Pandemic 2020

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Here's some new guidance from the CDC for y'all.. Basically they are saying that is you are vaxxed, you still need to wear a mask, because you can still get covid, and you can still pass it to others:

Duh, we've been saying that for months.

When will people realize what the 90% actually means?
Yeah, but a lot of people don't get it. They get the jab and think it's suddenly normalsville.

Predominantly, never said solely. And oh sure, I'm hip to the republican gaslighting like Hannity saying, "just like we've always been saying...".
One of the links in the article indicated that it's 12% left and 10% on the right (based on a Pew Research Center survey), so you may have some misconceptions which have been fueled by media sensationalism and demonetization. It is an older survey, and perhaps the tides have shifted a bit by now however.
One of the links in the article indicated that it's 12% left and 10% on the right (based on a Pew Research Center survey), so you may have some misconceptions which have been fueled by media sensationalism and demonetization. It is an older survey, and perhaps the tides have shifted a bit by now however.

It's really simple and boils down to this; which party do you think trusts the gov't less? What you're saying makes no sense and conflicts with everything else. Why do they love the 2a so much? To fight gov't tyranny. Why do they hate legislation so much? Reduction of freedom. Just go around googling "vaccination rates by political affiliation" and show me something where they're generally even. That's the real metric, people that put their money where their mouth is.
i cough violently every time i pass a red hat inside a store.
And you think that's how our country will move closer to unity? I think Trumps terrible run swung you a bit too far in the opposite direction, to the point that what you are saying about causing harm to people you disagree with is equally as terrible. Why don't you just get an AK-47 and exterminate everyone you disagree with?
It's really simple and boils down to this; which party do you think trusts the gov't less? What you're saying makes no sense and conflicts with everything else. Why do they love the 2a so much? To fight gov't tyranny. Why do they hate legislation so much? Reduction of freedom. Just go around googling "vaccination rates by political affiliation" and show me something where they're generally even. That's the real metric, people that put their money where their mouth is.
Personally I think they love the 2nd A so much is simple fear of having things taken away from them, and they think that they can somehow protect their freedom through violence. As far as legislation, I see that too ways: 1. I agree that there is often too much bureaucracy placed on our system, BUT.. 2. too many assholes try to get away with greed and trampling on others, so that it makes the bureaucracy necessary.

People on the left have different reasons for not wanting the vaxx. In my county there are a lot of people who eat organic and gmo free foods, and go to holistic type healers. They are simply health naturalists, and it doesn't make a lot of sense to spend so much money on organic and gmo-free food, only to inject yourself with a mRNA vaccine or others. I personally am not a purist, but I try to stick to organic and gmo-free as much as possible, and avoid western medications as much as possible. That's not to say that I won't take antibiotics when I have an infection, but you won't see me popping aspirin for a headache.
Dershowitz to Newsmax: Courts Will Likely Back Mandatory COVID Shots
Courts "always follow the science" and will uphold mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for groups like government employees or schoolchildren if it is shown that doing so will significantly ease the spread of the disease, Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax Wednesday.

"The first right is to be safe from the disease and to make sure that all of the people the doctors, the politicians follow the science," Dershowitz told Newsmax's "John Bachman Now." "You may criticize the president or the head of the CDC, or whatever for changing their mind, but of course, they should change their minds. The data has changed. Science has changed. We have to keep up with the science."

While it's important to preserve the maximum rights of individuals, the rights of the people who would catch COVID-19 from the unvaccinated people must also be kept in mind, he continued.

"You know the law will follow the science and if the science tells us that mandatory vaccinations for government employees or for school children will significantly ease the burden of the disease, the courts will uphold that," said Dershowitz.

He acknowledged that there are times to be skeptical of scientists, including at this point, when Americans don't know as much as they should know about COVID-19 or its variants.

"I can only tell you that the courts will uphold reasonable measures that are designed to protect other people," said Dershowitz. "You can refuse to take medical care. If somebody diagnoses you with cancer, and you say sorry, I don't want to have surgery. That's your right."

But when the diagnosis is about a contagious disease, personal rights "have to be balanced against the rights of others," said Dershowitz.

"If you want to stay home, fine," he said. "If you don't want to send your kids to school and home school them, fine. But if you want to expose others to the disease, then we have to balance your rights against the rights of others who might be affected. That's what the law says."

Precedent also stands with the balance of personal rights and the rights of the public, including historically all the way back to President George Washington.

"I've actually seen this letter of President George Washington before he was president when he wrote a memo to his troops during the Revolutionary War in which he demanded that all soldiers be vaccinated in the most primitive way against smallpox," said Dershowitz. "He didn't want to see smallpox spread through the army because that could hurt the revolutionary cause."

For those that do not know it Dershowitz is the leading legal scholar for the right.

Now the unwashed.

Pretty simple really. If I'm not sick, I don't take anything, I don't miss work, I don't wear a mask, I don't take tests to see if I'm sick, I don't hide from people, I go anywhere I need to. Don't let this 'asymptomatic' crap fool you either, there is no such thing.

Letting the government vaccinate government employees and making that mandatory? Ok whatever, but when you start mandating our children get vaccinated, then that my friends is a recipe for disaster that they should be very afraid of.

John CG
Some here are old enough to remember mandatory polio vaccinations. No one here is old enough to remember mandatory smallpox vaccinations, but that was indeed the case.

Courts should NOT follow science, it should follow the constitutional rights of, (and I hope you all remember them), Individuals.

It's been said before but very valid.
A pandemic so deadly 99.6% survive and a vaccine so safe they have to force people to get it.

So what is next? Gas chambers for the unvaccinated? Seems that way if they can't starve you first.

Forced shots are the same as rape.

Population control was usually dealt with wars but with the cost of destruction and years of clean up a new era is upon us. Propaganda driven fear, turn brother against brother. a "vaccine" which never been tested on humans until 2020. After knowing how crooked every aspect of these sinister people. DO you Trust Them?
I was in the hospital & rehab to regain my strength for 6 weeks. Didn't walk on my own for 4 weeks. I got fucked up by Covid, no fun at all.
Went to a pulmonary Dr last week & he tested my lungs & my oxygen levels, and they sucked. I lost 50% of my lung capacity & 20% of my ability to use oxygen.
He said with medication I should improve, but never back to where I used to be.
Oh fucking well, it is what it is.
Bright side, I'm alive and can still smoke herb & basically I'm fortunate.
Not as deep a hit, but I don't really give a shit, just a few extra puffs & I'm good
Did you hear that the only mask that will work against Delta is a N95 or a KN95, those paper fuckers do basically nothing
I got these yesterday on Amazon. I did some research and they got good reviews & the price was good. 20 masks for $25

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Anyway, mask up/get a shot/pray that you dont get it.

Oh, I might as well throw some more fucked up news out there while I'm at it.
Fauci was giving interviews this morning & this is what he said about the present situation & what to expect in the fall (not good)

Sorry to hear the bad news. How did you get it? I got vaccinated fully since April. I placed a message with my doc that I would like to get an antibody test. I need to know if I have antibodies because I get so much exposure at work. I just might get the n95s again. I wore
Them for a long time. They get very very hot under after hours of wearing but sounds like a good idea I need to rethink. All this going on still is so fucking depressing . So many of my patients have no antibodies because of the meds they take , you know.... blood cancers like CLL and lymphoma don’t take up the vaccination to help protect and all the ignorant patients that don’t want to get vaccinated. I just look at them like walking death and see a doomed future for them. On top of that some of my colleagues don’t want to get vaccinated . So only 58% of the cancer center healthcare workers are vaccinated! It’s so demoralizing . Take care .
And you think that's how our country will move closer to unity? I think Trumps terrible run swung you a bit too far in the opposite direction, to the point that what you are saying about causing harm to people you disagree with is equally as terrible. Why don't you just get an AK-47 and exterminate everyone you disagree with?
do you think we want unity with the unwashed hoards of mongrels like you?

we want to ostracize you disease spreading fucks.
Personally I think they love the 2nd A so much is simple fear of having things taken away from them, and they think that they can somehow protect their freedom through violence. As far as legislation, I see that too ways: 1. I agree that there is often too much bureaucracy placed on our system, BUT.. 2. too many assholes try to get away with greed and trampling on others, so that it makes the bureaucracy necessary.

Surely you understood the point? I was just trying to point out the theme. If you were to state as a generalization that republicans are supportive of the vaccine, I'd hope that you could see why that wouldn't make sense.

People on the left have different reasons for not wanting the vaxx. In my county there are a lot of people who eat organic and gmo free foods, and go to holistic type healers. They are simply health naturalists, and it doesn't make a lot of sense to spend so much money on organic and gmo-free food, only to inject yourself with a mRNA vaccine or others. I personally am not a purist, but I try to stick to organic and gmo-free as much as possible, and avoid western medications as much as possible. That's not to say that I won't take antibiotics when I have an infection, but you won't see me popping aspirin for a headache.

Bag logic in terms of consistency, imo. I mean....we're here on a forum using computers and those certainly didn't come from the computer tree. The "natural" argument falls apart before a person even opens their mouth. There is no consistency to be found with that angle. Now, we've been back and forth on this and you should know by now that I don't object to all angles. I don't know your specific condition, but if you say you have one that makes you high risk for vaccines and you're concerned about it, I believe you and support that concern. You say you're consistent with 1:1M risk aversion and I don't believe that at all. You say that people have a freedom angle I'll always support that. But, that holistic angle is severely flawed.
And you think that's how our country will move closer to unity? I think Trumps terrible run swung you a bit too far in the opposite direction, to the point that what you are saying about causing harm to people you disagree with is equally as terrible. Why don't you just get an AK-47 and exterminate everyone you disagree with?
if it's nothing worse than the common cold, what's the big deal??

my body, my choice!!!!
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