You have the right to travel freely, but driving is not a constitutional right, therefore you can just throw all that complaining out the window once you agree to the contract when you choose to get behind the wheel.

I don't know what "threatening" means. Is that where someone exercises their 1a rights in a manner that hurts your feelings, or is there something a bit more tangible going on?
annoying Costco guy that tries to just walk past without showing your receipt,

If I were a member of Costco and had agreed to a receipt check, I would try to honor my agreement.

At Walmart, I have told the door receipt security geek, "no thank you" and kept walking.
What is that ? Rights come from pieces of paper ?

Uhhhh, no. Intellectually, you're like a defiant teenager seeking attention. That's a ridiculous question. Of course rights don't come from paper, they come from the people that fought to create ideologies, of which those have been transferred to a paper medium and today there are digital mediums as well. Half the time I talk to you, I wonder....if this your first day of existence???

That's not true. A passport is evidence it's false. Willing to retract that or would you like to double down on your false assertion?

Nah, I'd rather continue helping you look silly....

Remember how you complain about someone imposing something onto you? That's why you need a passport, because you don't have a right impose yourself onto the land of another group of people. Now, with the land of your own people, you have the right to travel freely.

I know your narcissism makes it difficult to comprehend a planet that doesn't belong to you, but that's the reality of it.
Support your claim of whimsical travel freedom please.

Also, don't forget to support the forced vaccines thing.

Aaaaand don't forget to expand on what "threatening" means.

Because you're unable to argue the point, the best you can do is select seven words out of a hundred to reply to, so I gotta try and stay on top of it for you, because you communicate very similarly to the way a hammered person walks....all over the fucking place.
Support your claim of whimsical travel freedom please.

Also, don't forget to support the forced vaccines thing.

Aaaaand don't forget to expand on what "threatening" means.

Because you're unable to argue the point, the best you can do is select seven words out of a hundred to reply to, so I gotta try and stay on top of it for you, because you communicate very similarly to the way a hammered person walks....all over the fucking place.
Soon as he’s losing out comes the memes. It’s all he has left. Oh yeah, that and his freedumb :roll:
Wow, reading this thread reminds me of watching a bunch of jackals circling a lion. Not one has the courage to take the lion on; one on one. RR being the lion and you know who the jackals are. Each one of you takes a bite and run away cowardly like.