Pandemic 2020

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It looks like the only way to beat this is through a unified and collective effort.

We are fucked.
We appear to have enough of that in Canada at least, the lower vaxx rates out west are mostly the result of a younger population, not political bullshit. I still think we could end up with close to a 90% vaxx rate by the end of fall and the delta pandemic will play out differently here than in the states. When the vaccines come out of EUA in a few weeks in the states Health Canada won't be far behind, or might even be ahead. This will help to drive up vaxx rates in Canada among younger working people as more employers mandate them.
Come spit in my mouth

That's a objective speculation at best, sure maybe it will, let it thin me out than, but until than let's continue discussing why I'm wrong. I wear my mask and respect all others choices, and any posted rules. I'm not advocating anyone to take or not take the vaccine, and if I am not allowed certain places or to travel than so be it. Again why do I HAVE to take it? While it's still in a very experimental phase? I may be persuaded in the future with more evidence but your stomping of feet isn't helping any debate on the matter
I don’t debate with imbeciles. I just point out their ignorance.
Because the TV said so.
Maybe it's all over the local TV and press news because the local hospitals are full and the local TV crews are interviewing local EMS and healthcare workers on TV. No it ain't just the big networks, it's the local news too, the one folks trust for everything else.
You don’t have to take it. No one says you do actually. You are encouraged to take but you do not have to. Why the rant?

Because if someone calls anyone stupid and deserving of death for being skeptical I will most certainly speak my mind every time, there's people advocating a no shot no service policy at hospitals in this thread, if you condone this or the general narrative than that is my issue. Not safe and effective vaccines. Toxic shit boys
Because if someone calls anyone stupid and deserving of death for being skeptical I will most certainly speak my mind every time, there's people advocating a no shot no service policy at hospitals in this thread, if you condone this or the general narrative than that is my issue. Not safe and effective vaccines. Toxic shit boys
Drop dead snowflake.
Covid Delta Surge: 'There's Going To Be A Lot Of Death'

MSNBC Health Expert Dr. Kavita Patel is warning that there will unfortunately be a lot of deaths in states where Covid is surging among the unvaccinated from the Delta variant.
Because if someone calls anyone stupid and deserving of death for being skeptical I will most certainly speak my mind every time, there's people advocating a no shot no service policy at hospitals in this thread, if you condone this or the general narrative than that is my issue. Not safe and effective vaccines. Toxic shit boys
Lol, Right, You are Toxic Shit. Take your disease and go home. How dare you show up to an overwhelmed hospital begging for help when you could have avoided it. No respect for healthcare workers , you selfish bastard .

Vaccine shots give COVID-19 survivors big immune boost, studies show

WASHINGTON — Even people who have recovered from COVID-19 are urged to get vaccinated, especially as the extra-contagious delta variant surges — and a new study shows survivors who ignored that advice were more than twice as likely to get reinfected.

Friday's report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention adds to growing laboratory evidence that people who had one bout of COVID-19 get a dramatic boost in virus-fighting immune cells — and a bonus of broader protection against new mutants — when they're vaccinated.

"If you have had COVID-19 before, please still get vaccinated," said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky. "Getting the vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and others around you, especially as the more contagious delta variant spreads around the country."

According to a new Gallup survey, one of the main reasons Americans cite for not planning to get vaccinated is the belief that they're protected since they already had COVID-19. From the beginning health authorities have urged survivors to get the broader protection vaccination promises. While the shots aren't perfect, they are providing strong protection against hospitalization and death even from the delta mutant.

Scientists say infection does generally leave survivors protected against a serious reinfection at least with a similar version of the virus, but blood tests have signaled that protection drops against worrisome variants.

The CDC study offers some real-world evidence.

Researchers studied Kentucky residents with a lab-confirmed coronavirus infection in 2020, the vast majority of them between October and December. They compared 246 people who got reinfected in May or June of this year with 492 similar survivors who stayed healthy. The survivors who never got vaccinated had a significantly higher risk of reinfection than those who were fully vaccinated, even though most had their first bout of COVID-19 just six to nine months ago.

A different variant of the coronavirus caused most illnesses in 2020, while the newer alpha version was predominant in Kentucky in May and June, said study lead author Alyson Cavanaugh, a CDC disease detective working with that state's health department.

That suggests natural immunity from earlier infection isn't as strong as the boost those people can get from vaccination while the virus evolves, she said.

There's little information yet on reinfections with the newer delta variant. But U.S. health officials point to early data from Britain that the reinfection risk appears greater with delta than with the once-common alpha variant, once people are six months past their prior infection.

"There's no doubt" that vaccinating a COVID-19 survivor enhances both the amount and breadth of immunity "so that you cover not only the original (virus) but the variants," Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S. government's top infectious disease expert, said at a recent White House briefing.

The CDC recommends full vaccination, meaning both doses of two-dose vaccines, for everyone.

But in a separate study published Friday in JAMA Network Open, Rush University researchers reported just one vaccine dose gives the previously infected a dramatic boost in virus-fighting immune cells, more than people who have never been infected get from two shots.

Other recent studies published in Science and Nature show the combination of a prior infection and vaccination also broadens the strength of people's immunity against a changing virus. It's what virologist Shane Crotty of California's La Jolla Institute for Immunology calls "hybrid immunity."

Vaccinated survivors "can make antibodies that can recognize all kinds of variants even if you were never exposed to the variant," Crotty said. "It's pretty sweet."

One warning for anyone thinking of skipping vaccination if they had a prior infection: The amount of natural immunity can vary from person to person, possibly depending on how sick they were to begin with. The Rush University study found 4 of 29 previously infected people had no detectable antibodies before they were vaccinated — and the vaccines worked for them just like they work for people who never had COVID-19.

Why do many of the previously infected have such a robust response to vaccination? It has to do with how the immune system develops multiple layers of protection.

After either vaccination or infection, the body develops antibodies that can fend off the coronavirus the next time it tries to invade. Those naturally wane over time. If an infection sneaks past them, T cells help prevent serious illness by killing virus-infected cells — and memory B cells jump into action to make lots of new antibodies.

Those memory B cells don't just make copies of the original antibodies. In immune system boot camps called germinal centers, they also mutate antibody-producing genes to test out a range of those virus fighters, explained University of Pennsylvania immunologist John Wherry.

The result is essentially a library of antibody recipes that the body can choose from after future exposures — and that process is stronger when vaccination triggers the immune system's original memory of fighting the actual virus.

With the delta variant's super infectiousness, getting vaccinated despite a prior infection "is more important now than it was before to be sure," Crotty said. "The breadth of your antibodies and potency against variants is going to be far better than what you have right now."
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Lol, Right, You are Toxic Shit. Take your disease and go home. How dare you show up to an overwhelmed hospital begging for help when you could have avoided it. No respect for healthcare workers , you selfish bastard .

I can't go to the hospital with the disease? That's full of people with the disease? Based solely on not having the vaccine that protects from the disease, that their all in there for? Thank you
I can't go to the hospital with the disease? That's full of people with the disease? Based solely on not having the vaccine that protects from the disease, that their all in there for? Thank you
She's a healthcare worker who's dealing with morons daily and is voicing the frustration of many, frustrations that are spilling over into the political realm with coming mandates.

If you don't want the vaccine and get sick, then it's reasonable to expect you to stick to your guns and stay home and away from others. I mean in Canada tax dollars pay for healthcare and I don't want my tax dollars spent on stupidity, so those who are anti vaxx and anti science should stay home and let their "superior" immune systems take care of corona. I mean you know better than the experts and doctors, so it's reasonable you should treat yourself using your "superior knowledge and reasoning abilities".
What about free doughnuts?
Doughnut time is over, mandate time is gonna arrive soon, already is really, as employers anticipate the end of EUA. By the time any lawsuits are filed, the statues will have changed and they will all be tossed out of court and the idiots fired or vaxxed.
If your health care system can’t cope with a mild flu like virus, well then you might just have a crappy health care system
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