GM’s Grassroots 4x8 with blusoak


Well-Known Member
Hi and welcome. Open invite for all things no-till. Thought I start a new thread just track this bed long term. See where it goes from there.

I’m late to the game here but my mix was pretty simple.
About 1/2 recycled mix.
-crab, kelp, alfalfa and neem/Karanga. Basalt. Gaiagreen volcanic rock dust, oyster, gypsum, brown rice. Base is 1/3 peat, pumice and ewc.

mixed in 1/4 freshly cooked first run soil.
About an 1/8 roots 707 and 1/8 promix hp to fill the gaps.

this is all done by guesstimated numbers. Mixing this much soil inside proved to be difficult.

bottom of bed was layered with 2 inches of rock/ sand and ewc.
Mixed soil added on top basically up to the moisture lock sides

Watered down bed, nearly 20 gallons

sowed clover and peas right away and assembled blusoak. Blue soak is set to 18 gallon rez. About4ft up. The soaks need extra psi compared to the traditional blumat carrots. 4-6 I believe.

covered with straw and daily wetting down.

Gelato x bubba kush. 8 clones vegged couple weeks in 1 gallons. Transplanted into bed and vegged 1 more week. Flipped to flower on July 8. Ok. I think that catches up.
Right now Is the bed is consuming about 1.5 gallons a day. Never went this big with no till before. Here’s some pics.

Let’s talk ipm.

takes a plan. So more liked Planned integrated pest/pathogen management.

here’s my basic rules.

rule #1. No clones! No plant matter comes inside. Start from seed, hunt mothers and go from there. Obviously this won’t work for everyone so when taking clones always always quarantine and treat plant as “containmented” until proven other wise.

#2. Spray preventive safe sprays 2-3 times during veg and once during preflower stretch The more I mess with things I’ve come to believe switching up products seems to be more beneficials than getting stuck on one brand.

#3. Mosquito dunks in Rez. The dreaded fungus gnat. This seems to really work.

#4. Hepa filtered intakes. Easy cheap peace of mind here.

#5. Clean and tidy room. Easy enough. Sweep and clean up crap lol. Although I didn’t say sanitized room. Working with soils is to difficult to sanitize. Just keeping the place neat and tidy( no crumbling piles of leaves hanging around, wet floors, mud et). Have “work shoes” available to change into if nothing else.

#6. Air flow/ hvac.

finally just getting plants healthy as possible, stronger the plant, the stronger it’s pathogen defenses are. Which in my opinion come from full plant to soil symbiosis.

“failing to plan is planning to fail” - somebody smart.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” Benjamin Franklin.

whatever plan you make. Stick to it!
well this bed is just rocking! I guess giving each plant 75 gallons of soil gets things moving fast.
Less than a half gallon a day last few days. Useing less water than expected blusoaks still have pressure and “sweating”.
12 days in.
I did give them a little hair cut down low after I took these picture.
Man, I don't think it'll ever get old seeing people setting up such killer bed set ups. They always super fun to watch from start to finish. Great work man!
It’s magic to me! If magic is real is happening right below our feet. Lol thanks been a long time in the making to get the large bed. Stay tuned, we’ll be budding hard here before too long.
Yesterday was just about 3 weeks 12/12. Did final cleanup down low. Chop and drop everything that comes off the plants. I also watered in some mammoth p, about a full 5 gallon bucket for the entire bed. It’s consuming about 2-3 gallons a day at this point. Much less than expected. Plants look great snd happy to me. Buckle in for the flowers.
Here’s some bud shots from same strain that was just harvested at 72 days. E76ABC23-8743-4F0C-BC3F-C953C6FCF4D4.jpeg4C0F067C-35F2-480F-96E6-341F5ACACA28.jpeg1671D8D5-6F0A-4245-A78C-08C7FEEBD913.jpeg42C73F1A-AAC9-47B2-9049-2678ACB11C46.jpegB5CDE3AD-1DF5-4469-8CCE-45FFB5E9C02F.jpeg05FEEF4E-D13B-418A-A2E6-6937978B9822.jpeg
Looking good, keep up the good work
Question, in the beds how could you tell if you have a runaway? When in pots you can tell cause there's water around the pot that's having a runaway
Looking good, keep up the good work
Question, in the beds how could you tell if you have a runaway? When in pots you can tell cause there's water around the pot that's having a runaway
It’s difficult but I’ve been Just touching snd feeling the bottom of beds. Trying to feel saturation levels. Also just constant monitoring volume of water consumed.
And with the soak hose there is only 2 carrots controlling the irrigation of The bed so it’s not a bunch of sensors to monitor
It’s difficult but I’ve been Just touching snd feeling the bottom of beds. Trying to feel saturation levels. Also just constant monitoring volume of water consumed.
And with the soak hose there is only 2 carrots controlling the irrigation of The bed so it’s not a bunch of sensors to monitor
Yea I guess it would feel super sponge and wet to touch, can you get around to all sides of your bed?
I guess if you used the regular drippers you would be able to tell by watching the dippers? But then you need alot more carrots to run in your bed
Yea I guess it would feel super sponge and wet to touch, can you get around to all sides of your bed?
I guess if you used the regular drippers you would be able to tell by watching the dippers? But then you need alot more carrots to run in your bed
Yes it opens in back and I can navigate the far side lol. Not much room but enough.

yes I would want a lot of drippers. Probably one every square foot min.