FBI arrest 6 men in a militia plot to kidnap Michigan governor who also wanted to kill police officers.

Ten years from now these clowns are gonna be in a cell watching the made for TV movie about their bust, the guy who ratted them out will make a killing on the book and movie rights. So long suckers!
They are still gonna go down for it, informants have a lot of latitude, besides it's the thought that counts, the intent, and it was criminal. Wait until there are new anti domestic terrorist lists and new laws to easily scoop them up, they are coming as soon as democratic patriots gain control of the government. 2022 will be another pivotal election in the struggle for the soul of the nation. If they were foreign or even American Muslims living abroad, they would have drone struck them for less.

Your so right, we all wish our government would make more lists to categorize Americans from their social media posts and possibly instigate a plot to capture those dangerous people. I hope nobody here gets put on a list for their "dangerous" comments of killing Republicans! Lol
Your so right, we all wish our government would make more lists to categorize Americans from their social media posts and possibly instigate a plot to capture those dangerous people. I hope nobody here gets put on a list for their "dangerous" comments of killing Republicans! Lol
Only if ya run around in body armor with guns, train, plan insurrection and generally believe bullshit.
This is a story we have heard before.

On June 29, 2011, Cromitie, Onta Williams, and David Williams were each sentenced, for their part in the attempted attack, to 25 years in prison by Manhattan Federal Judge Colleen McMahon. The judge criticized not only the defendants, but also what she viewed as the government's overzealous handling of the investigation. Referring to Cromitie, she said, "The essence of what occurred here is that a government, understandably zealous to protect its citizens from terrorism, came upon a man both bigoted and suggestible, one who was incapable of committing an act of terrorism on his own. It created acts of terrorism out of his fantasies of bravado and bigotry, and then made those fantasies come true." She added, "The government did not have to infiltrate and foil some nefarious plot – there was no nefarious plot to foil." She said the defendants were "not political or religious martyrs," but "thugs for hire, pure and simple."

Whether this plot was real or not, who knows? It's not like the FBI had a man inside planning the plot as the #2 ringleader, organizing and paying for the meetings, or recruitment.
Its funny the stories that we have heard before.

I remember this one:

If nothing else it is a good thing that those guys who were plotting to kidnap our governor, regardless of the guy that joined them and decided they needed to contact the FBI, were not a part of the Jan 6th riot.

Your so right, we all wish our government would make more lists to categorize Americans from their social media posts and possibly instigate a plot to capture those dangerous people. I hope nobody here gets put on a list for their "dangerous" comments of killing Republicans! Lol
You don't see a difference when they escalate from shit talking online like this?

And when they are amplifying (just like the people on the 6th turned out to have been doing) to kidnap and kill our governor, even going to the point that they would be willing to buy explosives to blow up a bridge?

I grew up with these kind of guys. Shit I thought the Anarchist Cookbook was just something everyone had until I hit about 23. Hell I am pretty lucky that I didn't end up one of them if I am really honest about it. A couple different choices in high school and who knows.

The FBI stopped a bunch of people from potentially kidnapping our governor. The courts will get to hear the evidence and 12 jurors can decide whats up from there.

I don't doubt that they could easily be a bunch of brain damaged (doing shit like playing football both ways in these small schools on the line is guaranteed to give some CTE, just guessing that a lot of them will be some HS football players) radicalized by the same attack everyone else is under, and getting connected to like minded (or truly bat shit psycho) people (while separating them from the people who would best be able to help them deradicalize in real life) online by hate mongering opportunists that were already convinced to buy as much firepower as they could because of (insert crazy shit people believe here), program to think that it is the fault of 'the Democrat/deep state' bullshit. And now they will get to see if they have a case of 'but 'them'' to sell to their juries.

But after seeing what we did on Jan 6th, I am very happy that we didn't have to also see Governor Whitmer executed by a bunch of domestic terrorists too. And anyone who is not can get fucked imo.

If people actually cared about these people in a way other than trolling, it might be worth thinking about this as a good thing that they got caught prior to having the opportunity to escalate their violence.
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Its funny the stories that we have heard before.

I remember this one:

If nothing else it is a good thing that those guys who were plotting to kidnap our governor, regardless of the guy that joined them and decided they needed to contact the FBI, were not a part of the Jan 6th riot.

You don't see a difference when they escalate from shit talking online like this?

And when they are amplifying (just like the people on the 6th turned out to have been doing) to kidnap and kill our governor, even going to the point that they would be willing to buy explosives to blow up a bridge?

I grew up with these kind of guys. Shit I thought the Anarchist Cookbook was just something everyone had until I hit about 23. Hell I am pretty lucky that I didn't end up one of them if I am really honest about it. A couple different choices in high school and who knows.

The FBI stopped a bunch of people from potentially kidnapping our governor. The courts will get to hear the evidence and 12 jurors can decide whats up from there.

I don't doubt that they could easily be a bunch of brain damaged (doing shit like playing football both ways in these small schools on the line is guaranteed to give some CTE, just guessing that a lot of them will be some HS football players) radicalized by the same attack everyone else is under, and getting connected to like minded (or truly bat shit psycho) people (while separating them from the people who would best be able to help them deradicalize in real life) online by hate mongering opportunists that were already convinced to buy as much firepower as they could because of (insert crazy shit people believe here), program to think that it is the fault of 'the Democrat/deep state' bullshit, And have a case of 'but 'them'' to sell to their juries.

But after seeing what we did on Jan 6th, I am very happy that we didn't have to also see Governor Whitmer executed by a bunch of domestic terrorists too. And anyone who is not can get fucked imo.

If people actually cared about these people in a way other than trolling, it might be worth thinking about this as a good thing that they got caught prior to having the opportunity to escalate their violence.

So it is cool if the police purposefully link you up with like minded individuals in order to promote a plot that hasn't yet been made? And the methods used to generate a list of people who could be considered like minded from their posts on social media will only capture the people who are genuinely like minded, and not capture people who are susceptible to the hate but not necessarily radicalized to the point of murder, etc.? Your far more trusting of our government than I am.
FBI agents actually took an active part in "the plot" right from its inception according to court filings, evidence and dozens of interviews reviewed by Buzzfeed. One FBI informant from Wisconsin allegedly helped organize meetings where the first inklings of the plot surfaced, even paying for hotel rooms and food to entice people to attend. Another undercover agent allegedly advised the group on how to blow up a bridge to aid their getaway — and promised to supply them with explosives. And now members of the group are accusing the feds of entrapment.
So it is cool if the police purposefully link you up with like minded individuals in order to promote a plot that hasn't yet been made?
In your scenario who is the police linking them up to?

In this, from what I read, it was a guy who joined them, and eventually realized it was escalating and got scared and went to the FBI.

Anything from then on is just getting evidence of how batshit crazy they are no?

And the methods used to generate a list of people who could be considered like minded from their posts on social media will only capture the people who are genuinely like minded, and not capture people who are susceptible to the hate but not necessarily radicalized to the point of murder, etc.?
So only third parties and foreign nations can have the ability to have that information and use it to manipulate us into what ever level of extremism that person is capable of?

Your far more trusting of our government than I am.
I call bullshit on this having anything to do with 'trust'. It is realizing that a weapon is being pointed at our fellow citizens and realizing that they may be dangerous and about to do very real damage.

FBI agents actually took an active part in "the plot" right from its inception according to court filings, evidence and dozens of interviews reviewed by Buzzfeed. One FBI informant from Wisconsin allegedly helped organize meetings where the first inklings of the plot surfaced, even paying for hotel rooms and food to entice people to attend. Another undercover agent allegedly advised the group on how to blow up a bridge to aid their getaway — and promised to supply them with explosives. And now members of the group are accusing the feds of entrapment.
So they come up with some bullshit plan to blow something up and the guy who is wearing a wire goes back to the FBI and they say to hook them up with this other dude who gets more evidence of the level of radicalization?

That is what it sounds like to me, am I missing something?
In your scenario who is the police linking them up to?

In this, from what I read, it was a guy who joined them, and eventually realized it was escalating and got scared and went to the FBI.

Anything from then on is just getting evidence of how batshit crazy they are no?

So only third parties and foreign nations can have the ability to have that information and use it to manipulate us into what ever level of extremism that person is capable of?

I call bullshit on this having anything to do with 'trust'. It is realizing that a weapon is being pointed at our fellow citizens and realizing that they may be dangerous and about to do very real damage.

So they come up with some bullshit plan to blow something up and the guy who is wearing a wire goes back to the FBI and they say to hook them up with this other dude who gets more evidence of the level of radicalization?

That is what it sounds like to me, am I missing something?

Was he informing on them to the police, or generating/furthering the plot for the police? Is a mixture of that perfectly alright, and if so is the FBI not literally a part of the plot at that point?
This is a story we have heard before.

On June 29, 2011, Cromitie, Onta Williams, and David Williams were each sentenced, for their part in the attempted attack, to 25 years in prison by Manhattan Federal Judge Colleen McMahon. The judge criticized not only the defendants, but also what she viewed as the government's overzealous handling of the investigation. Referring to Cromitie, she said, "The essence of what occurred here is that a government, understandably zealous to protect its citizens from terrorism, came upon a man both bigoted and suggestible, one who was incapable of committing an act of terrorism on his own. It created acts of terrorism out of his fantasies of bravado and bigotry, and then made those fantasies come true." She added, "The government did not have to infiltrate and foil some nefarious plot – there was no nefarious plot to foil." She said the defendants were "not political or religious martyrs," but "thugs for hire, pure and simple."

Whether this plot was real or not, who knows? It's not like the FBI had a man inside planning the plot as the #2 ringleader, organizing and paying for the meetings, or recruitment.
Whatabout cuck
Your so right, we all wish our government would make more lists to categorize Americans from their social media posts and possibly instigate a plot to capture those dangerous people. I hope nobody here gets put on a list for their "dangerous" comments of killing Republicans! Lol
Nothing wrong with killing you republicans (terrorists)
FBI agents actually took an active part in "the plot" right from its inception according to court filings, evidence and dozens of interviews reviewed by Buzzfeed. One FBI informant from Wisconsin allegedly helped organize meetings where the first inklings of the plot surfaced, even paying for hotel rooms and food to entice people to attend. Another undercover agent allegedly advised the group on how to blow up a bridge to aid their getaway — and promised to supply them with explosives. And now members of the group are accusing the feds of entrapment.
boo hoo those poor dumb whites
Was he informing on them to the police, or generating/furthering the plot for the police? Is a mixture of that perfectly alright, and if so is the FBI not literally a part of the plot at that point?
Informed on them, then kept going to the meetings or whatnot.

As far as the FBI 'being part of the plot', no. That is just snow flaking that you got caught because you brought someone in that blabbed. As soon as people are willing to go buy a bomb to blow up shit here, I really hope that they are sent to a FBI undercover and not someone who will actually sell them real shit.

That said, I do think it would be worthwhile to have a step in between having people deradicalized from their social media induced crazy shit, and them being arrested for doing a crime or slaughtering a bunch of people.
Gee i sure hope the fbi doesnt entrap me by encouraging me to participate in a terrorist plot which i then willingly go along with but if i do im sure dryxi will impotently go to bat for me
My mistake. I thought this being a political thread the IQ would be above eggplant.
Just a bunch of patriotic liberals laughing at the rightwing militia morons go down squealing, we've been having a lot of fun lately, these clowns are just the warmup act for the 1/6 maniacs. When Trump is indicted we are gonna party hardy, but Gaetz Barrack, Rudy and a host of others will provide entertainment in the meantime.

Watching these stupid fuck republicans back peddle and try to memory hole the insurrection and vaccinations has been hilarious. I personally find it ironic that those who are vaccinated might get the "Wu Flu", while those who are too stupid will get something far worse and preventable. Swallowing shit comes with a price and can cost you your life these days.
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