Pandemic 2020

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Never said that, did I? He is not a politician, not looking to get a job with Biden from what I gather. So maybe he is unbiased? Or he is just trying to get another five minutes of fame, I don't know. It depends on whether people take actions to reduce the transmission of the virus. We thought we were doing good until we found out the Delta variant is a real bitch. In my mind what is going on is just a warmup for September when kids go back to school. If they are allowed that is.
I'm just trying to understand how people are viewing things here. It seems that any time someone posts an article that is right-leaning, people on the left discount it as bias, and vice-vs. It's a bit sad to me that politics created a dynamic where we can't simply have a debate about an issue and set politics aside for a moment.
The thing I don't like about your posts in this thread is than more than 95% of them have to do with the downsides of these vaccines. There are definitely some really low percentage downsides, but if the vast majority of the result aren't negative, why such the hyperforcus on the negative?
Same reason he cried at the thought of killing nazis before claiming he was a super secret nazi killer
The thing I don't like about your posts in this thread is than more than 95% of them have to do with the downsides of these vaccines. There are definitely some really low percentage downsides, but if the vast majority of the result aren't negative, why such the hyperforcus on the negative?
Someone has to shed light on the dark sides. Would you prefer to simply pretend that it isn't there?
Take DIY's post for example. His posts roughly mirror the reality of the risks, don't you think? With the vast majority reflecting the positive side of these vaccines and the vast minority reflecting the negative side, just like he did on the last page regarding the long-haul symptoms, and just like the risk data would suggest, no? And from what I've seen, we've all supported the rights angle here, even if we think it's unwise. So it's not your intention to fearmonger by providing an imbalanced view, so what is your intention and what do you think about the accuracy of the balance you provide?
Tennessee Pastor Vows to Ban Mask-Wearing Church Members
A firebrand Tennessee pastor has threatened to ban church members if they show up wearing masks.

Speaking to attendees at Global Vision Bible Church in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, on Sunday, Pastor Greg Locke said, "Don’t believe this delta variant nonsense. Stop it! Stop it!" WKRN reported.

"If they go through round two and you start showing up in all these masks and all this nonsense, I’ll ask you to leave. I will ask you to leave," Locke said in a service streamed on YouTube. "I am not playing these Democrat games up in this church. If you want to social distance, go to First Baptist Church, but don’t come to this one.

"Bunch of pastors talking about how much they want to see people heal. They’re afraid to baptize people because of a delta variant. I’m sick of it."

Speaking in a red-and-white striped circus tent about 20 miles east of downtown Nashville, Locke told his congregation: "I don't need to be a jerk for Jesus, but I'm not going to kowtow down to a wicked godless culture.

"Here's what the left has told us: 'If you comply, you compromise, if you comply, eventually you'll get in our good graces,'" he said. "But no, you'll never be able to comply enough."

Locke said Democrats shut down the country during the COVID-19 pandemic for their own personal gain.

"I ain't playing their games, shut the nation down for a second time," Locke said. "It didn't hurt the economy bad enough.

"You know what happens when they shut down private businesses? They open government businesses. The government isn't hurting one bit."

Locke has gained attention for previous statements about COVID, and for supporting former President Donald Trump’s claims that the 2020 presidential election results were due to voter fraud, the Daily Mail reported.

In March 2020, Locke announced he had no plans to stop holding service despite a warning from Gov. Bill Lee, R-Tenn., who had urged churches to move their services online.

Then in July 2020, Locke posted on Facebook that the church was remaining open and people didn't have to wear masks or social distance, claiming: "I don't care if they sent the military, they roll up in there with tanks ... ladies and gentleman, we are staying open," the Daily Mail reported.

Tennessee Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Lisa Piercey last week said the state had experienced a more than 200% increase in overall COVID-19 cases since July 1, averaging more than 700 new cases per day over a seven-day period, WKRN reported.

he'll be dead by 12/31/21..unless he gets a stealth vaccination and lies to his flock..that would be very ballsy.
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And to be fair, there are tons of things that can be done to aid with any ailment and vitamins would go beyond that scope, imo. They send out vaccines, not gatorade, soup, pillows, backrubs, frontrubs, etc.
No, those are people who have been fully vaccinated.
i don't see how many died and had immunity in that articlewas my point? why aren't they showing that stat? are they even measuring it? surely some others that died from covid had a previous infection that they maybe didn't even know about
"These vaccines are truly effective," IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said. "You know, everyone has heard of a case or two of someone who had a breakthrough infection or breakthrough hospitalization, but it is, that is so far the unicorn, that you need to focus on the people who are not vaccinated, they're the ones filling up the hospital as COVID patients."

The recent surge of COVID-19 cases in certain parts of the state have been found in areas of lower vaccination rates, Ezike said.

"There is a very clear connection between where those case rates are growing the fastest and how well that area is vaccinated, i.e. the more highly vaccinated areas are having lower case rates," she said.

She noted that the growing delta variant has a higher transmissibility that impacts more people at a time than previous variants. Within weeks, Ezike said Illinois has seen COVID cases double statewide.

Studies have shown that the delta variant spreads approximately 225% faster than the original strain of the virus. Studies have also shown that once a person catches the delta variant, they likely become infectious sooner, and that the virus grows more rapidly inside a person’s respiratory tract.

As the delta variant continues to spread, experts are continuing to push for more Americans to get the COVID vaccine.

All three of the vaccines currently authorized for emergency use by the FDA have shown to be largely effective against preventing serious illness and death due to COVID, and all three companies say that their vaccines are showing promise in preventing those outcomes with the delta variant as well."

The state does not publicize the number of residents who tested positive after being fully vaccinated but did not die or require hospitalization in order to "help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance," IDPH's website reads.
i don't see how many died and had immunity in that articlewas my point? why aren't they showing that stat? are they even measuring it? surely some others that died from covid had a previous infection that they maybe didn't even know about
Why would they have died if they both had natural immunity and were also double jabbed?
The state does not publicize the number of residents who tested positive after being fully vaccinated but did not die or require hospitalization in order to "help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance," IDPH's website reads.
That's because they are following suit of what the CDC did back in May of this year:

In short they don't want to be reporting the multitude of asymptomatic breakthrough cases which are out there, because it will make the jabs look even less effective. This is old news.
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