The White privilege to terrorize

Lower income families and students who cannot typically afford the going rate for lessons. Also committed to helping a number of kids in neighborhoods where street crime is the usual option for many of these youths.

Thank you for clarifying.
Socialism is not a solution to anything, if it assumes it's okay to initiate force against otherwise peaceful people.

I don't have a problem if you want to be a socialist. I have a problem if you want to FORCE socialism on those who don't want it.
Rob, you already live in a socialist society, there's income tax and free school lunches, the list is endless!
"If we can save just one life"
If some die, many more will live, that compensates for the moral lapse, increasingly it's the guilty, willfully ignorant and stupid who are doing the dying. Covid has turned on the republicans bigly, they created a monster that got away from them and it is consuming their base of fools. Thoughts and prayers.
It's called tribalism, a human instinct and you are caught up in it, there is no white "tribe", there is the United States, that is reality, deal with it.

Tribes often have familial and clan bonds. National governments that rise to empires, like the United States don't care about that stuff.
The United States, a jealous Pimp, remains united by using threats of force if any of the component states want to leave though.

In that regard the reality is it's like a Cult where the weaker members are captives. Lincoln was the first grand master of the "no bitches can leave this cult" and it's continued on since his time. The cult is going to fracture though....wait and see. The bitches are gonna run.
Tribes often have familial and clan bonds. National governments that rise to empires, like the United States don't care about that stuff.
The United States, a jealous Pimp, remains united by using threats of force if any of the component states want to leave though.

In that regard the reality is it's like a Cult where the weaker members are captives. Lincoln was the first grand master of the "no bitches can leave this cult" and it's continued on since his time. The cult is going to fracture though....wait and see. The bitches are gonna run.
Right now the only ones who are fracturing are the republicans, over the big lie, the insurrection and vaccines. The only political cult in the land is Trumpism a collection of idiots, half of whom are gonna be covid road kill.
So by doing a good deed or two, you gain immunity from bad deeds. Sounds like wife beater logic you're slinging there.
If an antivaccine and antimask propagandist dies, as many have, it helps to save the lives of the innocent, their foolish deaths serve as an example, they took their freedom to the grave, unfortunately they took others with them too. Some folks are just better off dead, the fact that they killed themselves is no cause for guilt on my part.
I can’t read anything RobRoy is posting.

If a vaccine is forced on a person and they experience bad side effects should the manufacturer and the person(s) ordering them to be injected be held responsible ?

Is that reality though? Do they kick in doors and hold people down and stick a needle in them?
You're asking me to tell you what you were talking about..?

No, I was harshing on bodily invasions by "authorities" and gave a good example.

Regarding your question about forced vaccines and how they do it. They use the between a rock and a hard place make a choice false dichotomy method. Although some judges are working to normalize more overt intrusions. Did you hear people are threatened with losing their kids if they don't take the jab? You okay with that ?