Much better luck the simpler I make organic soils.

There's a mix of hybrids from his mates indoor, some plants from a harsh farm and some wild sourced so it's a toss up.

Smells like geranium, Clove and fennel. I'm hoping for something a bit more wild out of the other two planted
Hey mate,
I’ve been hunting plants containing geraniol so this is very interesting. I run a clone I have that tastes and smells of Turkish delight/rose water and believe the “rose” smell comes from geraniol.
There’s really not too much info about regarding this terpene, in cannabis that is.

I spoke to a grower on ICmag who found something similar in some “vintage Afghani”.
I’m curious, have yours retained the smell of geraniums or has it passed?
Hey mate,
I’ve been hunting plants containing geraniol so this is very interesting. I run a clone I have that tastes and smells of Turkish delight/rose water and believe the “rose” smell comes from geraniol.
There’s really not too much info about regarding this terpene, in cannabis that is.

I spoke to a grower on ICmag who found something similar in some “vintage Afghani”.
I’m curious, have yours retained the smell of geraniums or has it passed?
It does on trichome rub. A cross of citrus skin/geranium. Skunk/fennel aftertones from afar.

Stem rub is pepper/pine.
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So judging by this run, the mix was a tiny bit hot at the start and petered out around week 8 or 9. I've got four more going in the same medium, will be interesting to see how it goes with a schedule of top dress this run. The two in veg are from the same season, the other two are from another.

Around day 24 and day 6.
Ended up top dressing with two cups medium mixed with 3tbsp bud and bloom (dr greenthumbs 0.5-2-3) and 1tbsp 4-1-1 microbe boost watered in with seasol.

Already looking better 5 days out. Lots of fresh stigma.