FBI arrest 6 men in a militia plot to kidnap Michigan governor who also wanted to kill police officers.

I'm pretty sure at least some of Stone's contact's are in custody facing serious time and none of them is gonna do time for Roger. They are gonna squeal on him, but he is clever and might not have exposed himself much. Roger figured the FBI wasn't done with him, even with a pardon and was almost as desperate as Donald, if there's a link between the insurrectionists and Trump, Stone is it.
When does in investigation become entrapment? :roll:
You mean like if there was a FBI agent that said they should kidnap Whitmer and they said 'great idea lets go buy some explosives' and actually tried to buy explosives?

That is not entrapment it turns out. Any kid who got set up by a buddy (who earlier in the day got busted) trying to buy weed from a undercover cop can tell you that.

Shit need another example?

lol here is 35.
Same FBI that forged evidence and perjured themselves before the FISA court to fraudulently obtain warrants to spy on Americans...

If everything is binary where anything bad completely discredits a person, or organization, then you literally have nothing and noone to trust, not even yourself. Something something let he who is without sin...
LOL facts can't be propaganda.
They can be when they are cherry picked to fit into a predetermined narrative.

It always was fascinating how the Trump cult refused to understand that Popadopolous was who sunk Trump. Trump's DoJ continuing FISA into Page is bullshit, but it was done under Trump's AG.
LOL facts can't be propaganda.

Uh, not quite true. I'll show you...

Black men make up 34% of those in prison, yet only 13% of the population.

And if that's all I say, then I've used a fact that's been intentionally phrased to present just a micro slice of the bigger picture, for the purpose of suggesting a correlation between color and inherent behavior(the very definition of racism).
Michigan has had incels pretending to be soldiers larping out in the woods for as long as I can remember, they've always been a pretty pathetic bunch.
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A Michigan man who tried to recall militia-linked Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf has now withdrawn his efforts after being inundated with death threats.

Local news station WOOD TV reports that the man, whom the station is keeping anonymous due to threats he's facing, sent a letter to Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer seeking to withdraw his recall petition against Leaf.

"I still stand by what I stated and can document it all, but it's proven to be too dangerous to follow through with it," the man's email said. "I have received death threats not only for myself but for my family. If it were just me, I would handle it, but I cannot in good conscience put my family in danger. Sorry for this, but I find it necessary."

Leaf drew widespread criticism last year when he made a public appearance with the Michigan Liberty Militia and after admitting that he knew some of the men who allegedly plotted to kidnap Whitmer.

Leaf has also been pushing "voter fraud" conspiracy theories and has unsuccessfully used his office to try to overturn President Joe Biden's 2020 win in Michigan.
https://apnews.com/article/michigan-gretchen-whitmer-grand-rapids-c502551bd6fa4af0a8706d0b9653e653Screen Shot 2021-08-25 at 6.59.54 AM.png
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (AP) — Prosecutors preparing for the first prison sentence in an alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer are loudly signaling to five other defendants that a key insider has shared extraordinary details about the operation.

Ty Garbin cooperated within weeks of being arrested, willingly putting a “target on his back to begin his own redemption,” the government said in a court filing.

Prosecutors want U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker to take it into consideration Wednesday when he sentences Garbin for conspiracy. The government is recommending a nine-year prison term, a long stretch but one that would be even longer if he had not assisted investigators after being charged.

The FBI last October said it broke up a scheme to kidnap the Democratic governor by anti-government extremists who were upset over Whitmer’s coronavirus restrictions. Six men were charged in federal court, while others were charged in state court with aiding them.

Garbin, a 25-year-old airplane mechanic, is the only federal defendant to plead guilty; others are awaiting trial.

“He filled in gaps in the government’s knowledge by recounting conversations and actions that did not include any government informant or ability to record,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Nils Kessler said.

“Second, he confirmed that the plot was real; not just ‘big talk between crackpots,’ as suggested by co-defendants. Third, he dispelled any suggestion that the conspirators were entrapped by government informants,” the prosecutor said.

In his plea agreement, Garbin said the six men trained at his property near Luther, Michigan, constructing a “shoot house” to resemble Whitmer’s vacation home and “assaulting it with firearms.”

A Tennessee-based group called Parents for Peace said it helps people move away from extremist movements. It is asking the judge for a “minimal” prison sentence, noting that Garbin’s rocky childhood and other factors contributed to his decisions.

The group’s hotline has “received a significant increase in calls during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Parents for Peace said in a court filing. “Extremism has continued to be on the rise, and as more and more people were stuck at home, online and found their social networks broken, people turned to extremism.”